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威德in果凍 一天幾包?






威德能量果凍 哪裡買?






威德清涼果凍 (能量)










1.水 2.麥芽糊精 3.高果糖糖漿 4.白葡萄果汁 5.乳酸鈣 6.檸檬酸 7.結蘭膠 8. 維生素C 9.白葡萄香料 10.檸檬酸納 11.氯化鉀 12.三仙膠 13.乳化劑(脂防酸蔗糖酯) 14.葡甘露聚糖 15.泛酸鈣 16.菸鹼酸 17.維生素E 18.維生素B1 19.維生素B2 20.維生 素B6 21.維生素A 22.葉酸 23.維生素D 24.維生素B12


  1. :維持身體的水分平衡,是所有生命活動的基礎,對於新陳代謝和身體功能至關重要。
  2. 麥芽糊精:常用作食品添加劑,可增加飲料的黏度和質地,但無特殊營養價值。
  3. 高果糖糖漿:甜味劑,可用於增加飲料的甜味,但長期高攝取可能與肥胖和代謝疾病有關。
  4. 白葡萄果汁:提供天然的水果風味和營養,含有維生素C和抗氧化劑,有助於免疫系統和健康。
  5. 乳酸鈣:鈣的來源,有助於維持骨骼健康和神經肌肉功能。
  6. 檸檬酸:酸味劑,可增加飲料的酸味,無特殊營養價值。
  7. 結蘭膠:凝固劑,用於增加飲料的質地和穩定性。
  8. 維生素C:抗壞血酸,有助於免疫系統、抗氧化和膠原蛋白生成。
  9. 白葡萄香料:用於增加飲料的風味,無特殊營養價值。
  10. 檸檬酸納:酸味劑和穩定劑,有助於保持飲料的品質和風味。
  11. 氯化鉀:鉀的來源,對神經和肌肉功能至關重要,有助於維持水分平衡。
  12. 三仙膠:凝固劑和穩定劑,用於增加飲料的質地和穩定性。
  13. 乳化劑(脂防酸蔗糖酯):用於混合水性和油性成分,以維持飲料的均一性。
  14. 葡甘露聚糖:甜味劑,可增加飲料的甜味,但營養價值有限。
  15. 泛酸鈣:維生素B5的一種形式,參與能量代謝和細胞功能。
  16. 菸鹼酸:維生素B3,有助於心臟健康和膽固醇調節。
  17. 維生素E:抗氧化劑,有助於細胞保護,對皮膚和眼睛健康有益。
  18. 維生素B1:參與能量代謝和神經功能,對身體的正常運作至關重要。
  19. 維生素B2:參與細胞能量生成和紅血球生產。
  20. 維生素B6:參與蛋白質代謝、免疫系統和神經系統功能。
  21. 維生素A:對視力、皮膚和免疫系統有重要作用。
  22. 葉酸:參與細胞分裂和DNA合成,對孕婦和胎兒健康至關重要。
  23. 維生素D:有助於鈣的吸收,維護骨骼和免疫系統健康。
  24. 維生素B12:參與紅血球生成和神經功能,維持健康的神經系統。


威德清涼果凍 (維他命)









威德清涼果凍 (綜合礦物質)










威德清涼果凍 (膠原蛋白)










威德清涼果凍 (纖維)
















威德in果凍-維他命添加維生素B群和多種維生素,讓人有元氣,工作更有效率! 建議經常在外奔波的外食族飲用,適時補給攝取不足之維生素。 零脂肪,適量的飲用不會造成負擔! 威德in果凍-綜合礦物質,添加人體所需鈣質、鐵質,以及常被忽略但也相當重要的鎂、鋅、銅。


威德in果凍-能量可提供約兩根香蕉的熱量(180大卡),主要成分因經過糊化,相較於白飯及麵包… 等等,所含的碳水化合物更容易被人體消化、吸收,最適合在運動前後、沒時間吃正餐時,作為迅速、方便的營養補給品。 零脂肪,適量的飲用不會造成負擔!


當早餐下午茶點心都很可以,孩子們可以準備開動囉! 【 威德清涼果凍】纖維採用可回收材質,把喝完的包裝壓扁後,也不佔垃圾袋空間。 大人小孩都愛~低卡的【台灣森永威德清涼果凍】不僅能輕鬆滿足飽腹感! Fiber-2膳食纖維還能促進腸道蠕動,改變腸道內的菌相,益生菌有營養來源,自然能讓腸道保持健康與好的張力。

威德in果凍 一天幾包?



強調「營養、飽足、方便攜帶、無咖啡因」等特點,非常符合 忙碌生活人們的需求。 目前共有能量、維他命、綜合礦 物質、膠原蛋白等四種口味: ✓ 能量:是運動前後時的能量補給、 忙碌沒時間吃飯又想維持身體 正常機能的最佳選擇!


Red Bull 能量飲料是適合素食者的。 Red Bull能量飲料中沒有任何由動物或動物原料衍生製成的成份。


【台灣森永】威德in果凍-能量白葡萄口味(180gx3入)x8盒- 全聯線上購-隔日達平台


1.請勿置於陽光直接照射處,開封後請儘早食用。 2.可直接食用,過了更好吃。




咖啡因會干擾神經系統和骨骼的生長發育,且能量飲料通常碳水化合物含量也較高,經常喝可能會提升體重、肥胖及牙齒腐蝕的風險。 咖啡因會刺激胃酸分泌,導致消化不良和泛酸。 特別是有胃潰瘍和火燒心症狀,或是喝完咖啡出現胃悶、胃灼熱、胃痛等症狀的人要少喝咖啡。


  1. 高咖啡因攝入:大多數能量飲料中都含有高劑量的咖啡因,這可能會導致睡眠問題,如失眠、焦慮和心臟悸動。長期過量攝入咖啡因可能對心臟健康造成風險。
  2. 糖分攝取:許多能量飲料中含有高糖分,攝取過多的糖分可能導致肥胖、糖尿病和心臟疾病等健康問題。
  3. 體內化學反應:能量飲料中的成分可能對身體產生不良影響,如提高血壓、增加心臟負擔和影響內分泌系統。
  4. 戒斷症狀:如果你每天依賴能量飲料,可能會在戒斷時出現頭痛、疲勞和情緒不穩定等症狀。
  5. 飲料之間互動:如果你同時攝取其他含有咖啡因或刺激性成分的飲品,如咖啡或茶,可能會增加這些風險。



威德in果凍–>補充能量Energy · 第一天來分享最近覺得喝得還不錯的果凍飲 · 喝它是為了補足身體所需營養素~~~ · 先來說說大家小時候一定有吃過「牛奶醣」的 …


今天在Costco台南店看到有販售果凍能量飲牌子是威德製造商是森永 18入售449元一包熱量180大卡 請問各位大大是否值得購買? 還是有C/P值更高的產品可以推薦謝謝大家

威德in果凍副作用 :: 連鎖超商/餐飲業者


#1. 威德in果凍健康嗎?就讓我們來認識一下吧!

威德in果凍 是一個非常適合當你運動完、食慾不振、忙碌時,可以迅速幫你補充一餐所需的能量食品,像有些孩子總是沒什麼食慾、又不愛吃蔬菜只愛吃外食,這時給孩子喝「威德in …

於 info.todohealth.com

#2. 威德in果凍缺點

威德in果凍缺點 ,大家都在找解答第1頁。今天在Costco台南店看到有販售果凍能量飲牌子是威德製造商是森永18入售449元一包熱量180大…jack18262:不過威德得缺點就是…

於 twagoda.com

#3. 跑全馬時會補幾食物嗎?? – Mobile01

缺點 是非常甜,建議在進水站前吃,順便補水,不然你絕對會受不了。 威德in果凍一包38元,部分便利商店即有售,一包180大卡,稍微重一些,吸收速度應該 …

於 www.mobile01.com

#4. 體驗丨低卡補充纖維【台灣森永威德清涼果凍】輕盈體態滿足飽 …

像孩子夏天沒什麼食慾、又不愛吃蔬菜、只愛外食,媽媽我們總擔心孩子三餐無法攝取均衡營養,這時候補充【台灣森永威德清涼果凍】就非常適合啦,蘋果口味香 …

於 suting16.pixnet.net

#5. [問題] Costco販售的果凍能量飲- 看板bicycle – 批踢踢實業坊

今天在Costco台南店看到有販售果凍能量飲牌子是威德製造商是森永18入售449元一包熱量180大 … jack18262 : 不過威德得缺點就是很大一包 01/07 22:37.

於 www.ptt.cc

#6. 【魚仔團購】附發票威德in果凍威德果凍森永膠原蛋白維他命 …

《產品口味》 清爽的白葡萄口味《飲用時機》 運動前後的能量補給、忙碌沒時間吃飯,又想維持身體正常機能的最佳選擇! 威德清涼果凍『維他命』 綠添加11種維生素, …

於 shopee.tw

#7. 元氣能量雙補給-用喝的機能果凍威德in 果凍-人蔘‧蜂王乳

看到這金光閃閃、瑞氣千條的金黃色包裝~! 真的是我認識的威德嗎?! 沒錯!威德in 果凍推出了全新口味:人蔘‧蜂王乳,以尊貴的金黃色象徵其奢華頂級 …

於 almpa0805.pixnet.net

#8. 威德清涼果凍(能量) – 台灣森永製菓股份有限公司

in Jelly 單入裝. 介紹說明. 運動休閒、食慾不振、忙碌時,迅速補充一餐所需,快速充電,活力in! 《產品特色》. 威德in果凍-能量可提供約兩根香蕉的熱量(180大卡), …

於 www.morinaga.com.tw

#9. 威德in果凍GOLD人參蜂王乳口味雙管齊下為您提神又養身 – 食力

威德in果凍 GOLD人參蜂王乳口味黃金色包裝,人參及蜂王乳的雙重加持, … 缺點:即使按壓管口的握緊處,仍有遇到開口因接觸面積小不好開,借用抹布的摩擦力才好打開的 …

於 www.foodnext.net

#10. 威德礦物質,膠原蛋白各2,生果実葡萄,草莓各1,迷你沁涼錠蜜桃 …

唯一缺點大概就是太小包一下子就吃完了@@!. 威德的in果凍之前有試吃過~主要是原味跟膠原蛋白口味~. 其實當成營養補充品是不錯的~口味也好~.

The Perfect Pairing: Enjoying Chocolate Chip Cookies with Milk for a Healthier Indulgence


“The Perfect Pairing: Enjoying Chocolate Chip Cookies with Milk” is an article that explores Americans’ love of chocolate chip cookies and the different ways they enjoy them. The research shows that 38% of people prefer to pair their cookies with milk, 33% opt for coffee or tea, 13% enjoy them on their own without dunking and 7% enjoy them with ice cream. This article focuses on the health aspect of pairing biscuits with milk, providing valuable insight into the nutritional benefits and portion control for a healthier indulgence.

Why are cookies paired with milk?

Why is milk so good with chocolate chip cookies?

What is the best cookie to eat with milk?

Can you eat chocolate chip cookies with milk?

Chocolate Chip Cookies with Milk – A Healthier Choice

Enjoying chocolate chip cookies with milk is a healthier and more nutritious option than other pairings. Milk is an excellent source of calcium, vitamin D and protein, which are essential nutrients for bone health and overall well-being. When paired with biscuits, milk provides a balanced combination of carbohydrates, protein and fat, making it a more satisfying and nutritious snack.

Nutritional Benefits of Milk

Milk is rich in calcium, which is important for maintaining strong bones and teeth. It also contains vitamin D, which helps the body absorb calcium more effectively. Milk is also a good source of protein, which helps repair and build muscle. Choosing low-fat or skimmed milk further reduces saturated fat intake, making it a heart-healthy option.

A Balanced Option

Pairing chocolate chip cookies with milk creates a balanced snack that combines the sweetness and indulgence of cookies with the nutritional benefits of milk. The combination of carbohydrates from the biscuits and protein from the milk helps regulate blood sugar levels, providing a steady and sustained source of energy.

Portion Control and Moderation

While enjoying biscuits with milk can be a healthier choice, portion control is crucial to avoid excessive calorie intake. Moderation is the key to ensuring you can indulge in this delicious pairing without overindulging in empty calories and sugar.

Chocolate Chip Cookies with Coffee or Tea

Pairing chocolate biscuits with coffee or tea can be a delightful and comforting experience, but there are a few things to keep in mind for a healthier indulgence.

Pairing with Coffee or Tea – Watch the Extras

Coffee and tea have their own health benefits, such as antioxidant properties and potential cognitive benefits. However, it’s important to be wary of added sugar, cream or flavoured syrups, as they can significantly increase the calorie and sugar content of the pairing.

Opt for Decaf or Herbal Tea

For those who are sensitive to caffeine or want to limit their caffeine intake, choosing decaffeinated or herbal teas is a wise choice. Herbal teas such as chamomile, peppermint or green tea offer unique flavours and potential health benefits without the stimulating effects of caffeine.

Enjoying Chocolate Chip Cookies on Their Own – Mindful Indulgence

Eating chocolate chip cookies on their own allows you to enjoy the pure taste and texture of this popular treat. However, mindful indulgence and portion control are key to enjoying the cookies without overeating.

Moderation is Key

If you’re eating biscuits on your own, it’s important to practise portion control and avoid mindless snacking. Savor each bite and be aware of your hunger cues to avoid overeating.

Savor the Moment

Take the time to enjoy the sensory experience of eating chocolate biscuits on their own. Paying attention to the taste, aroma and texture will make the treat more satisfying and enjoyable.

Chocolate Chip Cookies with a Healthier Ice Cream Choice

Pairing chocolate chip cookies with ice cream can be a delicious and decadent treat, but opting for healthier ice cream choices can make it a more health-conscious option.

Healthier Ice Cream Options

Look for low-fat or sugar-free ice cream alternatives to reduce the calorie and sugar content of the pairing. Some brands offer ice cream made with natural sweeteners or fruit flavours for a healthier twist on this classic pairing.

Smaller Scoops, Same Satisfaction

Enjoying a smaller portion of ice cream with your biscuits still offers the same satisfaction and indulgence. Opt for smaller scoops to maintain a balanced indulgence without compromising your health goals.



“The Perfect Pairing: Enjoying Chocolate Chip Cookies with Milk for a Healthier Indulgence” explores the popularity of chocolate chip cookies among Americans and the many ways they enjoy them. By focusing on the health benefits of pairing cookies with milk and offering tips on portion control and moderation, readers can enjoy their favourite treat in a healthier way. Remember, with the right choices and mindful indulgence, you can continue to enjoy the delicious taste of chocolate chip cookies without compromising your health.

Cat Health Concerns: The Impact of Eating Expired Cat Food and Safety of Unopened Cat Food

cat kibble
pixabay : expired cat food

Can cats eat expired food? Expiry date of cat food Expiry date of cat food

Many people are used to taking home more than 10kg of cat food on a single trip because of the size of the packs and the price. However, the freshness of food deteriorates over time and the nutritional value of food decreases with prolonged storage. The daily opening and closing of large packs of food can easily cause oxidation and moisture due to contact with air and moisture, making it appear that the food is softened and not fresh until half the pack has been eaten.

It is therefore advisable to pay attention to the shelf life of your pet’s food and to buy in appropriate quantities to ensure that your pet is eating fresh and nutritionally balanced food.

In this article, we’ll look at how to store dry food. After reading this article, you will know if you can still eat your pet’s kibble after it has expired!

Related questions in this article:

Can I eat cat food after it has expired?

How long can I keep cat food?

Can cats eat expired food?

Can cats eat canned cat food after the expiry date?

Cat food expiry – How to know when cat food expires?

Does cat food expire?

Cat food is usually packaged in large containers and can easily deteriorate if not stored properly.

Because cat food is high in protein, if it is not stored properly and exposed to moisture, it can become mouldy, wormy, produce falciparum toxin, etc.

If the spoilage goes undetected (difficult to see with the naked eye) and is accidentally fed to the cat, it can cause serious health problems for the cat.

Therefore, in humid weather, extra attention should be paid to the preservation of food to ensure that it is fresh and safe.

Generally, there are a number of ways in which you can tell if a cat’s food is out of date:

  1. ” Expiry date”: The expiration date of cat food is usually stated on the packaging and should not exceed the shelf life.
  2. Appearance: Expired food may be mouldy or rotten, have black or green spots or a foul odour, or the entire package may be softened.
  3. Taste: Expired feed may be odourless or tasteless.
  4. Nutritional content: Expired feed may lose its nutritional value.
  5. Inspection: Feed can be sent for inspection to confirm if it is out of date or spoiled.

What happens if your cat eats expired food?

As mentioned above, spoiled cat food can contain mould, worms or Aspergillus flavus.

What is Aspergillus flavus? If a cat ingests a large amount of cat food containing Aspergillus flavus in a short period of time, it is likely to have an acute toxic reaction which can be severe enough to cause liver damage, necrosis and ultimately death.

Because cat food is a dry food, it is usually dark in colour and strong in flavour, so if it is slightly mouldy, it is not usually easy to detect.

Therefore, in addition to careful inspection during feeding, it is important to keep the food in good condition.

Can cats eat out-of-date cat food?

Although cat food does not necessarily become mouldy or smelly after the ‘best before’ date, it is still labelled with a ‘use by’ date and a ‘sell by’ date, which are the results of tests carried out by the manufacturer, so it can still be harmful to your cat’s health if used for a long time.

pixabay : preserve your cat’s food

How to preserve your cat’s food

  1. Buy the appropriate pack size and buy approximately the same number of packs for your cat’s consumption rate. (We recommend one to two months’ supply).
  2. If you buy oversized packs, divide them into small bags and make sure the container is dehumidified and sealed.
  3. Avoid pouring food directly into an unwashed bucket (it is recommended to empty and clean the food container each time before pouring into a new one).
  4. When storing feed in cleaned containers again, make sure they are completely dry and free of moisture. 5. Remember to mix old and new food in storage bins and store them separately.
  5. When cleaning the storage bins, try to avoid the use of vegetable rags, brushes and other tools that leave scratches to prevent mould growth in the scratches. (The use of a sponge is recommended).
    . Storage environment must avoid excessive changes in temperature and humidity, stored in a dry and cool place is best. (It is best not to put the feed bag directly on the ground to avoid the infestation of insect crisis).
  6. Do not store dry food in containers that are too large and avoid frequent opening and closing to avoid deterioration.
  7. Store dry cat food bags in a cool, dry place below 100°F (38°C). This will prevent vitamin degradation and oxidation of oils and fats, which can cause spoilage.
  8. The best flavour is retained by storing cat food in its original bag, most of which have an inner bag to prevent oxidation of fats and oils.
    If stored at 120°F (48°C) for more than 48 hours, vitamin degradation or spoilage will occur more rapidly.
    Finally, it is important to remember that the shelf life on the feed package refers to the unopened shelf life.


Can I store canned cat food in my garage?

It is not recommended to store cat or dog food in an environment where the temperature cannot be controlled – such as a garage or outdoors (store in a cool, dry environment).

Store canned cat food in a temperature range of 50-100°F (10-38°C) before opening. (Do not freeze cans as this may change the taste and texture of the food.)

Should I use plastic storage containers for cat food?

Many cat owners prefer to store dry food from pouches in other containers. Studies have reported that storing dry food in a variety of plastic containers (garbage cans, ziplock bags, trash or kitchen bags, rubber/plastic containers, plastic buckets, etc.) can cause the odour and taste of dry food to escape and affect the flavour of the food.

Sealed zip-lock bags, rubbish bags and such plastic bags do not prevent fat from accumulating outside the bag. However, dry food can be stored in clean metal containers (small metal cans, metal dustbins, etc.). If you are more accustomed to using a storage container, place the entire bag of food in the storage container as is for optimum storage.

How do I store opened tins of cat food?

Opened tins of cat food should be stored in the fridge to prevent loss of moisture, to keep them out of the air as much as possible and to prevent odours from spreading to other foods. The best way to store them is to use an edible plastic lid that fits snugly over the top of the can to prevent moisture loss and odour transfer. If plastic lids are not available, plastic wrap works well to prevent moisture loss, air exposure and odour transfer.

Sealed zip-lock bags are effective in preventing moisture loss, but are not effective in preventing oxidation and odour dispersion.

How long will unopened cat food keep?

The shelf life of unopened cat food can vary depending on the manufacturer and the product.

Generally speaking, unopened dry cat food will keep for about a year and liquid food for about six months.

However, this depends on how the food is stored. It should be stored in a dry, cool place at the right temperature, away from direct sunlight and high temperatures.

It is also a good idea to keep an eye on the shelf life of your pet’s food to ensure that it is fresh and nutritionally balanced.

What is the risk of diabetes in cats due to high carbohydrate content in dry cat food?

Cats are carnivores. This means that a cat’s diet should consist mainly of protein, fat and water. Most dry cat foods are too high in carbohydrates and should be chosen carefully. A carbohydrate ratio of more than 30% is a very unnatural combination for a cat’s diet. Eating a large amount of carbohydrate over a long period of time means that your cat has less animal protein to eat, and some of the amino acids in animal protein are essential amino acids, which your cat can only get from the outside. If there is a deficiency over time, the body can become malnourished and ill.

Does the carbohydrate content of dry cat food seem too high?

In general, the carbohydrate ratio of dry cat food exceeds the cat’s requirements. This is because the dry food process requires the addition of some starch to help compress the food into shape. Therefore, if you are feeding dry food for a long period of time, it is recommended that you choose a brand with a high protein ratio for better health. Where possible, cats should be fed a canned or homemade food as their main source of nutrition, as this is closer to their natural diet and will be healthier.

How long can I leave dry food in my cat’s bowl? How long can tinned cat food last once opened?

How long will canned food keep once opened? There is no specific shelf life for dry cat or dog food, as long as it is stored in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight and not contaminated by insects or other pests. However, we recommend that you wash your cat’s bowl daily and replace it with fresh dry food.

Canned cat food should be emptied from your cat’s or dog’s bowl when the ambient temperature exceeds 50°F (38°C) and any uneaten canned food should be emptied within 4 hours.

Opened tins should be stored in the refrigerator at 40-45°F (4-7°C) for up to 5-7 days.


8日間 自力でシミを取った私の記録/8日間 自力でシミを取った私の記録 ネタバレ



特に興味を持たれるのは、「8日間 自力でシミを取った私の記録」という情報です。以前は情報商材として販売されていたようですが、現在では入手困難な状況のようですね。


『8日間 自力でシミを取った私の記録』のような情報商材は過去のものとして、現在の効果的なシミ取り方法を見極める必要があります。しっかりと情報を収集し、自身に合った方法でシミ対策を行うことで、より良い結果が期待できるでしょう。シミに対する悩みを抱える方々が一歩前進できるよう、適切な情報提供に努めてまいります。」




①老人性色素班(ろうじんせいしきそはん) ②炎症後色素沈着(えんしょうごしきそちんちゃく) ③肝斑(かんぱん) ④そばかす(雀卵斑)



  1. 湘南美容外科のシミ取り: 湘南美容外科は、専門的な施術で顔のシミを取り除くことができるクリニックです。この施術では、レーザーやイオン導入、フォトフェイシャルなどの方法が使われます。施術は比較的短時間で行われ、効果的にシミを薄くすることが期待できます。
  2. ニベアを使う方法: ニベアは一般的なスキンケアアイテムですが、その保湿成分がシミにも効果的だとされています。ニベアを気になるシミ部分に塗布して、定期的にケアすることで、シミの薄さを改善することができるかもしれません。
  3. 重曹を使う方法: 重曹は優れた除去剤としても知られています。少量の重曹を水と混ぜてペースト状にし、シミに塗布します。軽くマッサージした後、洗い流します。継続的なケアが必要ですが、シミの見た目を軽減する効果が期待できます。
  4. 個人経験談に基づく方法: ネット上や口コミなどで見つかる個人の経験談も参考になります。中には8日間で自力でシミを取ったというような成功体験もありますが、個人差が大きいため、確実な効果を保証するものではありません。しかし、他の方法と併用する際の参考として利用することができます。



#1. 8日間自力でシミを取った私の記録!顔のシミを自分で取る …

そういうわけで今回は、私が現在やっている顔のシミを自分で取る方法をご紹介していきます。 湘南美容外科のシミ取りなら2680円で効果を期待できます。

於 nipponbudokan.jp

#2. 8日間 自力でシミを取った私の記録【ネタバレ!】簡単に顔 …

いつのまにかポツンとできてしまっているシミ。どうやって消せばいいのか?調べると、「8日間 自力でシミを取った私の記録」というものがあります。

於 daybydayblue.info

#3. 8日間自力でシミを取った私の記録って何?【最短で減らす …

結論を言うと、8日間 自力でシミを取った私の記録というのは、以前売られていた情報商材のようです。 調べてみましたが、今は売られていないようです …

於 www.rifeconference.com

#4. 自力でシミを取った私の記録|TikTokで検索

於 www.tiktok.com

#5. 【実話】私が1週間でシミを取った方法【シミ消す方法】

こんばんは 今日は、シミを1週間で取った方法について動画にまとめてみました✨日々のスキンケアももちろん大事ですが、時には医療の力を借りるのも …

於 www.youtube.com

#6. 8日間 自力でシミを取った私の記録とは、あぶない情報商材

「8日間 自力でシミを取った私の記録」とは、以前販売されていた情報商材です。 セールスページに出てくる動画は、シミ取りレーザーを受けた動画になっています …

於 lapislazulihappy.com

#7. 顔のシミを自分で取る4つの方法!お金をかけない …

また、ニベアを使う方法や8日間で自力でシミを取った人の方法、重曹を使った … Q.「8日間自力でシミを取った私の記録」っていう記事があると聞いたのですが、どんな …

於 www.mutenka-okada.com

#8. 顔のシミを消す方法とは?自宅で簡単にできるケアと皮膚科の …

【医師監修】できてしまったシミを自分で消す方法は?お金をかけずに家で簡単にできる顔のシミ・そばかす対策を解説します!ドラッグストアで買える …

於 customlife-media.jp

#9. 「うそでしょ!?」突如現れた顔のシミ。お金をかけずに自力で …

シミ 消しクリームを塗ると広がった!? とにかくシミをすぐにでも消したい私は、真っ先に美容外科でシミ取りをしようと思い、ネットで調べました …

於 woman-calendar.jp

#10. シミ取りレーザーの経過レポ【術後から1年間の画像アリ …

シミ取り レーザーの中でも一番痛みが強く、ダウンタイムの期間も長いQスイッチルビーレーザーによるシミ取り治療を実際に体験してみました! 今回体験したのは、 …

於 www.biyouhifu.com



  1. ニベアを使う方法: ニベアは保湿成分を含んでおり、肌を柔らかくし、シミの見た目を軽減するのに役立ちます。洗顔後、シミの気になる部分にニベアを塗布し、マッサージすると効果的です。日常的なケアとして、継続的な使用が重要です。
  2. 重曹を使う方法: 重曹は軽い皮剥けやメラニンの排出を促す効果があり、シミを薄くするのに役立ちます。適量の重曹に水を混ぜてペースト状にし、シミに塗布します。5〜10分程度放置した後、ぬるま湯で洗い流します。週に数回の頻度で行うことで、改善が期待できますが、肌の刺激には注意が必要です。
  3. レモンジュースを使う方法: レモンジュースにはビタミンCが豊富で、シミの薄くなる効果があります。レモンの果汁をシミ部分に塗布し、5〜10分程度放置した後、ぬるま湯で洗い流します。ただし、レモンジュースは肌を刺激する可能性があるため、敏感肌の方は注意が必要です。また、日光に当たる前に使用することが重要です。
  4. ヨーグルトパックを使う方法: ヨーグルトに含まれる乳酸がシミの薄くなる効果を持っています。無糖のヨーグルトを顔全体に塗布し、5〜10分程度放置します。その後、ぬるま湯で洗い流します。週に2〜3回程度行うことで、肌のトーンを均一に整える効果が期待できます。


How to brush your teeth? Dentists crack 3 misconceptions to teach you the right time to brush your teeth!

brush your teeth

Brushing our teeth sounds simple. Since childhood, we have been taught to brush our teeth every day and after three meals, otherwise we will get tooth decay, bad breath, periodontal disease, and rotten teeth, and we have to clean our teeth once every six months to ensure dental health. Theoretically, brushing is something we should do every day, but according to a survey by the National Health Service, as many as 99.2% of adults in Taiwan have periodontal problems. This figure represents at least several meanings.

  1. Many people do not brush their teeth at the right time
  2. Many people do not brush their teeth the right way
  3. Many people are not clear about the choice of toothbrush and toothpaste

There is never a shortage of news about brushing. Some people say that you can’t brush your teeth immediately after drinking acid. Is it true? I have heard that human beings do not need toothpaste at all, and that a toothbrush is enough? In order to answer these questions, the two dentist partners of the MedPartner team will explain in detail what you need to know about brushing your teeth through this article.

Without further ado, let’s get to the lesson!

What are you brushing? The focus is on removing plaque!

According to the National Health Bureau, 75% of the nationals brush their teeth at least twice a day, but as many as 99% of them have periodontal disease of varying severity, and the rate of tooth decay in children under 6 years old is as high as 80%. The answer is revealed: you can’t brush your teeth.

I know you’re thinking, “You can’t brush your teeth? I brush my teeth every day! You need to teach me how to do that?” But do you really know how to brush your teeth properly? Ever since you were a kid, like studying English math, there was a textbook telling you how to brush? Many people do brush their teeth, but they really get the point wrong and do it the wrong way.

Brush your teeth to get rid of plaque

Brushing your teeth is not just a matter of taking a brush to your mouth and snoring it around. What is plaque? You can think of it as the biofilm in your mouth. Okay, the next question is, what is biofilm?

Biofilm is a combination of microorganisms and organic matter on a hard surface. You can think of it as a colony of bacteria on the surface of your teeth.

The acid produced by the metabolism of the bacteria in plaque can erode the enamel on the surface of the teeth. Although enamel is the hardest part of the body, it does not have good resistance to acid, and the accumulated damage will cause tooth decay and cavities.

Plaque is not only on the teeth, but also in the gingival sulcus, which can lead to inflammation, resulting in the gradual destruction of the surrounding tissues and the loss of the alveolar bone that supports the teeth, and without the foundation to support the teeth, the teeth will gradually fall off. This is the periodontal disease that dentists are most concerned about.

Therefore, when cleaning, special attention should be paid to areas where plaque is likely to accumulate, such as

Side of the teeth
The area where the teeth and gums meet
Grooves and depressions on the teeth
Rougher surfaces on the teeth

The picture above is colored with plaque revealer to show the dead spots that are easily created by regular cleaning. The colored part is the plaque.

The most effective way to get rid of plaque is by physical force, such as brushing with bristles or flossing. Using mouthwash alone may only kill the bacteria on the surface of the plaque, but it does not completely remove the tribe of bacteria.

Many mouthwash manufacturers will say that they can kill a certain percentage of bacteria, but what they don’t tell you is that the bacteria they can kill are only on the surface of the plaque, as long as the plaque is not really removed, the bacteria will continue to grow next.

Brush your teeth without implementation, beware of tartar

If you brush your teeth properly, you are less likely to leave plaque behind. However, as I said earlier, too many people do not brush their teeth properly and the plaque left behind will calcify and form tartar.

When tartar is formed, it is difficult to remove it with a toothbrush or dental floss. The rough surface of the tartar will allow bacteria to attach better and cause more plaque to accumulate, resulting in a more serious inflammatory reaction. This is why you need to go to the dentist every six months for a dental cleaning and oral examination!

Seeing this, you should make up your mind to brush your teeth properly (?) But if you want to be good at what you do, you have to be good at what you do, so you should want to go to a weapon store and buy a prop, right? Then how to choose a toothbrush and toothpaste?

How to choose a toothbrush? Toothpaste and toothbrush selection principles

Before brushing your teeth, we must have a suitable toothbrush, there is a wide range of toothbrushes in the market, all kinds of shapes and colors, but in fact, you only need to grasp the following important principles for toothbrush selection.

How to choose a toothbrush

1.Soft bristles: Using a toothbrush with too hard bristles will cause damage to your teeth and gums, and it is also easy to brush your teeth with improper force, which can lead to problems such as sensitive teeth.

2.Small head: A toothbrush with too large a head will have many dead ends when brushing, especially when brushing large molars and other locations because the brush head is stuck in soft tissue causing unclean brushing

3.Upright bristles: Upright bristles allow the bristles to clean the surface of the teeth efficiently when the hand is moving. Don’t make the bristles too dense: too dense bristles tend to get stuck in food residue, and the toothbrush itself is not easy to clean and can easily become a breeding ground for bacteria.

Also remind, when the toothbrush is used for a period of time, the bristles will split, it is time to replace the toothbrush, keep the bristles upright in order to efficiently and do not hurt the gums to brush your teeth oh.

The role of toothpaste in toothbrushing

The main ingredients of most toothpastes are similar, but there are so many different kinds of toothpastes on the market because of the different kinds of auxiliary properties, the addition of different ingredients, and the respective brands and packaging.

The ingredients in toothpaste help remove surface stains and help prevent tooth decay through fluoride. All toothpastes certified by the American Dental Asscociation contain fluoride, which has the ability to prevent tooth decay. When it comes to toothpaste selection, choose toothpaste with different auxiliary properties depending on your needs, such as anti-sensitivity or periodontal anti-inflammatory.

For most people, the most effective way to prevent tooth decay is to use toothpaste with fluoride and the correct brushing method.

When is the right time to brush teeth? Can’t I brush after eating something sour?

The next question that we are most concerned about is when is the right time to brush our teeth?

The most commonly heard practice is “Brush 333”, which suggests brushing after three meals and before going to bed, and brushing within 3 minutes after meals, and brushing for at least 3 minutes each time.

However, the American Dental Association (ADA) offers a different recommendation on how often to brush after meals. The main reason is that the enamel of the teeth is very acidic and if you brush your teeth immediately after eating acidic foods, these acids may cause more wear to the teeth.

This seems to be different from brushing 333. So what can we do? Let’s take a serious look at it together.

The interval between brushing and eating acid has different effects on enamel and ivory

In a 2001 and 2004 German study on brushing after acid exposure (Ref. 2.3), teeth were divided into six groups and each group was first soaked in sprite light (Sprite, pH 2.9) for 90 seconds, and then immediately, for 10 minutes, for 20 minutes, for 30 minutes, and for 60 minutes. The results showed that brushing after 60 minutes caused the least damage in the group with brushing, but even in the group with brushing after 60 minutes, the damage to tooth enamel was significantly higher than that in the group without brushing.

In 2004, a similar experiment was conducted on the dentin (also known as ivory, the inner layer of enamel), which was also divided into six groups and treated with sprite light for 90 seconds.

Therefore, to summarize, the timing of brushing is basically after three meals and before bedtime, and at least 3 minutes per brushing. However, there is a special situation, if you have eaten or drank a particularly acidic food or drink, do not brush your teeth immediately, you can wait for a period of time before brushing, during which you can rinse your mouth with water or chew sugar-free gum to reduce the acidity on your teeth.

But speaking of which, there is still a problem! It’s really hard to brush your teeth 333 times, so if you can’t do it, is there a compromise? For dentists, instead of giving you a requirement that you can’t do, it’s better to give a standard that you can do, and it’s better to brush than not brush at all (sigh). The American Dental Association’s most basic requirement for brushing is.

  1. Brush your teeth at least twice a day. The American Dental Association does not recommend a specific time. On balance, we usually recommend once in the morning and once in the evening, after breakfast and before bedtime. Thorough brushing at least two times will get rid of most plaque.
  1. Floss properly at least once a day. Flossing removes food debris and plaque from between your teeth, which your toothbrush can’t handle.

Can’t you eat expired food? 15 types that are still edible!

expired food

Foods you can still eat after the sell-by date

There is a common perception that as long as food is consumed within its sell-by date, it should be safe to eat. But is this really true? Have you ever opened your kitchen cupboard and found pasta, tinned food or other items past their sell-by date and ended up throwing them away because of this belief? Is it possible that this mindset leads to excessive food waste?

Medical experts point out that expiration dates actually refer to the “use by” or “best by” date, and don’t necessarily mean that the food will spoil immediately after that time. Food safety experts have identified 15 types of food, including canned goods, bread and dried pasta, that can be eaten after their sell-by date if stored properly.

Food safety experts explain that the term ‘sell-by date’ refers to the final date by which a commercially packaged food product can maintain its quality under specific storage conditions. This date is set to ensure the efficacy and safety of the food when consumed. However, it is important to note that only food that has been produced, transported and stored in an appropriate environment within its use-by date is safe for consumption. Caution should still be exercised if the packaging is damaged, the food labelling is unclear, or proper storage measures are not taken after purchase.

What is “Expiration date” or “Expiry date.”

How is the “sell by” date of food products determined?

The ‘use-by’ date is set by manufacturers based on a wide range of data to provide a suggested range of dates for consumption under appropriate storage conditions. The purpose of this is to ensure the efficacy and safety of the food product. However, it is important to note that the use-by date is only a guideline and does not necessarily mean that the food is unsafe to consume once it has passed this date.

Foods you can still eat after the sell-by date

“15 types of food that can still be consumed after their expiration date”

“15 types of food that can still be consumed after their expiration date” are as follows:

  1. Canned goods: If stored in a dry environment, with no dents or rust on the can, they can be eaten up to 4 years past the expiration date.
  2. Cheese: It can still be consumed even after 1 month past the expiration date.
  3. Breakfast cereal: If the package is unopened, it can be consumed up to 6 months past the expiration date.
  4. Eggs: If they sink in water, they are safe to eat; if they float, they should be discarded.
  5. Frozen food: Due to low-temperature storage and dehydration through freezing, frozen food can still be eaten even if it has passed its expiration date.
  6. Cookies: If they don’t have an off smell or turn into crumbs, they can still be consumed.
  7. Cream: Put it in the freezer just before the expiration date to extend its freshness.
  8. Bread: Keeping it in the freezer will keep it fresh even after the expiration date.
  9. Packaged mixed vegetables: As long as they haven’t become mushy, they can be consumed after the expiration date.
  10. Cake Mix: Cake mixes are convenient for making desserts without the need to bake from scratch. If you have extra cake mix from a sale and it’s past the expiration date on the box, don’t discard it. You can still use it safely for four to five months after the expiry date if stored in a cool, dry place. Want to try something new? Check out these stunning cake recipes to bake this spring.
  11. Applesauce: Unopened jars of unrefrigerated applesauce can be safely consumed up to 18 months after the best before date if stored in a cool, dark pantry. For opened jars in the fridge, freeze the applesauce in ice cube trays and store the frozen cubes in an airtight container for future baking projects.
  12. Dried noodles: In a completely dried state, they can be kept for up to 3 years.
  13. Hard Cheeses :Hard cheeses like cheddar and Parmesan can still be eaten if mold has formed. Simply remove any moldy parts before using, whether it’s for mac and cheese or pasta topping. Typically, hard cheeses are safe to eat up to a month after the expiration date.
  14. Bread The best by date on fresh bread is meant for storing it on the counter. As long as there’s no mold, it’s safe to use for sandwiches or French toast. To extend its shelf life, store bread in the fridge (up to two weeks) or freeze it. Discover some magical methods to revive stale food.
  15. Butter Before it expires, freeze butter to extend its freshness. Once thawed, it’s best to use it all at once. If you have leftover butter, save it for your next baking project.

How long can food be kept?

Dried, vacuum-sealed and sterilised foods are less likely to spoil, but that doesn’t mean they never will. Once they have passed their ‘sell-by’ or ‘use-by’ date, their nutritional value and taste can deteriorate. Therefore, expired food can still be consumed, but it is advisable to use it as soon as possible to ensure the best quality.

“Expiration date doesn’t mean food is spoiled” – EU advocates for “zero waste.”

The European Union has launched a ‘Zero Food Waste’ movement, proposing to remove sell-by dates from the packaging of dry foods such as rice, pasta and coffee powder. This is to reduce food waste caused by people throwing away food when they see it has expired. The practice has already been introduced by the UK’s largest supermarket chain, Tesco.

This has sparked debate among food experts, with supporters pointing out that labels on dry foods indicate the ‘best before’ date, meaning that consuming the product before this date ensures the best flavour. Eating past this date does not necessarily mean that the food has gone off, but that it may not be as fresh.

How long can food be stored?

This depends on the storage method and the type of food.

Food safety experts believe that dry foods, vacuum-sealed foods and sterilised foods are less likely to spoil, but that doesn’t mean they will never spoil. If dry goods get damp, vacuum-sealed tins bulge, or food is contaminated with bacteria, it is not advisable to eat it, even if it has not reached its sell-by date.

Are Expired Cornflakes Peanut Butter Cookies OK?

corn flake peanut butter cookies
corn flake peanut butter cookies

I was cleaning out my pantry and found a box of cornflakes that had expired a few months ago. I hate to waste food, so I wondered if I could use the cornflakes to make peanut butter cookies. However, I wasn’t sure if it was safe to use expired cornflakes or if it would affect the quality of the cookies.

After doing some research, I learned that using expired ingredients is generally not recommended. While some foods may be safe to eat after their expiration date, it’s better to err on the side of caution and use fresh ingredients whenever possible. Expired cornflakes may not be harmful, but they can affect the texture and crunchiness of biscuits.

If you’re not sure whether an ingredient is safe or not, you can use your senses to help you decide. Look for signs of spoilage, such as mould or an off-colour, and smell the food to see if it has a sour or rancid smell. If the cornflakes look or smell off, it’s best to throw them away.

In the end, I decided to play it safe and use fresh cornflakes to make my peanut butter cookies. I hate wasting food, but I didn’t want to risk making myself or anyone else sick by using expired ingredients.

Recipe for cornflake peanut butter cookies

Here’s a recipe for cornflake peanut butter cookies that you can try:


  • 1 cup creamy peanut butter
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 cups cornflakes


  1. Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C).
  2. In a large bowl, cream together the peanut butter and sugar until well combined.
  3. Beat in the vanilla extract and eggs, one at a time, until the mixture is smooth.
  4. Add the cornflakes to the bowl and stir until they are well coated with the peanut butter mixture.
  5. Drop spoonfuls of the mixture onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, leaving about 2 inches of space between each cookie.
  6. Bake the cookies in the preheated oven for 12-15 minutes, or until they are lightly golden brown around the edges.
  7. Remove the cookies from the oven and let them cool on the baking sheet for a few minutes before transferring them to a wire rack to cool completely.
  8. Serve and enjoy!

These cookies are a delicious combination of sweet and salty flavors and have a crispy texture from the cornflakes. They’re easy to make and are sure to be a hit with peanut butter lovers!

corn flake peanut butter cookies recipes

Peanut Butter Cornflake Cookies (no bake)

This recipe is made with just 5 ingredients: peanut buttercorn flakes, sugar, corn syrup, and vanilla. They’re made right on the stove top and …

Peanut Butter Cornflake Cookies Recipe – Southern Living

To make Peanut Butter Cornflake Cookies, first combine the sugar and corn syrup in a saucepan until the mixture is just starting to bubble, then …

Cornflake Peanut Butter Cookies (No Bake)

Ingredients ; ½ cup (100g) granulated sugar ; ½ cup (160g) light corn syrup see note 1 ; 2 tablespoons unsalted butter optional ; ½ cup (120g) …

Cornflakes Peanut Butter Cookies

Ingredients: · 2 cups all-purpose flour · 1 teaspoon baking soda · 1/2 teaspoon salt · 3/4 cup butter or margarine, softened · 1/2 cup peanut butter · 1 cup firmly …

Grama’s Corn Flake Peanut Butter Cookies

Ingredients · ½ cup white sugar. Great Value Pure Granulated Sugar, 4 lb · ½ cup light corn syrup · 2 tablespoons butter · ½ cup peanut butter · 3 …

Easy Cornflake Cookies {NO Corn Syrup}

In a large pot, over medium low heat, melt the butter. · Pour the marshmallows into the pot and stir until completely melted. · Add peanut butter …

No Bake Peanut Butter Corn Flake Cookies

Begin by placing a large sheet of wax paper on the countertop. Pour the Corn Flakes in a large bowl. · In a small saucepan, heat sugar and syrup …

No Bake Peanut Butter Cornflake Cookies (5 ingredients!)

Combine sugar and light corn syrup. In a large saucepan, bring sugar and syrup to a boil; stirring with a spatula frequently. · Stir in peanut …

Peanut Butter Cornflake Cookies

 Instructions · In a large skillet, heat butter over medium. · Turn off heat and mix until marshmallows are melted. · Add in cornflakes and stir …

Cornflake Peanut Butter Cookies – Australia’s Best Recipes

In large electric mixer bowl, beat together margarine, peanut butter and sugars, until thoroughly combined. · Add eggs and vanilla essence. · Sift in flour, salt …

Refined Sugar and Immunity: How Inhibited White Blood Cells Impact Health

Refined sugar to Avoid It

White blood cells are part of the immune system and help the body fight off infections and foreign substances. A study has shown that too much refined sugar reduces the function of white blood cells. Eating 100 grams of refined carbohydrates such as fructose, glucose and sucrose inhibits white blood cells. The ability to phagocytise and eliminate harmful micro-organisms reaches 50% and this immunosuppressive ability lasts for more than 5 hours.

According to experts in nutritional and functional medicine, the normal white blood cell count is generally around 4,500-10,000 per ul. If it is above this range, it may represent a bacterial infection, burns, tissue damage or even leukaemia, commonly known as blood cancer; if it is below this range, it may represent a viral or protozoan infection, aplastic anaemia, splenomegaly, side effects of chemotherapy or certain drug treatments.

An article published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2014 stated that ingesting 100 grams of refined carbohydrates, such as fructose, glucose, sucrose and orange juice, will begin to inhibit the phagocytosis of white blood cells and eliminate harmful microorganisms within 30 minutes, the ability to reach 50%; and this immunosuppressive effect will last for more than 5 hours. Therefore, in order to protect the immune system, the public must limit the intake of refined sugar.

What Is Refined Sugar?

Refined sugar, also known as white sugar or table sugar, is a highly processed and purified form of sugar that is commonly used as a sweetener in foods and drinks. It is derived from sugar cane or sugar beets and undergoes several processing steps to remove impurities and produce the crystalline white substance that is familiar to most people.

The process of refining sugar involves crushing the sugar cane or sugar beets to extract the juice, which is then heated and treated with chemicals such as lime and carbon dioxide to remove any impurities. The resulting liquid is then evaporated and boiled until sugar crystals form, which are then separated from the liquid and dried to produce the final product.

Refined sugar is composed of sucrose, a type of carbohydrate that is easily digested and provides energy to the body. However, it is considered a “empty calorie” as it contains no essential nutrients such as vitamins or minerals. It is often criticized for its high caloric content and potential negative effects on health when consumed in excess, including weight gain, tooth decay, and an increased risk of certain diseases such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Here is a table summarizing the advantages and disadvantages of refined and natural sugars:

AdvantagesRefined SugarNatural Sugar
SweetnessHighLower due to other natural components
PurityVery highMay contain impurities, but not necessarily harmful
SolubilityDissolves easily in liquidsMay not dissolve as easily
AvailabilityWidely availableMay be less readily available
TextureFine, uniform crystalsMay have varying textures
Shelf LifeLong shelf lifeShorter shelf life
ProductionCan be mass-produced at low costMay require more resources to produce
DisadvantagesRefined SugarNatural Sugar
Nutritional ValueEmpty calories, no essential nutrientsMay contain small amounts of vitamins and minerals
Health EffectsMay contribute to obesity, diabetes, and other health issuesMay have less of an impact on health, but excessive consumption can still be problematic
ProcessingHighly processed with chemicalsMinimal processing or no processing
Environmental ImpactProduction can have negative environmental impactsProduction may have less of an impact on the environment
CostLow costMay be more expensive due to production methods and availability

Some natural sugars are better than others

While natural sugars are generally considered healthier than refined sugars, it is important to note that not all natural sugars are created equal in terms of their impact on health.

For example, fruits and vegetables contain natural sugars such as fructose and glucose that are accompanied by a variety of other beneficial nutrients, including fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants. These sugars are absorbed slowly into the bloodstream and can provide sustained energy without causing rapid spikes in blood sugar levels.

On the other hand, highly processed natural sweeteners such as agave nectar or honey may contain high levels of fructose and have a similar impact on the body as refined sugar. They may also lack the beneficial nutrients found in whole fruits and vegetables.

Furthermore, some natural sugars can have a negative impact on dental health. For example, natural sugars found in dried fruits, fruit juice, and even some vegetables can cling to teeth and promote the growth of harmful bacteria, leading to tooth decay and cavities.

Overall, it is important to choose natural sweeteners that are accompanied by other beneficial nutrients and consume them in moderation to support overall health and wellbeing.

How to avoid refined sugar

Avoiding refined sugar can be a challenge since it is present in many processed and packaged foods. However, there are several strategies that can help reduce your intake of refined sugar:

  1. Read food labels: Look for hidden sources of sugar, such as high fructose corn syrup, dextrose, and maltodextrin. Avoid foods that list sugar or a sugar derivative as one of the first ingredients.
  2. Choose whole foods: Opt for whole, unprocessed foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. These foods contain natural sugars that are accompanied by fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
  3. Use natural sweeteners: Use natural sweeteners like honey, maple syrup, or stevia in moderation to add sweetness to your food and drinks.
  4. Cook from scratch: Prepare your meals at home using fresh ingredients, and avoid processed and packaged foods that often contain added sugars.
  5. Be mindful of beverages: Many beverages, including soda, sports drinks, and juice, are high in sugar. Choose water or unsweetened beverages instead.
  6. Gradually reduce your intake: Gradually reduce your intake of refined sugar over time to allow your taste buds to adjust to less sweet flavors. This can help you develop a preference for less sweet foods and drinks.

By implementing these strategies, you can reduce your intake of refined sugar and support your overall health and wellbeing.

The incidence of 14 types of Cancer among young people has increased! 7 small dietary changes, Cancer cells do not take you as a target

Nutrition guidelines
Nutrition guidelines

In recent years, many celebrities have died prematurely due to cancer. Many people used to think that serious illnesses such as cancer are diseases that belong to older people, but according to a worldwide study, the proportion of people under the age of 50 suffering from cancer is increasing, including breast cancer, kidney cancer, liver cancer, pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer and 14 other types of cancer have a tendency to develop early.

According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), an agency of the WHO, there is a tendency to increase the number of early-onset cancers among people under the age of 50. The research team found that 14 cancers, including breast, endometrial, colon, stomach, bile duct, gallbladder, head and neck, kidney, liver, pancreas, esophagus, prostate, bone marrow, and thyroid cancers, have a tendency to increase in the cancer registry records of 44 countries.

For example, colorectal cancer, which has the third highest mortality rate, has increased by 2% annually in the United States, Australia, Canada, France, and Japan, 3% in the United Kingdom, and 5% in Korea. Shuji Ogino, a professor of pathology at Harvard University, explained that although the increase may seem small, the rising trend of cancer becoming younger can be imagined as inflation, and although the annual increase is only 2%, there will be a huge change in 10 or 20 years.

Interestingly, the study also found that “the later the birth, the higher the risk of cancer”. For example, people born in the 1960s had a higher risk of cancer before the age of 50 than those born in the 1950s, and the team expects this trend to gradually increase in later generations, probably because of risk factors associated with exposure at younger ages.

In addition to medical advances, the rising trend of cancer in young people is related to lifestyle and diet

Shuji Ogino said that although some cancers, such as thyroid cancer, are on the rise, partly due to medical advances that make it easier to detect cancer, this does not fully explain the trend. The increase in early-onset cancer is also associated with a number of unhealthy risk factors, including shift work, lack of sleep, smoking and drinking habits, as well as obesity, physical inactivity, diabetes, a diet of red meat and excess sugar, and environmental pollution.

Among these, diet is probably one of the most important parts of the population to focus on. Tomotaka Ugai, a pathology researcher at Harvard University and lead author of the study, noted that of the 14 types of cancer on the rise, eight are related to the digestive system. The food we eat feeds the microbes in our intestines, and diet directly affects the composition of the intestinal flora, which ultimately leads to changes in the flora that affect disease risk.

Many studies have pointed out that cancer-causing mechanisms are related to intestinal bacteria. Once the number and variety of normal microorganisms that coexist peacefully in the human intestine are reduced, they are likely to be replaced by pathogenic pathogens, which can cause many diseases, including cancer.

7 dietary tips to avoid cancer in the body, exercise and sleep habits should be noted

Therefore, in order to avoid accumulating cancer-causing risk factors in the body, cancer prevention should start at a young age. According to the health education data of Kuandu Hospital, the processed red meat, fried and deep-fried food, as well as delicate cakes, desserts and other delicacies that are commonly eaten will greatly increase the chance of breast cancer and colorectal cancer. In order to prevent cancer, there are important points to note in the diet.

  1. Adequate daily intake of fruits and vegetables: 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily, or 7 servings (4 servings of vegetables and 3 servings of fruits) for those with a family history of cancer. Through a variety of nutrients and phytochemicals can hinder the development of cancer.
  2. Increase roughage to avoid refinement: use brown rice, germ rice, cereal and white rice.
  3. Healthy cooking: less oil, less salt, less sugar, mainly boiled, steamed, braised and chilled.
  4. Control the intake of red meat: chicken, deep-sea fish, seafood and other white meat instead of red meat.
  5. Eat more fresh food: eat less food with additives and less processed drinks.
  6. Avoid processed beverages: drink less sugary drinks and moderate alcohol consumption.
  7. Balanced diet: maintain a balanced nutrition.

In addition to diet, lifestyle habits are also very important. To avoid cancer at a young age, it may be more effective to exercise than to spend money on increasing the frequency of health checkups and conducting high-level examinations. Studies have found that exercise can activate the body’s T cells and reduce fat accumulation. Although it does not mean that regular exercise will definitely prevent cancer, without exercise, cancer will be more likely to appear in the body.

Doctors suggest that you should exercise for 30 minutes a day to avoid obesity and to increase metabolism and eliminate apoptotic cells. In addition, you should also avoid staying up late, day and night, and maintain normal work and rest.

Expert warning: many people do not know how to eat eggs – fatally dangerous!

how to eat eggs

The key 2 actions before boiling eggs “the reverse order of fear of injury”

Many people like the taste of semi-cooked eggs, and some people like to eat hot pot with raw eggs to enjoy, but beware! If the eggs are not cleaned before cooking, the eggshell may have pathogenic bacteria such as Salmonella, which can cause acute enteritis gastroenteritis if eaten, and can be fatal; and if the eggs are cleaned, do not put them in the refrigerator again, otherwise it will increase the possibility of microbial invasion.

Experts remind that eggs must be washed before cooking, and the cooking method must be cooked until fully cooked, in order not to have health and safety concerns.

According to a survey on egg purchasing behavior conducted by the Food and Nutrition Center in 2022, 36% of people often eat semi-cooked eggs and 1% of people eat raw eggs.
Worse still, an even higher percentage (55%) of people who eat semi-cooked or raw eggs do not wash their eggs before cooking, which is a concern for health and safety.

The director of the Food and Nutrition Center said that the surface of the egg shell is easily contaminated with E. coli and Salmonella due to chicken droppings. If the surface of the egg is not cleaned before the egg is beaten, the egg shell and the edible egg will come into contact with each other causing pathogenic bacteria contamination.

To kill Salmonella, the cooking temperature must be 71°C. Salmonella can be avoided by “washing before cooking + fully cooked”.

What should I be aware of when eating eggs? Cholesterol? Or salmonella?

Many people think that eating eggs requires attention to high cholesterol, but in fact, moderate intake of eggs does not cause a burden on the body!

Elevated cholesterol mostly comes from saturated fat (such as pancetta, cream, ice cream), but should pay more attention to eggs “wash before cooking + fully cooked” to avoid eating salmonella!

However, special attention should be paid to avoid washing the eggs with water and then refrigerating them, which may damage the “protective film” due to humidity, not only failing to eliminate Salmonella, but also increasing the possibility of disease-causing microorganisms invading the eggs, so they should be washed before cooking.

Lecithin is used as a blood scavenger to remove bad cholesterol, and choline is used to synthesize acetylcholine, an important neurotransmitter that helps the brain to remember and learn.

Last but not least, she reminds us again that we must wash and fully cook our eggs before cooking in order to enjoy eggs safely, comfortably and healthily.

Fresh milk, long-life milk which is good?

Fresh milk, long-life milk which is good?

Fresh milk, long-life milk which is good?
Fresh milk, long-life milk which is good?


Fresh milk, long-life milk which is good? Experts explain: the difference in the way different processes

long life milk heritage special long life milk long life milk price checkerswhat is long life milk long life milk pick n pay alain long life milk long life milk walmart

What is the difference in nutritional value between fresh milk and long-life milk?

Fresh milk, milk powder, milk powder, which is the best milk product nutritional composition? It is recommended that adults drink 480 c.c. of milk daily to replenish calcium and related nutrients.

The nutritional composition of fresh milk and milk for life is the same and both do not contain preservatives

In terms of price, milk is cheaper than fresh milk, but many people think that the preservatives are added to milk so that it can last longer than fresh milk, so they would rather buy the more expensive fresh milk.

Many consumers wonder why fresh milk is made from raw milk or fresh milk, and why fresh milk needs to be refrigerated, while shelf-stable milk can be kept at room temperature for a longer period of time.

The difference between the two is in the sterilization, filling and packaging methods, not the addition of preservatives. According to the “Scope and Limits of Use and Specifications of Food Additives”, preservatives are not allowed to be added to fresh milk and milk for long term.

Different sterilization methods, but no superiority or inferiority

what is long life milk

Fresh milk is milk made from raw milk, packaged and frozen for drinking after heating and sterilization.

The nutritional value of fresh milk and milk for long term use is comparable, so you can choose according to your personal preference.

As for the product of raw milk or fresh milk, it can be stored at room temperature after sterilization. There are two types of sterilization methods, one is ultra-high temperature instant sterilization with aseptic processing and packaging technology, and the other is high temperature and high pressure sterilization method.

Both of these heating methods can effectively kill all microorganisms and their spores, and the package is an airtight container, so it can be stored at room temperature for several months.

Fresh milk tastes better and smells better, so it is more acceptable to the public, but the price is significantly higher than the shelf-stable milk. Regardless of the type of dairy product, it is recommended to have 2 cups a day (1 cup 240 c.c.).

Which is more nutritious, milk or fresh milk? No preservatives and no ice?

Many parents ask Dr. Wiley, “Why does fresh milk need to be refrigerated, but not the milk? Is it because of the preservatives added to the milk? In fact, it is a very common misconception that preservatives are added to milk. The way preserved milk is sterilized is different from fresh milk, and the way it is stored is also different.

For parents who want to provide their children with the calcium nutrition they need to grow up, in addition to commercially available fresh milk, Dr. Wiley also suggests that high-calcium, shelf-stable milk drinks are an easy and convenient alternative to fresh milk. In particular, milk beverages with calcium and other essential nutrients can be a good and healthy choice for children.

Doctors recommend that elementary school students can drink high-calcium cow’s milk daily, which has vitamin D, calcium, probiotics, lutein and other nutrients, which is not only portable, tasty and healthy!

The key is that the sterilization method is different from that of fresh milk.
The so-called “preserved milk” (quality in accordance with national standard CNS13292) refers to dairy products made from raw milk or fresh milk, which are sterilized by high pressure or high temperature, and packaged in sterile containers for consumption, and can be stored at room temperature.

The reason why it does not need to be refrigerated like fresh milk is that it is made from raw milk and the heat-resistant spores that cannot be completely killed during the sterilization process of fresh milk are almost completely eliminated by the “ultra-high temperature instantaneous sterilization method”. It only needs to be stored at room temperature, not in the refrigerator.

Aseptic Filled Packaging

Aseptic filling is used, and multiple layers of aluminum foil are applied to the paper container to block light and air, so it can be kept sterile even at room temperature.
Refrigerated fresh milk: The fresh milk is not packaged in aseptic packaging, and is packed in regular cartons, so it needs to be refrigerated to avoid the increase of bacteria.
Although fresh milk is made from raw milk as well as preserved milk, the fresh milk sterilization method cannot completely kill the heat-resistant spores of the bacteria in raw milk, so it must be refrigerated throughout the whole process, and the shelf life is only about 10 days.

However, the preservation period of fresh milk is only about 10 days.

However, some people like to freeze both the milk and the fresh milk in the freezer because they think it tastes better when it is frozen.

Who has the highest nutritional value, the milk or the fresh milk? Doctors: The calcium content of the milk is comparable to that of fresh milk.
Parents let their children drink milk beverages, such as milk and fresh milk, most of them are to let children take in calcium and protein and other nutrients. However, because of the use of ultra-high temperature instant sterilization of milk, some parents may be concerned that the milk through the high temperature sterilization process, whether the nutrition will also be eliminated together? Will the calcium content of the milk be as high as that of fresh milk?

In fact, the nutritional value of cow’s milk and fresh milk are similar. Among all the nutrients, calcium in milk is a relatively heat-resistant nutrient. Therefore, milk that has undergone instantaneous sterilization at high temperatures will still have the same amount of calcium as fresh milk and will not lose calcium due to the sterilization process.

In addition to calcium, the nutrients in raw milk, such as protein, fat, and carbohydrates, are also retained through the high-temperature sterilization process, so there is no need to worry about the loss of nutrients in the milk. According to the Food and Drug Administration’s Nutrition Facts database, the nutritional value of raw milk is similar to that of fresh milk. In addition, it is easy to store the milk without ice, so it is more convenient than fresh milk.

Drinking milk for calcium is not enough! Calcium deficiency is common in children, and several nutrients should not be ignored

From school children to adults, it is surprising that almost all have an important nutrient intake problem, this nutrient is “calcium”. Many parents can’t believe it, thinking that they give their children milk and fresh milk every day, so they should get enough calcium, right? In fact, the amount of calcium intake in the general diet is still not enough.

Calcium is the main component of the body’s bones and teeth, and insufficient intake will cause poor bone growth in children. In addition to calcium, vitamin D and protein, which are related to growth and development, are also nutrients that doctors recommend that parents should not ignore when supplementing their children’s nutrition.

What food should I avoid after dog bite?

pixabay : dog bite

A dog bite is painful, dangerous and instills a fear of the animal. It is estimated that around 20,000 deaths occur in India due to rabies caused by dog bites. Alarmingly, 36% of the world’s rabies deaths occur in our country every year. Sadly, most of the victims are children bitten by infected dogs.

Surprisingly, a person is more likely to be bitten by a dog they know than a street dog! Basically, you can get bitten by a dog when you least expect it and there’s probably not much you can do about it.

Even if the bite looks harmless, it can lead to serious infections, rabies and even death.

You can give first aid in the event of a dog bite, but it is best to have it checked out by a doctor. This is even more important if you have been bitten by an unfamiliar or unknown dog. If the wound does not stop bleeding, there is pus or redness with swelling, and the bitten area is warmer than the rest of the body, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. A dog bite must be treated with antibiotics or it will lead to infection.

Here is a general but important protocol to follow (as suggested by experts) when bitten by a dog:

  • Clean the bite with soap and water, gently pat dry.
  • Pat dry gently
  • If it is bleeding, apply pressure to stop the bleeding.
  • Apply a sterile dressing to the wound
  • Elevate the wound to a level above the heart. This will help reduce swelling and prevent infection.
  • Take antibiotics daily

It is imperative to visit a doctor if:

  1. The dog bite wound is large, deep and gaping
  2. If you are a diabetic, cancer patient or have AIDS
  3. If you any other diseases that reduce your immunity
  4. If the wound has not stopped bleeding after 15 minutes of applying pressure
  5. If there is a nerve or tissue damage due to dog bite
  6. If in the last five years you have not taken a tetanus vaccine
  7. If you are bitten by a stray dog or an unknown dog

Possible Complications in Dog Bite

Thousands of dog bites are reported across the country each year. Most of these bites are not serious and require little medical attention. Children are more likely to be bitten by dogs than adults. If you or a loved one has been bitten by a dog, there may be serious complications. Some of the problems that can lead to dog bite infections or other serious problems are as follows:

  • Disfigurement: A bite from a big, large and ferocious dog can cause serious damage. Given that the attack itself might be serious, it may cause large-scale disfigurement and scarring. Although rare, there have been reported cases from various parts of the country where dogs have bitten off limbs of smaller children. Facial injuries caused by dog bites or scratches can also lead to scarring that may stay a lifetime.
  • Rabies: Rabies is a disease that causes acute inflammation of the brain. This disease is seen in warm-blooded animals. Most pet dogs are vaccinated from rabies, however, if you get bitten or scratched by street dogs that have lesser chances of being locally vaccinated, you need to get medical help as soon as possible. Rabies is almost fatal as the body starts showing symptoms of the same.
  • Sepsis: This rare complication caused by a dog bite injury is commonly referred to as blood poisoning. It is a potentially fatal inflammation of the affected area that can lead to serious complications. High fever, elevated heart rate and low blood pressure are some of the symptoms of sepsis. Although treatable with antibiotics in milder cases, it may turn lethal if the infection has spread.
  • Meningitis: This is an inflammation of the membrane which covers the spinal cord and the lining of the brain. Since the inflammation occurs near some of the most important body parts, meningitis may sometimes be life-threatening. Bacteria or viruses present in the dog’s saliva can give meningitis to the person bitten.

Food preferences after a dog bite are a “non-issue”

Food preferences after a dog bite are a “non-issue”. What is important is that you clean the wound immediately, apply antibacterial medication and a dressing (bandage) and then find out if the dog is up to date with its rabies vaccination.

This happened to me when I tried to break up a dog fight. Within eight hours my hand was pink and swollen and my temperature was 102 (I NEVER get a temperature no matter how sick I am!).

So …. WATCH THAT WOUND!!! And if you feel the least bit sick, even if you look fine, just go to the doctor or A&E.

What you should be worried about is possibly getting the rabies virus (if it is a stray dog). Or a bacteria called pasturella. Look out for swollen skin to the point of cellulitis, along with fever and chills.

pixabay : oily, spicy food

Avoiding oily, spicy and non vegetarian food

Restrictions like avoiding oily, spicy and non vegetarian food during illness is a good practice, but sometimes it goes beyond the level of acceptance like avoiding fruits and taking maida based bread during illness and consuming milk while having gastro-enteritis.

There are no dietary restrictions following a dog bite and you can eat whatever you like to have.

Nothing other than what you would not normally eat. Eat a balanced diet so that your body has all the nutrients it needs to heal itself. And get medical help if the wound is severe, or if you don’t know the dog that bit you, or if you’re not sure if the dog that bit you has had a rabies vaccination and is otherwise healthy. Eating healthy, nutritious food will help your body recover more quickly.

You can eat anything you like. There are no dietary restrictions for dog bites. I would encourage you to get a rabies vaccination, regardless of the tetanus shot. You should also take care of the injury.

Overall, there are no dietary restrictions.

There are no special diets for people who have been bitten by dogs, and no foods to avoid or choose.

The most important question to ask after a dog bite is whether the dog has been vaccinated against rabies.

The most important thing to do is….

If you know the dog that bit you, or if the dog can be found, the most important thing to do is to find out when the dog last had its rabies vaccination (injection).

If the dog is up to date, there is no need to worry about getting rabies. If not, the dog will most likely be placed in quarantine (a supervised kennel or home care) under supervision to make sure the dog does not become ill or die.

If the dog cannot be found, seek medical attention immediately. The person who was bitten may need a rabies vaccination.

Rabies is common in some countries, such as India, but very rare in countries such as the USA. If more dogs were vaccinated, this terrible disease could be a thing of the past.

There are no special diet for people who have been bitten by dogs and no food to avoid or choose.

– Drink plenty of water and have fruits and vegetables and nuts

– Take care of your wounds .keep it dry and clean

– No dietery restriction

Dog bites and food to avoid have nothing to do with each other.

Foods you should always avoid

But foods you should always avoid;

  • Brussels sprouts
  • liver and onions
  • guacamole
  • sweet potatoes
  • octopus
  • almonds

Nothing other than what you would normally not eat. Do eat a balanced diet so your body has all the nutrients it needs to heal itself. And do seek medical help if the wound is severe or if you dont knownthe dog that bit you or if you’re not sure if the dog that bit you has been vaccinated for rabies and is otherwise healthy

Researchers have not found connection between food one eats and the progression or prevention of rabies infection.

Drinking coffee daily can interfere with brain aging and reduce the risk of cognitive impairment

coffee -dementia

Don’t be afraid of caffeine! Drinking the right amount of coffee can prevent Alzheimer’s disease?

Coffee can interfere with brain aging, a few cups a day to reduce the risk of cognitive impairment by 69%

Have you had your coffee today? A sip of coffee, sweet with a bit of bitterness, this is the taste of coffee, but also the taste of life! “Coffee” always follows us to start our busy day, accompanying us to stay up late, work overtime, and also accompany us to enjoy the afternoon. In the face of the modern fear of dementia, did you know that drinking coffee may also be a preventive method?

Studies have shown that moderate caffeine intake can reduce the risk of dementia
In recent years, many studies have shown that long-term coffee consumption can help prevent Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. According to Medical Daily, a study published in The Journals of Gerontology in 2016 stated that

The study’s respondents were 6467 women aged 65 to 80, 388 of whom were diagnosed with a high risk of dementia, and the study recorded their self-reported caffeine intake for 10 consecutive years. The results found that compared to less frequent coffee drinkers (less than 64 mg of caffeine per day), more frequent coffee drinkers (more than 261 mg of caffeine per day) had a 36% lower risk of dementia.

Researchers say that the relationship between caffeine intake and dementia risk cannot be directly linked to each other, but the study points out that caffeine helps protect cognitive function because it can bind to the brain’s adenosine receptors, interfering with normal aging and aging-related pathologies to achieve health effects.
However, the women in this study had already reached menopause and were more educated, so the results may not be representative of all female populations. In addition, the researchers did not specifically account for sources of caffeine other than coffee and tea, so the actual caffeine intake of these respondents may be higher. Science Daily reported that an Italian study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease in 2015 looked at 1,445 Italians with normal cognitive function, aged 65 to 84 years old, and conducted a study on coffee consumption. The study found that the amount of coffee consumed by 1445 Italian people with normal cognitive function, aged 65 to 84 years old.

The results found that people who drank one to two cups of coffee a day for a long time had a lower risk of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) than those who never drank coffee or drank very little. Those who drank one cup a day had a 53% lower risk of MCI, and those who drank one to two cups a day had a 69% lower risk of MCI. However, there was no significant change in the risk of MCI for those who drank more than 2 cups of coffee per day compared to those who never drank or rarely drank coffee. Therefore, the researchers suggest that regular and moderate coffee consumption may help protect the nerves and reduce the risk of MCI, which supports the argument that “long-term caffeine intake helps prevent dementia” in some previous studies.

Why can coffee improve Alzheimer’s disease?

Why can coffee improve Alzheimer’s disease? Research suggests that it has to do with these two ingredients contained in coffee!

Why does coffee have these effects? Researchers believe that it may be the effect of caffeine and antioxidants. According to the science news site EurekAlert, a report presented at the 2014 Alzheimer Europe Annual Congress, caffeine can help prevent the formation of Alzheimer’s disease, and both caffeine and polyphenols can reduce the inflammation and degeneration of brain cells.

In this way, it seems that moderate coffee can really help prevent Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, which is really good news for people who love coffee! However, the more coffee you drink, the better, because too much caffeine can cause insomnia, palpitations, tremors, agitation and other symptoms, and even block the absorption of calcium.

In addition, each person can tolerate the amount of caffeine are different, some people are even more sensitive to caffeine, drink it will have a headache, so should be adjusted according to their own circumstances, do not drink exactly according to the above-mentioned studies in the amount of servings. At present, the European Commission of Food Science experts recommend that the daily intake of caffeine does not exceed 300 mg.

As for the prevention of dementia, coffee may be one of the influencing factors, but it also needs to be combined with sufficient sleep, regular exercise, balanced diet, stress relief and other good lifestyle habits in order to minimize the risk of dementia, not just rely on coffee.

In addition, it is recommended that pregnant mothers, breastfeeding mothers, people with excessive stomach acidity, and people prone to diarrhea avoid drinking coffee, and people in general should avoid drinking on an empty stomach and after exercise in order to enjoy the aroma of coffee without affecting their health.

How to choose shampoo? How to recognize the type of scalp?

How do I choose a shampoo and hair care product?

This has been a common question asked by MedPartner, after all, shampooing and hair care are things that many of you do every day. Although shampoo and hair care products are in fact completely different in terms of mechanism of action, they are often confused in many users’ usage, resulting in spending money but not necessarily achieving the desired effect. Many products on the market will also demand to fight dandruff, stop itchy scalp, or even two-in-one, three-in-one combination, but in the end there is no effect, you need to seriously think again.

In fact, hair washing is hair washing, hair care is hair care, the focus of the two is completely different Oh! Moreover, hair care and conditioning products are not necessary for everyone, so there is no need to use them just for the sake of using them!

Today’s team doctor wants to explain to you through this article, what is the difference between shampoo and hair care products, and the small steps to choose!

What is the difference between shampoo and hair care products? Because the hair is different from the scalp!
Previously, we wrote an article on hair washing, in which we introduced the histophysiology of hair and scalp, and we want to review it again!

Before washing your hair, you should understand the function of the scalp. The scalp is a living tissue, and its main function is to isolate the dirt from the outside world, and to avoid excessive evaporation of water from the skin to the outside. Because it is a living tissue, if it is irritated or injured, redness, swelling, heat, pain, and other inflammatory reactions will occur. Scalp tissue may also be infected by bacteria to produce cellulitis, or by mold infection resulting in dandruff and other problems.

So shampooing is basically washing the scalp, washing away the external dirt and the waste produced by the body’s metabolism. But be careful not to over-clean. Preserve the normal scalp’s natural sebum film in order to keep the scalp healthy.

Hair is dead tissue, a structure formed by keratin entanglement. Therefore, whether you dye or perm your hair, you may damage it in some way, but after you cut off the damaged hair, as long as the scalp and hair follicles are healthy, you can still grow healthy hair.

In the hair washing stage, in fact, the dirty hair only needs water, plus the use of shampoo contains the interface active agent, a little scrubbing, you can do the basic cleaning. So washing hair should be a simple matter, do not make it too complicated.

Why do some people need hair care?

But the oil in the hair is mainly produced by the sebum secretion of the scalp. Therefore, the longer the hair is, the further away from the scalp it is, the more likely it is to become dry due to a lack of oil. In addition, the hair at the end of the hair is relatively old keratin structure, so it is more likely to be rough and bifurcated.

If you have short hair and the hairs are not dry or split, you basically do not need to use hair care products at all. Relying on your natural sebum secretion, you can maintain the bright and healthy hair Hello.

But people with long hair, often blow-dried, dyed, fixed, permed, may need to use hair care products.

How to choose shampoo? First figure out what kind of scalp you are!
The most important component of shampoo is the surfactant. The composition of the surfactant affects the overall cleansing power and the pH level of the product (because different surfactants have different suitable pH ranges). Some products have thickeners for ease of use, and some have fragrances for a pleasant smell. In order to maintain the stability of the product does not deteriorate, sometimes also add the necessary preservatives.

Many shampoo products, sometimes add some possible nutritional ingredients, such as amino acids, vitamins (most commonly vitamin B5) … such ingredients, but these ingredients in the end have no effect? In fact, it is still very controversial. Because the shampoo products stay on the scalp for a really short time, just a few minutes will wash off, so it is usually not the focus of product selection.

The most important thing about shampoo products is that they “cleanse the scalp moderately”, not under-cleaning, but not over-cleaning either. People with different scalp attributes will have slightly different requirements on the level of cleansing. The following are the most common types of scalp.

Oily scalp: wash hair less than a day, you can see the hair on the oil brightly, and even appear collapse, greasy feeling.
Neutral scalp: after washing hair even after a full day, it does not look obviously oily.
Dry scalp: Very little sebum is produced, the scalp may appear rough due to excessive dryness, and the ends of the hair may appear dry due to lack of oil.
Sensitive scalp: Itchy scalp and redness of scalp may occur easily.
Seborrheic scalp: Abnormal increase in local sebum secretion, often accompanied by dandruff, some people have more sebum secretion in the T-zone of the face in addition to the scalp, accompanied by dry itchy flaking. These patients may also be infected with Bacillus dermatitidis, a pathogen that causes dandruff on the scalp and overgrowth on the body, causing sweat patches.
Some people with scalp types may think, “I’ve never been picky about shampoo, and I’ve survived to this day. This is indeed true, if your scalp and hair condition is very healthy, basically most products for you to use will not be a problem.

However, from a doctor’s point of view, no matter what kind of scalp, the best principle for choosing shampoo is to have a moderate cleansing power and avoid unnecessary and potentially irritating substances as much as possible. Especially for people with sensitive scalp, the simpler the ingredients, the better.

What do you mean by “simple” products? We can go back and think about what the key to shampooing hair really is. Isn’t it to clean the scalp properly, and then wash away some dirt on the hair to avoid over-cleaning, that’s all? Therefore, the interface active agent is the most basic composition of such products, but after washing away the oil, it will easily cause dry hair and static electricity problems.

Hair shampoo products may also have these ingredients
A few products add silicone to make your hair less susceptible to static electricity and smoother to the touch in order to give you a smooth and silky feeling after washing. Some products are combined with quaternary ammonium and some oil ingredients to deal with electrostatic problems and make hair feel smoother after washing.

It must be said that silicone itself is very safe, but if you look at it from the point of view of “washing the scalp”, it may not be necessary. Oil is not necessarily a problem for most people’s skin, and a moderate amount of oil is meaningful for dry ends, but not for the cleansing of the scalp itself.

Sometimes in order to make the product look more advanced, will add some look white shiny ingredients, such as titanium dioxide or zinc oxide is white powder, add mica can make the product look white shiny.

If you take into account the ingredients that produce fragrance, all of these substances combined may cause irritation to people with “sensitive scalp”.

If you have a seborrheic scalp, it’s best to talk to your doctor about your shampoo choice. Your doctor will usually recommend an appropriate anti-dandruff shampoo, which you can read about in this article.

The 4 keys to the shampoo selection process

Here’s a quick overview of the entire process of thinking and acting.

When choosing a shampoo, the focus is not on what the product on the shelf claims to be, but on which scalp type you are. How to distinguish their own scalp type? See the previous paragraph for more information.
Regardless of the type of scalp, it is basically recommended to use a milder, simpler product.
The best condition after shampooing is when the scalp is moderately cleaned and not too dry to cause itching and flaking.
If it is seborrheic dermatitis or other scalp diseases, you should first consult a doctor for a complete assessment, rather than trying to solve it by yourself with shampoo!
Another thing I want to share with you is that most people actually do not need to use two-in-one shampoo and conditioner products. Why?

If you are a short-haired people, after washing your hair actually do not need to worry about the problem of dry, parted hair. In this case, you only need a simple shampoo can.

If you have long hair and the ends are prone to dryness and split ends, you can actually use a simple shampoo first, and then use an appropriate hair care product to enhance the moisturization and nourishment of the ends. If you use a two-in-one shampoo and conditioner, it’s true that you only need to wash it once, but at the same time, your scalp is also covered with more products that only need to be attached to the ends of your hair, isn’t it?

The most important thing is to understand the basic skin physiology, and then go back to the basics as much as possible, so that the choice of products becomes simpler, and the complexity of the problems that may interfere with the skin will also be reduced!

Study: Coffee helps prevent Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s! Which is better: dark roast or light roast?

Coffee helps prevent Alzheimer's

A new study recently found that a cup of coffee in the morning not only lifts the spirits, but also protects against Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Researchers at the Dolan-Doklopil Brain Institute found that phenylindanes, a chemical breakdown product of chlorogenic acid lactones in roasted coffee, inhibits the growth of Tau proteins and beta amyloid plaques, two proteins associated with increased risk of two diseases in the brain.

Regular Caffeine Intake May Help Prevent Dementia

According to Alzheimer’s and Dementia Weekly, Dr. Donald Weaver, co-director of the Crumbill Brain Institute, noted that coffee consumption appears to be associated with a reduced risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, and they want to investigate what the cause is, what compounds are involved, and how it affects age-related cognitive decline.

Other studies have found that regular caffeine intake may help prevent dementia, AARP said. A study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, which looked at people aged 65 to 84, showed that people who drank one to two cups of coffee a day were less likely to have mild cognitive impairment than those who never drank coffee. The American Association of Retired Persons pointed out that similar studies have found that coffee can even prevent Parkinson’s disease.

Dark-roasted coffee is more protective than light-roasted coffee

However, Canadian researchers have ruled out caffeine as a source of brain protection because even decaffeinated roasted coffee is beneficial in preventing dementia. The team determined that phenyl lindane, obtained through roasted coffee, is a beneficial compound that inhibits the aggregation of Tau and beta amyloid proteins in the brain associated with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.

The researchers also found that dark-roasted coffee, which contains more phenyl lindane, was more protective than light-roasted coffee, and the next step in the study is to measure how these compounds get into the bloodstream and cross the blood-brain barrier, and the good news is that phenyl lindane is a natural compound that has medicinal advantages over synthetic products. Dr. Weaver said that before coffee can be used to treat Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s, more research is needed.

Prevent neurodegenerative diseases! Drink coffee like this to stay away from dementia and Parkinson’s disease

如何擺脫唇皰疹 (How to Treat and Get Rid of Cold Sores)





  1. 使用非處方的唇皰疹軟膏。用藥膏覆蓋皰疹可以避免陽光和其他刺激物,有助於皰疹更快消失。像Oragel 和Carmex 的藥膏都有保護皰疹,幫助其癒合的作用。
    以Get Rid of a Cold Sore Step 1為標題的圖片
    • 你可以用純凡士林來代替幾乎所有的非處方藥膏。
    • 為了達到最佳效果,經常重複塗抹藥膏,這樣皰疹和周圍皮膚就不會變幹。
  2. 使用處方的抗病毒藥膏。唇皰疹是一種常見的疾病,所以醫生都知道要開什麼藥。含噴昔洛韋和阿昔洛韋的處方抗病毒藥膏對於治療唇皰疹非常有效。[1]
    以Get Rid of a Cold Sore Step 2為標題的圖片
    • 在感覺要長唇皰疹的時候儘快敷藥膏。如果用藥的時間足夠早,藥膏會避免皰疹變成水泡。
    • 藥膏也可以用於開放性皰疹。皰疹會在用藥大概一到兩天後消失。
    • 相同的抗病毒成分也有藥片製劑。[2]
    • 處方藥的缺點就是它們的花費。如果經常長唇皰疹,成本低的方法可能是你更好的選擇。
  3. 使用自然療法。每個受唇皰疹困擾的人似乎都有自己治療討厭的皰疹的特有自然療法。對一個人有效的方法並不一定對其他人有效,所以多嘗試一些方法,找到最適合你的那種。嘗試以下治療方法:
    以Get Rid of a Cold Sore Step 3為標題的圖片
    • 使用茶樹精油。只要一兩滴,這種功能強大的天然精油就會讓皰疹在一到兩天內消失。精油的使用方法和軟膏或藥膏一樣,你每天要塗抹數次。你可以與凡士林合用,讓它保持的時間更長。[3]
    • 敷一些冰塊。拿一個冰塊,放在患處幾分鐘,每天兩到三次。冰塊可以減少皰疹的疼痛,並有助於減輕炎症。
    • 嘗試拍一些香草精油。塗幾滴天然提取的(不是人工的)香草精,據說有助於治療唇皰疹。
  4. 緩解疼痛。有時候皰疹會造成很大的痛苦,甚至會引起頭痛和其他部位疼痛。用以下方法緩解口唇周圍的疼痛:
    以Get Rid of a Cold Sore Step 4為標題的圖片
    • 冷敷或熱敷。用毛巾裹熱水袋或冰袋,放到唇週約20分鐘。冷敷和熱敷有助於緩解疼痛。
    • 使用局麻藥。含有苯佐卡因或利多卡因的乳膏和軟膏可以暫時緩解疼痛。它們通常是作為止癢藥膏出售,藥店裡一般都能買到。
    • 吃止痛片。非甾體類抗炎藥(NSAIDs),如阿司匹林和布洛芬可以減輕口周疼痛,並有助於緩解相關的頭痛。


  1. 增強免疫系統。唇皰疹的爆發通常在你的免疫能力下降時出現。[4]你可能會在感冒或季節交替時長唇皰疹。用以下方法保持免疫系統的健康:
    以Get Rid of a Cold Sore Step 5為標題的圖片
    • 攝取足夠的維生素和營養物質。平衡膳食,確保足夠的綠葉蔬菜和其他蔬果的攝入。如果你擔心自己沒有攝取足夠的營養可以吃複合維生素。
    • 喝水。喝大量的水可以幫助身體更快的去除疾病。
    • 採取預防感冒或流感的措施。在流感和感冒流行期間經常洗手。如果你很容易感染病毒,也可以考慮打流感疫苗。
  2. 減壓。有壓力的時候爆發唇皰疹是很常見的。[5]你可能發現自己在總決賽或回家過節的時候皰疹爆發。在壓力大的時候好好照顧自己,減少得唇皰疹的機會。
    以Get Rid of a Cold Sore Step 6為標題的圖片
    • 睡眠要充足。不要熬夜完成論文。如果可能的話,早點睡覺,然後早早起床來完成。
    • 直面問題。不要讓緊張的情況拖太久。如果你擔心某種對抗的局面,儘快解決,讓你的大腦和身體快速恢復。
  3. 保護你的皮膚。陽光暴曬對於所有人的皮膚都不好,尤其會損害那些容易長唇皰疹的人。[6]一年的任何時候都要抹防曬霜,而不只是在夏天保護皮膚。使用含有防曬霜的唇膏或口紅,這樣也可以保護嘴唇。
    以Get Rid of a Cold Sore Step 7為標題的圖片
  4. 避免引起唇皰疹的食物。很多人在吃了某些食物後很容易長唇皰疹。如果你想要輕鬆搞定唇皰疹,少吃或不吃以下食物:
    以Get Rid of a Cold Sore Step 8為標題的圖片
    • 酸性食物,如西紅柿和柑橘類水果。避免生吃西紅柿和含有番茄醬的食物,不要喝番茄汁、橙汁和柚子汁。
    • 鹹的食品如罐頭湯、油炸食品和快餐。過多的鹽可以誘發唇皰疹。
  5. 經常洗手。用沒洗過的手觸摸唇皰疹可導致細菌感染,而且你有可能把皰疹傳播到身體的其他部位。每天要經常用溫熱的肥皂水洗手。
    以Get Rid of a Cold Sore Step 9為標題的圖片


  • 不要化妝,尤其是不要在唇皰疹上用市場上銷售的化妝品。這些化學物質會引起疼痛,而且唇皰疹會需要更長時間才能消失。



人家說偏頭痛痛不死人 卻可以令人痛不欲生

偏頭痛 如果不針對性治療,偏頭痛的症狀很可能會持續幾個小時甚至好幾天。







  1. 服用適宜的補充劑。[1]服用經研究後推薦的補充劑,如維生素B2、野甘菊、褪黑素、款冬、輔酶Q10以及鎂補充劑等,能幫助你擺脫偏頭痛的困擾。
    以Get Rid of a Migraine Fast Step 6為標題的圖片
    • 用款冬製成的補充劑是最有效的補充劑之一,人們普遍認為它能防止偏頭痛的發生,並緩解發作時的痛苦。當作為受體阻滯藥用時,它可以減輕炎症,使血流速度穩定,防止血管痙攣。但是要確保你服用的補充劑是不含磷脂酸的,服用50mg即可以.
    • 維生素B2,即核黃素,也可以降低偏頭痛的發作頻率、以及緩解痛苦。每天服用400mg的維生素能降低一半的發作率,而且在發作時服用可以臨時止痛。
    • 野甘菊、褪黑素和輔酶Q 10並不能減輕偏頭痛發作時的疼痛,但是長期服用可以減少發病次數。
    • 鎂的作用尚未全部弄清楚。如果是生理週期引起的偏頭痛,服用500mg鎂補充劑即可緩解痛苦,但若是其他原因的話,尚不能確定是否有效。
  2. 泡一杯薰衣草花茶,其他有效的草本植物亦可。花草茶可以舒緩身體,緩解可能激發偏頭痛的緊張,縮短發作時間。薰衣草、生薑、薄荷和辣椒都有此效果。
    以Get Rid of a Migraine Fast Step 7為標題的圖片
    • 薰衣草可以減少血管炎症,是治療緊張焦慮情緒以及由此而引發的偏頭痛的最有效的植物。除飲用薰衣草花茶外,發作時也可以將乾燥的薰衣草香包或熱包敷在眼睛上,緩解痛苦。
    • 生薑、薄荷和辣椒先天就具有鎮痛的特性。生薑和薄荷能減少偏頭痛引起的反胃。生薑能夠稀釋血液,所以如果血液本來就很稀的話,則不能使用。
    • 泡花草茶時加辣椒能驅除偏頭痛。將1英寸(2.5厘米)的鮮生薑、1匙(5毫升)乾辣椒以及2杯(500毫升)開水一起泡十五分鐘。[2]
  3. 考慮用點咖啡因。對於偏頭痛而言,咖啡因是把雙刃劍。食用太多會導致偏頭痛,但是當偏頭痛發作時,少量的咖啡因就可以止痛。
    以Get Rid of a Migraine Fast Step 8為標題的圖片
    • 只能食用少量的咖啡因:蘇打水、一杯咖啡、一杯茶或者一根巧克力棒裡的含量即可,不能飲用咖啡因含量高的功能飲料。
    • 記住,只有當偏頭痛不是咖啡因引起的,使用咖啡因才能有效。
  4. 按摩兩鬢和脖子。偏頭痛與緊張密切相關。有時候,做一個快速簡單的按摩能夠化解繃緊的肌肉以及血管,從而減緩偏頭痛症狀。
    以Get Rid of a Migraine Fast Step 9為標題的圖片
    • 用雙手的食指和中指輕柔的按摩兩鬢、頸側以及頸背。
    • 為使按摩更加有效,在按摩前可將雙手泡在冰水裡。冷水可以促使血管收縮,以此來減緩頭部血液的流動速度。
  5. 做專業的按摩。[3]如果可以預約到能治療偏頭痛的專業按摩師,一定比在家裡自己按摩的效果要好上很多。
    以Get Rid of a Migraine Fast Step 10為標題的圖片
    • 專業的按摩師能夠準確的找出頸部和上背部的僵硬區。如果這個按摩師在治療偏頭痛方面很有經驗,那他肯定知道該使用多大的力道來按摩才能治療偏頭痛及潛在的誘因。
    • 注意,一個沒有經驗按摩師可能會用力過大,加重症狀。
  6. 可以通過做有氧運動來治療輕度偏頭痛。只要發作時你還能夠移動,稍微做點有氧運動就可以改善血液流動,消除疼痛。
    以Get Rid of a Migraine Fast Step 11為標題的圖片
    • 偏頭痛發作時可嘗試的有氧運動有快步走、慢跑、騎自行車以及游泳。
    • 隨著心臟的跳動,血液循環會得到改善,變得平緩,防止血液沖向大腦。
    • 事實上,運動能夠放鬆身心,釋放出可能誘發偏頭痛的各種壓力及緊張。
  7. 嘗試緊急針灸。有些人通過針灸治好了,而有些人卻失敗了。如果你已經嘗試了一切其他的方法而無效,而又能夠預約到專業針灸師,那麼這個方法值得一試。
    以Get Rid of a Migraine Fast Step 12為標題的圖片
    • 專業醫師會通過給身上不同的壓力點做針灸來緩解頭部和頸部的壓力。
    • 有研究表明,每三個月做12次針灸治療可以減輕疼痛程度,降低發作頻率。
    • 其他實驗也證明,在頭痛及偏頭痛發作時,針灸可緩解痛苦。[4]


  1. 服用非處方止痛藥。[5] 激素類的抗炎藥物及止痛藥可以通過減少血管炎症來緩解偏頭痛。
    以Get Rid of a Migraine Fast Step 13為標題的圖片
    • 激素類的抗炎藥物有萘普生和布洛芬。止痛藥有阿司匹林和退熱淨。
    • 為了使藥效發揮得更好,需在偏頭痛發作三十分鐘內吃止痛片。晚點也可以,但是偏頭痛的持續時間會變長。
    • 一個星期吃藥次數不能超過兩次,這樣做是為了防止停止吃藥後偏頭痛復發。
  2. 使用含咖啡因的非處方止痛藥。有些止痛藥會添加微量的咖啡因,咖啡因會引起血管收縮,止痛效果更好。
    以Get Rid of a Migraine Fast Step 14為標題的圖片
    • 此類藥品一般會在阿司匹林或退熱淨里添加少量咖啡因。
    • 研究表明,這類藥會比不含咖啡因的藥物快20分鐘見效。
    • 就像其他的非處方止痛藥一樣,此類藥物要在偏頭痛發作的頭三十分鐘內服用,一周不超過兩次。
  3. 服用處方藥曲坦類。它會使血管收緊,從而阻礙血液沖向頭部。
    以Get Rid of a Migraine Fast Step 15為標題的圖片
    • 研究及實驗證明,很多偏頭痛患者在服用這種藥物的一個小時內,疼痛得到明顯的緩解,兩個小時候疼痛就完全消失了。
    • 一個月內服用曲坦類的次數不能超過17次。人體容易對這種藥物產生依賴,這樣做是為了防止偏頭痛反彈。
    • 注意,如果你曾有心臟病及中風發病病史,則不能服用曲坦類。
  4. 讓醫生給你開雙氫麥角胺和麥角胺。這兩種處方藥都可以收縮頭部血管。除了能夠舒緩大動脈,還能減輕偏頭痛引起的噁心和降低光敏感性。
    以Get Rid of a Migraine Fast Step 16為標題的圖片
    • 這類藥一般是噴鼻劑或注射劑。
    • 注射劑是一次性的,如果你偏頭痛發作頻繁,醫生可能會讓你使用噴鼻劑。


  1. 關燈。很多偏頭痛都是因感官刺激而引起的,如燈太亮或太閃。關燈、放下百葉窗或移到一個黑暗的房間,都能安撫你的感官神經。
    以Get Rid of a Migraine Fast Step 1為標題的圖片
    • 呆在黑暗的屋裡,直到偏頭痛消失,還沒好的話,儘可能在裡面呆久點。
    • 必要的時候戴上墨鏡。如果你必須要外出,而外面的陽光又很刺眼的話,可以戴偏光太陽鏡來過濾掉強光。這個效果可能比不上暗室,但還是會有作用的。
  2. 儘量消除噪音。和強光一樣,噪音也會導致偏頭痛。將所有的背景噪聲關掉,如收音機和電視機,或者搬到一到安靜的地方去。
    以Get Rid of a Migraine Fast Step 2為標題的圖片
    • 如果無法搬到單間,可以帶降噪耳機來隔斷外界的一切噪音。
    • 有些人會覺得太過寂靜會反而讓人感到緊張不安。如果你也屬於這種情況的話,可以將白噪音機器(能發出諸如海浪聲、雨聲之類有助睡眠的聲音)或空氣淨化器打開,它們發出的聲音會緩和周圍的環境。你也可以聽輕音樂,絕不能聽高亢的曲調。
  3. 躺下休息。壓力過大和睡眠不足都會誘發偏頭痛。當偏頭痛開始發作的時候,平躺下,閉上眼睛休息幾分鐘。
    以Get Rid of a Migraine Fast Step 3為標題的圖片
    • 隨地休息5-30分鐘有助於治療偏頭痛。
    • 注意,睡眠過多也會造成偏頭痛,如果你是這種情況的話,要避免躺得太久。
  4. 深呼吸。深呼吸可以放鬆身體,進而能緩解任何可能誘發偏頭痛的緊張因素。
    以Get Rid of a Migraine Fast Step 4為標題的圖片
    • 平躺,在頭和膝蓋下各放一個枕頭,大腿稍微彎曲。
    • 將你的慣用手放在胸上,另一隻手放在胸腔以下。
    • 慢慢地用鼻子吸氣,直到感覺你的腹部在推擠你的非慣用手。
    • 收緊腹部,撅嘴慢慢地將氣體呼出。
    • 整個過程中慣用手保持不動。
    • 照這樣步驟做五分鐘。
  5. 冷敷法。將冷毛巾敷在疼痛的頭部,可以促使血管收縮,從而減慢血液流向頭部的速度。[6]
    以Get Rid of a Migraine Fast Step 5為標題的圖片
    • 將一條柔軟乾淨的毛巾打濕,敷在額頭或者頸背上10-15分鐘。休息10-15分鐘後再敷上毛巾,重複此動作直至偏頭痛消失。
    • 在某些情況下,低溫會加劇頭痛,如果在治療的前五分鐘感覺頭痛加劇,立即停止,並嘗試其他方法。


  • 寫偏頭痛日記。[7]當偏頭痛發作時,記下當時周圍的環境、感官刺激(如強光、嘈雜、異味等)、緊張原因、飲食習慣、睡眠習慣。幾次之後,找出偏頭痛發作前的共同點,這些共同點就是偏頭痛的誘發因素,在以後都需要儘量避免接觸以杜絕偏頭痛發作。


  • 涼的濕毛巾
  • 維生素B2
  • 野甘菊
  • 褪黑素
  • 款冬
  • 輔酶Q10
  • 薰衣草薄荷生薑花茶
  • 咖啡因
  • 冰水
  • 非處方鎮痛藥
  • 偏頭痛處方藥


2020 How to choose 5 god-level hair dryers? How to blow?


Then I prepared five brands on the market today

Everyone’s hottest hair dryer

Can introduce it with everyone

Like the first one, the most recent one

To this Dyson Dyson it is expected that Taiwan will come in in July or August during the summer vacation

I tried this hair dryer myself

I think its shape is really very unique

The purpose of hollow is to be afraid

Just don’t worry about hair blowing in

It ’s okay if long hair is blown in

And then its motor

Is on its grip

So when you took it, it was great

Actually it’s pretty easy to get it

This is probably quite light

618 g

And its wattage is the wattage of a professional hair dryer grade.

The point is that it uses wind and heat

Blow the hair together instead of just hot and hot with the heat

Burn your hair like this

That hair dryer like this GHD is actually the one that hair stylist will use

Is a professional hair dryer

Then I think the biggest feature is its wind speed

Can dry twice as fast as a normal hair dryer

The other is that its handle is designed with this ergonomics

This Philips hair dryer actually takes that one too

The professional salon-level route

The point is that it also has a large amount of air

So its wattage is high

So you can dry your hair quickly

Then it also has a hair care at 57 degrees

That thermostatic control

So after you blow your hair in the heat,

You can also cool your hair immediately

Then there is a hair care effect

Then the point is that it also has some negative ions inside

So while you dry your hair

And then blow the hair scales

It is also a TESCOM with a high degree of discussion

Hair dryer for collagen

Usually use it right right right

Because I actually use this TESCOM hair dryer for about two years.

I use it as soon as I enter Taiwan

Because I think it ’s actually quite affordable

Because you look at it for less than 3,000 yuan

It advertises that it has a collagen and a nano ingredient on it.

Actually put it in

Every time you blow your hair, you have collagen

In fact, I feel really smooth after blowing it myself

And this nano piece of collagen

I heard that if you blow for 30 minutes every day, you can blow for about two years

So this is a consumable product

Add to you

Then finally PANASONIC is a nano water ion hair dryer

That one is currently mainly sold in Taiwan

In fact, everyone knows the negative ion of PANASONIC.

Then its main function is to penetrate the hair into the scales.

And keep your hair from frizz

That is especially the friction of static electricity

It is also easy to make hair frizzy

So it ’s practical. The effect is that the hair is very blowing.

Silky and then not as hairy

That other words

In fact, I usually chase after everyone

Also bought a N97 series pair

I think it ’s the most powerful of them.

Press its Set button and then press it for about a minute

It will turn into a red effect and then it can lower that temperature

It won’t be so hot or so hot when it blows

Yeah and I think that every summer when I blow my hair, I ’m sweating so much

It ’s just that we have so many great hair dryers

But do you usually know how to blow the stylist’s feeling home?

So today we are going to hire that stylist Joe

With some knowledge of his professional hair blowing

Tell us exactly what it takes to blow up a salon-grade hairstyle

So I was thinking that I had some problems myself

It ’s me. Every time I blow my hair, it feels heavier and straighter.

Actually, I want to feel fluffy when I blow my hair

So the normal way to blow hair is to blow the hair into a shape.

When you keep blowing your hair into a C

At this time, after you grab this action, he will create a curling hair with tension and elasticity.

So it means that he usually our gestures are in the lower half

So you should actually pull him to the upper root

For example, we are arching our hair now. I blow my hair into a C.

Of course the hair will have that elasticity when you cool it down

With that tension to fluff up my hair, right?

Then there is

In the morning, if you really wash your hair after falling down at night, how can you blow up all morning?

Water is actually the best primer for styling.

So no matter what you use, you must first have water

So basically I prefer to get my hands wet so that my hair is evenly wet.

Is it wet on the hair roots?

I would basically recommend moisturizing the entire hair

Because this humidity is easy to dry

As long as you are slightly wet, let ’s take a look now

This hair is a little frizzy, for example

This is the effect on our prosperity

What about our hair now?

Because sometimes it ’s already too dry hair

You have to let his hair wet

After cooling down, we will all find that our hair has become fluffy.

Because hair is fragile when wet

You are drying

Will regroup the hair

So hair at this time

Fragile from wet

Blow it dry and reshape it

It will be fluffy

And it wo n’t frizz, right?

Especially Xiaolong’s hair is easy to frizz on me

Apply some oil to you and you wo n’t frizz, right


2020 Recommended 4 latest quick-drying hair dryers and how to properly blow healthy hair!


Summer or winter

I think girls hate the most

Is washing hair and blowing hair

Then this fall

Actually a lot of advertised

Quick-drying quick-drying

High wind speed hair dryer

Then I want to ask Nico

Like your hairstylist

Used in Salon

That professional hair dryer

What conditions are usually required

Is the first one must

Enough wind temperature

Then cold or hot air

Three paragraphs

Possible cold wind warm wind hot wind

Then the wind speed must also be concentrated

This is our professional hair stylist

Required a hair dryer

Claimed a quick-drying hair dryer


One of them is this one

Is from UNIX in Korea

AIRSHOT top anion hair dryer

Then I think this one is really beautiful

It ’s different from ordinary hair dryers.

Then it belongs to the salon-specific version

So it can also claim to be very fast

Then its buttons actually have

Three sections of cold wind

Three sections of hot air

Actually fits

Is what the salon hairdresser wants to use

The more professional function

And then there are negative ion buttons

And actually it ’s the best

There is a very powerful key

Is it has a button here

One click

Its mouthpiece will actually change

And then there is a very smart design

Is if you use a certain function

for example

What is the key to cold wind

What is the hot air key

After it shuts down

Reopen next time

It will remember

The last function used

So it’s very intimate

Master Function Key

To me

I just used

I think

It’s really amazing

Because it ’s very concentrated

Then i want to blow my roots

Blow gently

It stands up

Then the wind speed is enough

So you are lazy

You are perfect

Because you just blow it

It does

Then i want to know

Like usual hairdressers

All hope is

Our first move after washing our hair

Is to dry the scalp

So if we want to use a hair dryer

If you blow your scalp,

What kind of skills do you need to pay attention to?


First we have to comb our hair

After returning the stream

Then you wash your hair too

Just use a comb right away

Comb it

Don’t say the towels are removed

When you go dry like this

It’s easy to publish

Is not what it was

And maybe after blowing

All the streams run backward

Then there is no retouching to the face shape

So we must get our hair first

After combing

Then the wind blows against

Blowing from the bottom up

The whole blow

The entire scalp is blowing

After the hair roots stand up

How do you dial it

Are easier to dial

Come again

We are blowing from the tail

Just smooth

Then I think this is

Temperature is enough

Then the wind speed is very strong

So the hair roots are easy to hold up

Like a second quick-drying hair dryer

I want to introduce this

Is from Switzerland

VALERA Brushless Water Color Hair Dryer

So like some of the top hair dryers

Most use this brushless motor

Then this brand

In fact, it claims to be the first in the world

Using a brushless motor

Actually the most amazing thing is

Water color protection

Then I want to ask Nico

Is that we finish dyeing our hair

Just fade easily

We can use when blowing hair

Does that dye out more slowly?

Many people are blowing hair

Or hot tools like ions

Heat hurts his hair

It faded right away

Especially bleached hair

So this hair dryer

So you do n’t have the problem of fading

It can protect color

I think this is very important


Just dye that hair

Stay longer

Then the CP value is also relatively high

You never have to dye again

That’s like this hair dryer

Actually, I think this one is a bit wonderful

What is this

at home

No matter at home

Or at Salon

It often

You will blow like this

Then it gets stuck

And then this thing

Just let you not

The threads are tangled like this

It can always help you adjust yourself

To the right place

Then if we are blowing

I was washing my hair myself

During the drying process

What gestures do we have

Or some method

Can make our hair color

Keep it longer

If you drift very shallow

Like gray

Or that pink


You can use the middle one first

2 places

Don’t use 3

Because 3 is probably the hottest

So you can blow it with a temperature of 2

Would recommend

And if you have thin hair

Or it ’s almost broken

Use intermediate temperature first

Would most recommend you do this

The third quick-drying hair dryer

I want to introduce

Is this one


The style feels very retro

MOD’S HAIR hair dryer

Its name is

High wind speed hair dryer

It ’s also the one that dries quickly

Then I think this pretty powerful place is

It’s pretty cheap

Everyone can

Just started

Then this hair dryer

one left

I think very humane design

Is this behind it

There is actually one

Kind of like a strip

What is its function

Can be slightly folded

On the desktop

Open it

You don’t need to get a hair dryer

You just blow like this

For lazy girls

This is a very convenient design

And it looks like this

You can also wipe your face by the way

And by the way blowing hair like this

Someone help you hold it

By the way, steam your face

Yes indeed


Actually I think the Japanese

Really caring

Is this mouthpiece

Is the ordinary mouthpiece

But it has one more

I really think

Wonderful looking mouthpiece

What is this mouthpiece for?

It is a secret weapon

It is

Because many people

Maybe for you

Take a round comb

Get another hair dryer

Going to blow your hair anywhere

You will feel trouble

and then

It’s a very convenient design

Like my short fringe

and then

You can just drive 1

Because when blowing bangs

If you drive too much, it may fall apart

and then

You pull your hair gently

Bottom up

Draw a parabola

Blow down like this

Draw a C

Your hair will have a surge

Don’t look good right now

We shake down again

It will be exactly the radian we want

Or when you go out

It’s just fine

Then it has one more thing

It this filter

It is on both sides

Less likely to be here

There will be a wind sucking here

It will not affect us

I think it’s intimate

And quite retro

The last quick-drying hair dryer

Actually, I was looking forward to it


Nano Water Ion Hair Dryer

Because like before 98

When listing in Taiwan

Cause a big wave

99 listed in Japan last year

Taiwan did not enter

Taiwan will enter this year

Evolution of 99

Is 9A

I think



Still one

Can be regarded as very good

Just blowing hair

Very smooth hair dryer

Because of this

Famous pig nose mouthpiece

It seems to be

The difference between strong and weak winds

Pull bigger

So it’s probably better than a 98 hair dryer

Drying speed

Can be 15% faster

So it ’s a hair dryer that dries quickly

In addition

Is that it also adds a function key

Called this CARE

This CARE function key

What is it doing

Is used to blow hair

This function key for blowing tail function

I also feel curious

Why is the Japanese so intimate?

Even blow tail

Must have a special pattern

I want to ask Nico

Why is hair blowing important?

Because it usually ends

It’s because everyone’s hair ends

There must be more damage

Unless you are not hot

But there is also a need without dyeing

Because there may be natural volume

Hair may be frizzy or broken

You can use this CARE function

Go blow it

Its hair will increase

Much like you applied the essence to the hair oil

To make you feel so hydrated

That’s like many of us girls want a curl

Then we are using a hair dryer

Want to blow out this kind of camber

Is there any trick

Very simple

After the hair is split in half

Roll in

Blowing around

Just roll like this

Like twist rolls

Roll around

Then the wind is from top to bottom

This way

If you want to make your hair flutter a little

You just go up and go around

If your hair

Already enough

You blow down smoothly

Do not angle so high

from top to bottom

Then the wind is from top to bottom

Keep blowing like this

Blowing from wet to dry

Your hair might have a slight C

Will look softer

And then there will be a feeling of nagging

Nico, you just love it

Does this negative ion taste right?

You said last time

Someone who watched my last episode

You will know how much I like it

The smell of that negative ion

Reminds me

Feeling inside mom’s belly

Then i know

In addition to this hair dryer has a negative ion smell

You have other wonderful uses, right?

Right because like myself

Will definitely dry the hair

Wash your hair

And i wash it every day

I will blow the hair dryer

My temple

Both sides

Then follow the wind pool

I will strengthen here

Then it ’s easy to hurt your head

Or loop stuck here

Then I will use this hot air

Go blow

Blow these

Make my loop better

Really effective

If you have a headache

Or a confinement friend

You can blow more

Really blow dry your scalp

Will be more comfortable

It feels like being massaged

This is serious

So it ’s really girls who spend a little money

Invest in a good hair dryer

It’s really good

2018 How to Start Working Out in the Morning

You plan a workout for the evening, but then something comes up—a happy hour, a deadline for work, or maybe even a Tinder date. And there goes your exercise for the day. If this keeps happening to you, there’s a logical solution: shift your workout schedule to the morning.

But that’s easier said then done. When you’re barely awake and have to choose between working out and staying in bed for another hour, there’s a good chance the snooze button will win. So how is it that some people manage to get up for 5:30 a.m. workouts like it’s no big deal? We picked the brains of trainers and nutritionists for lifestyle changes you can make to help you become the person who wants to rise and grind.

Eat right the night before

The foods you eat the evening before an a.m. sweat session will impact how you feel when you hit the gym. “If you scarfed down mom’s leftover meatloaf and garlic bread at 9 o’clock last night, chances are you’re going to wake up feeling exactly like that—a sluggish loaf of meat,” says Noah Neiman, master trainer at Barry’s Bootcamp in New York City. Make it a point to eat lean protein, veggies, and healthy fats so you wake up feeling replenished, not tired and gross. Just be sure to finish up at least 90 minutes before you hit the hay, says Leslie Bonci, RD, founder of Active Eating Advice and the director of sports nutrition at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. “This gives your stomach some time to digest the food so it’s not having a fiesta while you’re trying to take a siesta.”

Coax yourself to bed earlier

It’ll be easier to get out of bed in the morning if you’ve logged your expert-recommended 7 to 8 hours, so you need to hack your body’s internal wakefulness clock. What does that mean exactly? “The body has an internal circadian rhythm that if you do your best not to disrupt, it makes waking up in the morning much easier,” explains Joe Holder, Nike+ Trainer, Nike Run Coach and coach at S10 Training in New York City. Translation: Limit cell phone, computer, and TV use before bedtime so the blue light that they emit doesn’t affect your zzz’s.

Find something to look forward to

Excitement will help get you up and out; it can be something as simple as a new playlist. “Your body is a highly adaptable machine that responds to the stimulus you present it,” says Neiman. “If you can self-motivate, which is always the strongest form of motivation, and just get to the gym or start your workout every morning, your body will adapt, making it much easier to routinely break that a.m. sweat.” You could also try snacking on melatonin-rich foods like walnuts and cherries before bed, suggests Bonci. In a 2013 research review, melatonin—a naturally occurring hormone that sets sleep-wave cycles—helped people fall asleep faster.

Have an a.m. workout buddy

Ask around—you probably have a friend who either already gets up in the morning to work out, or wants to start doing it. Make plans to meet her at the gym or a class, which will hold you accountable. “You’ll be far less likely to bail when you know someone is waiting for you, and you’ll even get the benefit of social interaction, regardless of how quick or sweaty it might be,” says Liz Barnet, head strength instructor at Uplift Studios in New York City.

Set up your morning ahead of time

The less you have to think about when the alarm goes off, the better. “Lay out your shoes and clothes in the evening,” says Kristin McGee, celebrity yoga and Pilates instructor in New York City. “Have a pre-made pre-exercise snack ready to go and set the coffee pot to start brewing at the same time as your alarm.” (We love this overnight oats recipe.) Once you’re out of bed, everything is ready for you.