【連點器|免安裝】OP AutoClicker 免費自動點擊器|滑鼠連點器程式(附Android 版/Mac版下載與使用教學)

Auto Clicker

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目前網路上有許多這類型的自動點擊器/連點器,例如:「OP AutoClicker」、「GS AutoClicker」、「按鍵精靈」、「滑鼠連點」、「連點程式」、「連點腳本」、「自動連點」。這些點擊程式使用上大同小異,我有時候會同時使用2款滑鼠連點器來完成我所需要的動作。

本文介紹「OP AutoClicker」連點器/自動點擊器下載和使用教學

連點器,什麼是「自動點擊器」(Auto Click/Mouse Clicler)?

為了連續點擊固定的按鍵來完成指令,有時這種自動點擊工具還是必須的,無論是玩手機遊戲/電腦遊戲用來重覆蒐集素材、施放技能、練級還是日常辦公,只要在電腦前用雙手需要重複性動作以完成的動作,Autoclicker 都可以替你完成!


OP AutoClicker,介紹

【軟體名稱】OP AutoClicker (官網)

【語    言】英文

【Android 版下載】Android 版下載(chromebook 上,僅支持點擊Android 應用程序)。免費且無廣告。

【下載適用於 Mac 操作系統】OP AutoClickerMAC 下載














OP AutoClicker,使用教學

OP AutoClicker 是免安裝的連點器程式,點擊下載好後,點開程式就能直接使用了,操作介面雖然是全英文,但用過幾次後就會使用了(其他的自動點擊器一樣)。

以下介紹如何開始你的「OP AutoClicker」連點器設定教學

Step 1.設置點擊之間的時間間隔

Click interval 每次點擊時間的間隔,依序是小時、分鐘、秒、毫秒,當你按下開始後,程式每次動作所間隔的時間,1秒就代表每秒會進行一次 Click (點擊)。

OP AutoClicker

Step 2. 選擇要單擊的鼠標按鈕和單擊類型。

Click options 進行動作的設定,在 Mouse button 可以選擇 Left、Middle、Right,也就是代表滑鼠的左鍵、中鍵、右鍵。

Click type 有 Single 跟 Double ,指的是要點一下還是點兩下。

也就是說如果說設定 1secs、Left、Double 的話,就是每秒點擊左鍵2下

如果設定 100 milliseconds、Right、Single 的話,就是每0.1秒點擊右鍵1下

OP AutoClicker2

Step 3.設置重複模式和點擊次數。

Click repeat 指的是要重覆點擊幾次,如果選擇上面的 Repeat 並輸入你要的次數,假設輸入100,程式就會自動執行100次設定的動作

如果選擇的是 Reapeat until stopped ,那程式就會反覆不斷執行直到我們去停止它(按任何一鍵或移動滑鼠)。

OP AutoClicker3

Step 4. 選擇您要單擊的位置。

Cursor position 以滑鼠指標的位置(螢幕座標位置)

點選 Pick location 後可看到有個座標跟著你的滑鼠在跑,在你想要的位置點一下後,程式會自動幫你設定好螢幕當前的位置(X,Y) X軸與Y軸的數字,當你開始執行時,滑鼠鼠標會移動至選擇設定的位置。

 Start (F6) 按下 F6 會開始執行連點程式,

Stop (F6) 再按一次F6就會停止

Hotkey setting 按下後會讓你輸入想要的按鍵來取代開始跟停止,也就是不一定要使用預設的F6

Record & Playback 則可以執行紀錄一個持續的動作,再用回放去重複執行

OP Auto Clicker4.jpg

Step 5. 單擊開始按鈕或使用熱鍵(默認 F6)開始單擊操作。

OP Auto Clicker5.jpg

OP AutoClicker,如何設置快捷方式(快捷鍵/Hotkey熱鍵)?使用教學

1. 單擊主面板上的熱鍵設置按鈕。

OP Auto Clicker6.jpg

2. 單擊熱鍵設置面板上的開始/停止按鈕。

OP Auto Clicker7.jpg

3. 按下要設置為熱鍵的鍵,然後單擊確定按鈕。

OP Auto Clicker8.jpg
OP Auto Clicker9.jpg

foodpanda 客服電話號碼台灣客服電話:0800-252-522

foodpanda 客服電話號碼 0800-252-522 (點擊可複製)

foodpanda 內用優惠碼 (點擊可複製)


OP AutoClicker,如何自動刷新網頁?使用教學


OP Auto Clicker10.jpg

2. 設置鼠標左鍵點擊刷新按鈕。

OP Auto Clicker11.jpg


OP Auto Clicker12.jpg


OP Auto Clicker13.jpg
OP Auto Clicker13-1.jpg
OP Auto Clicker14.jpg

5. 單擊開始按鈕或使用快捷鍵(默認F6)啟動自動刷新。

OP Auto Clicker15.jpg


AutoClicker 是免安裝的滑鼠連點軟體,以免費軟體來說功能己經相當足夠了 操作也相當簡單,是非常推薦的一個滑鼠連點程式

※ 延 伸 閱 讀 ※

【按鍵精靈|連點程式】自動點擊器 v1.8.5 去廣告版|XP/WIN/iOS版(附下載與使用教學)





【AdGuard Test and Review】2023 Strongest Ad Blocking Software Recommended – Say Goodbye to Annoying Ads! Complete step-by-step guide!


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Ads are everywhere. Have you ever come across ads that take up the whole page when you click on a website (you can’t even avoid looking at them)? What’s worse, you have to scroll down to find the button to close the ads. Why are we always bombarded with ads when we go online? Annoying ads are like hair dryers everywhere; even if you turn one off, another one keeps popping up to bother you.

That’s because, with changes in marketing methods, many free websites and social platforms like Facebook, Instagram and YouTube rely on placing ads to generate revenue.

In the pursuit of higher profits, ads have become more abundant, which can seriously affect the reading experience of users. As a result, many ad-blocking software programs have emerged and become increasingly powerful. Whether you want to block ads on Youtube or on your mobile phone, you can do it! In this article, we will introduce you to an excellent ad-blocking software, AdGuard.
Not only does it block different types of ads, but it is also compatible with all devices, ensuring your online safety and privacy. Follow me step by step to discover this highly acclaimed ad-blocking software that is a must-have for internet users.

AdGuard is the most powerful ad blocking software I have ever used. It’s virtually impossible to get around any ads, whether they’re website ads, Facebook ads, YouTube video ads or app ads. With AdGuard, you can virtually eliminate all ads and provide the most enjoyable browsing experience for everyone.

So how impressive is AdGuard?

In the following review, I will directly demonstrate its ad-blocking capabilities and present its features, download and setup instructions, as well as AdGuard reviews. This will allow everyone to truly experience the power of an ad-free browsing world – it’s like stepping into a whole new realm!

Why do you need an ad-blocking tool, and what are the benefits?

Every time I read an article, I come across an overwhelming number of adverts on the website. The adverts are everywhere, and sometimes there are so many that I can’t distinguish between the original content and the adverts. In addition, the adverts have become increasingly intrusive, forcing me to wait a certain amount of time or scroll down to see the article.

This situation significantly hampers my reading and information-seeking process and takes up a lot of my time. That’s why I’d like to share with you some of the benefits of using ad blocking tools:

1.Time saving: Reading articles without being interrupted or having to wait for YouTube ads.
2.Improved concentration: Avoid the distractions of pop-up ads and focus better.
3.Avoid frustration: When you need information fast, waiting can be a real test of your patience.
4.Avoid annoying ads when browsing with others: Some sites inexplicably display explicit ads, which can be extremely embarrassing if someone else is browsing with you.
By using ad blocking tools, you can enjoy uninterrupted reading, improve your concentration, prevent annoyance and avoid awkward situations caused by inappropriate ads.

Now I’m going to introduce you to this handy tool that has greatly improved my web browsing experience and work efficiency: AdGuard~

What is AdGuard?

AdGuard is an ad-blocking software that effectively blocks various types of website ads, social media ads, video ads, and more, allowing users to browse the web without the interference of ads. In addition to its ad-blocking capabilities, AdGuard also protects users’ internet security and privacy while offering parental control features. It is a powerful and highly acclaimed ad-blocking software.

AdGuard is a standalone ad blocking software compatible with Mac, Windows, Android and iOS devices.

What does “standalone” ad blocking software mean?

In the past, if we wanted to use an ad blocker, we often had to add browser extensions directly. If we used different browsers, we had to add the extension again. But because AdGuard is a downloadable, standalone software, you only need to download it once and it can work with any browser!

As well as effectively blocking ads, AdGuard also offers other useful features such as ensuring your web browsing is safe, protecting your privacy and providing parental control functions.

Features of AdGuard

AdGuard’s ad blocking is able to effectively block pop-up windows, video ads, top banners and sidebar banners. What’s even more impressive is that AdGuard can block ads without you even noticing!

Effective ad blocking and filtering

AdGuard can detect and block content related to phishing and fraudulent websites for you. It also alerts you to suspicious websites. In addition, AdGuard has a dedicated Tracking Protection Filter that keeps you safe online by preventing companies or businesses from tracking and analysing your online activity.

Protecting your internet security and personal privacy

AdGuard includes Parental Control, which allows parents to automatically filter content containing pornography, violence and other inappropriate material when their children use the Internet. This ensures that parents can let their children use the Internet with confidence. Please note that this feature is only available on Windows systems.

Parental control Comprehensive tutorials and after-sales service

The official AdGuard website has extensive tutorials! If you have any problems using it, you can find answers right at the top. If you have a problem that you can’t solve yourself, you can also email the support team for assistance.

Why should you use AdGuard when there are free blockers like Adblock?

There is another free ad blocker on the market – Adblock. So why did I decide to pay for AdGuard instead of using Adblock? Let me explain the differences between these two ad blockers!

  • Cross-device usability: Adblock can only be used within a browser, whereas AdGuard is a standalone ad blocking software. This means that AdGuard can block ads directly in any browser or application used on that device, without the need to add extensions when using different browsers.
  • Layout differences: When using Adblock, sometimes the ad space remains empty (with a grey background) even though the ad content is hidden. In contrast, AdGuard works like magic, completely blocking the ads on the website as if they never existed.
  • Larger ad blocking area: Adblock and AdGuard use different core technologies, which sometimes results in Adblock not being able to successfully block ads. The video below clearly explains the principles of AdGuard’s ad blocking technology.
  • Comprehensive features: In addition to ad-blocking, AdGuard offers additional Internet security, privacy and parental control features that make my Internet browsing experience safer and more worry-free.

Considering these points, I ultimately chose AdGuard over Adblock and highly recommend it to you!

AdGuard pricing plans

AdGuard is a paid ad-blocking software available for both computers and mobile devices, with a 14-day and 7-day trial period respectively. If you want to experience the joy of ad-free surfing, you can register and give it a try (but be warned, you can’t go back).

The paid versions of AdGuard are divided into ‘Personal Plans’ and ‘Family Plans’, the only difference being the number of devices allowed. The functionality is the same for both plans. The subscription options include “Annual Subscription” and “Lifetime Purchase”. Here is a table summarising the options for your reference:

Personal Plan1 deviceAnnual or Lifetime
Family PlanUp to 9 devicesAnnual or Lifetime

Feel free to choose the plan that best suits your needs!

I highly recommend the Lifetime Plan for both personal and family options! Since I started using it, my work efficiency has improved significantly and most importantly, it has made finding information in my daily life much easier! All those annoying ads are gone and it has improved my mood a lot.

If you don’t have too many devices, I suggest you consider pooling the purchase with someone else and enjoy an ad-free and safe internet experience together!

The difference between AdGuard’s free and paid versions.

In this article, we tested AdGuard’s free Google Chrome extension, which means that it can only block ads and perform related web safety checks on web pages displayed in Google Chrome.

AdGuard Browser Extension
(AdGuard – Browser Extension)

However, AdGuard offers a free 14-day trial for both the computer versions (Windows, macOS) and the mobile versions (Android, iOS). During this period, you can try out all the features of the paid version without having to pay.

AdGuard – Other Operating Systems
(AdGuard – Other Operating System Versions)

Whether you use a computer, phone or tablet, as long as it is compatible with the AdGuard operating system, it can block all types of ads, saving you the frustration of waiting for ads, closing ads or having software programs slowed down by ads.

Essentially, the only difference between the free and paid versions is the length of the trial period. We recommend that you download the Chrome extension first to experience it, and then try the free trials for different operating systems. If you find the features effective and suitable for your needs, you can consider purchasing the paid version to enjoy more advanced functionalities.


After conducting real-world tests, I have found that AdGuard is indeed a powerful ad-blocking software. Whether I’m browsing online stores, using the major social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram and YouTube) or searching for information, hardly any ads appear. It even effortlessly blocks those annoying pop-up ads, including the persistent banner ads on Pixnet.

This is the experience with AdGuard Chrome. Not only does AdGuard offer different versions for free trial experiences, but it also continues to develop more versions and AdGuard VPN. This allows us to use other applications without being bothered by ads, and even access applications that are restricted to certain countries or regions.

If, like me, you hate annoying ads, I highly recommend trying AdGuard’s free trial. Let’s experience an ad-free world together.

【VideoHunter YouTube Downloader】Mass download 8K video / 320kbps music with one click

How do you download YouTube videos? I used to use online YouTube downloaders, but I quickly found that they were often unreliable and the sites would shut down shortly after I got used to them. I would have to search for another one, and sometimes I would even end up on websites with malicious links. To put an end to this hassle, I found a great YouTube video downloader that I want to share with everyone. It’s called VideoHunter YouTube Downloader.

VideoHunter supports downloading YouTube videos in high resolutions such as 1080p, 2K, 4K and even 8K. You can also download videos as MP3 files. You can even easily download entire playlists. The software also supports proxy servers and, most importantly, it eliminates the problem of malicious links or blocked websites. Now we can download videos directly without wasting time looking for alternative tools!

VideoHunter YouTube Downloader is compatible with both Windows and Mac computers, so it’s suitable for everyone.

VideoHunter YouTube Downloader

Getting started

Once the installation is complete, you will need to log in to your member account to activate the software. If you don’t have an account, click on the small “Sign Up” button below and you can register directly from there, without having to navigate to a web page.

VideoHunter YouTube Downloader

After registration and login you will see the screen above showing the difference between the free and paid versions. The free version allows you to download 3 videos per day, with a maximum quality of 480p. The paid version removes all restrictions.

The monthly subscription fee for the paid version is US$9.95. If you opt for an annual subscription with a second person to share the cost, it becomes even more affordable, averaging less than $1.25 per person per month.

The subsequent download process should be familiar to everyone. Simply enter the URL of the YouTube video you wish to download, then click the “Analyse” button to start the download. A pop-up window will appear before the download begins.

You can also download popular live YouTube videos without being a premium member.

Video quality supports 1080P, 2K, 4K and 8K, but the actual quality of the downloaded video will depend on the source of the video.

If you want to download YouTube videos as MP3 files, that’s also possible. The tool allows you to download audio at up to 320kbps, making it easy to download YouTube music to your mobile device.

VideoHunter YouTube Downloader

Once you have selected the format and quality you require, simply click the ‘Download’ button below and the download will begin. The download is very fast and you won’t have to wait long for it to finish!

Once the download is complete, you can click on the adjacent button to see where the video will be saved. This is the default path, but if you want to change it, you can go into the software settings and make the necessary adjustments.

VideoHunter YouTube Downloade

From the settings screen, you can do things like change the storage location. You can also adjust settings such as the number of simultaneous downloads and whether or not to merge subtitles from the options at the top.

VideoHunter YouTube Downloader

VideoHunter YouTube Downloader also supports batch downloading of playlists, whether it’s your own playlist or someone else’s. Just paste the YouTube playlist link and you can easily download the entire playlist in one go!

If the video you want to download has CC subtitles, VideoHunter YouTube Downloader can extract and download the video subtitles, creating VTT format files with subtitles and annotations.

It also allows you to merge the subtitles into the downloaded video, so you don’t have to worry about losing the subtitle file.

If multiple language options are available, you can choose which language subtitles you prefer.

VideoHunter YouTube Downloader

For advanced users, VideoHunter YouTube Downloader supports setting up a proxy server within the software! By changing the proxy server settings, even if you are in a location with Internet restrictions, you can bypass the restrictions and download YouTube videos without any problems!


The amount of time I used to spend searching for tools to download YouTube videos has been greatly reduced by using VideoHunter YouTube Downloader. Not only does it offer faster and more efficient download speeds, but it also allows you to download YouTube playlists directly. Whether you want to download YouTube music or videos, it offers an ad-free experience. The download link is below. Give it a try and see for yourself!


VideoHunter YouTube Downloader ( Windows )

VideoHunter YouTube Downloader ( macOS )

【Limited Time Free】 YouTube Music Converter 1.2.2 (Batch YouTube MP3 Music Download)

How do you download music from YouTube? No need to search online for unreliable tools.

I have discovered this YouTube Music Converter tool, which is currently offering a limited-time free promotion.

Originally priced at $59.95, you can now download and use it for free.

It is a professional YouTube music download tool that allows you to download YouTube songs, music, albums and playlists. It can download music in formats such as MP3, M4A, AAC, FLAC, WAV and AIFF.

The music you download includes cover art, artist and album information.

If you need to download YouTube music, take advantage of this limited-time free offer before it ends.

If you miss the limited time free offer, you can use Ddownr, a high quality YouTube video and music downloader as an alternative.

Limited-Time Free Promotion Page

YouTube Music Converter 
YouTube Music Converter

Once you have accessed the promotion page, you will see the original price of this music downloader.

Click on the orange button below to proceed with your claim. Everyone, please take advantage of this opportunity.

If you click on the Limited Time Free Promotion page and find that the orange button below is no longer clickable, it means that the promotion has ended. Please try to claim earlier next time.

YouTube Music Converter for free

There are two ways to get your serial number.

One is to share this promotion on social media and the other is to enter your email.

I choose the second option (click on the small text “I don’t use Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn” to exchange for the serial number via email).

YouTube Music Converter for free

Then enter your email address, gender, operating system and other information and click “GIVE IT TO ME NOW”. That’s it!

YouTube Music Converter for free

At the end, you will receive the link to download the software as well as the serial number.

Next Step

You can also download the software from the link in the article. The serial number for this promotion allows free use on 2 computers for one year.

YouTube Music Downloader Software
After installing the software, open it and click on the key icon in the top right corner. Paste the registration code you received and click the registration button below to activate.

Downloading YouTube playlists
Next, find the music you want to download. On the right hand side you will see an ‘Add to List’ button. Click this to add the music to the list. You can add more than one song at a time.

Downloading YouTube songs
Once you have selected all the songs, click the “Convert” button in the bottom right corner to start the download.

Downloading a YouTube song
During the download, a progress bar will appear on the right. When the progress is complete, the circle will change to a folder icon, indicating that the music has been successfully downloaded. Click the icon to access the saved folder.

YouTube MP3 batch download
Once clicked, you will see that the YouTube music you have just downloaded is now on your computer. The default download format is .m4a, but you can change this if you wish.

YouTube Music Converter
On the main interface of the software, click on the settings icon in the top right corner. Here you can change the default output format. If you prefer MP3, simply select MP3. In addition to the music format, you can also adjust the audio quality, which ranges from 128kbps to 320kbps. The software also allows you to adjust the volume.

The download link for the software is below. If you need it, take advantage of the limited time free offer before it ends.


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加入我們即將舉行的網絡研討會,了解 如何 使用關鍵字研究 功能快速增加受眾 和流量。

通過在Long Tail Pro上手動跟踪關鍵字“網站設計” ,我們可以得出結論,每月大約有49,500人在搜索它:網站設計




讓我們重新看一下上面的例子。萬一您錯過了它,關鍵字“網站設計”實際上會產生大約177,000,000個 結果。您只需在Google中鍵入關鍵字並查看搜索結果即可找到答案。long-tail-keyword-strategy


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  • 分析關鍵字競爭力確定在Google排名前10位的結果中對不同關鍵字進行排名的難度。
  • 追踪您的排名衡量您的成功並使用新的排名跟踪器來監控關鍵字的排名方式。
  • 定制建議獲取您的域的自定義關鍵字難度建議
  • 還有更多…