LPGA アメリカ女子プロゴルフ速報リアルタイム YOUTUBE、PINTERESTおよびオンラインでの推奨と評価






LPGA アメリカ女子プロゴルフ速報リアルタイム YOUTUBE、PINTERESTおよびオンラインでの推奨と評価女子のプロゴルフファンにとって、LPGA(Ladies Professional Golf Association)は注目の的。アメリカ女子ゴルフツアーの最新速報がリアルタイムで提供されており、YOUTUBEやPINTERESTを通じて視聴可能。オンライン上では、選手たちのプレーに対する推奨や評価も活発に行われている。女子のプロゴルフイベントでは、常に優勝者が焦点となる。競技の結果はファンにとって楽しみであり、トーナメントごとの優勝者に注目が集まる。アメリカ女子ゴルフツアーの成績も大きな関心事。選手たちのプレーの成績やランキングは、ゴルフ愛好者にとって重要な情報源となっている。また、全米女子プロゴルフ選手権2023では、日本人選手が出場することも注目されている。彼女たちのプレーがどのような結果をもたらすのか、期待が高まる。アメリカ女子ゴルフの二日目の結果も気になるポイント。競技の進行や選手たちのパフォーマンスに関する情報が、ゴルフファンにとって興味深い内容となっている。



アメリカ女子ゴルフツアー(LPGA Tour、正式名称:Ladies Professional Golf Association Tour)は、国際的な女子ゴルフのプロツアーイベントです。

このツアーは1950年に設立され、女子ゴルフ界で最も有名で重要視されているプロツアーの一つです。このツアーは、アメリカ、ヨーロッパ、アジアなど世界各地からトップクラスの女子ゴルファーを惹きつけています。シーズンは通常一年間続き、アメリカや他国で複数の大会が開催されます。その中には「ANA Inspiration」や「US Women’s Open」などの伝統的なメジャー大会も含まれており、これらの大会は女子ゴルフ界において重要なイベントとされています。



CPKC女子オープン 2023年 LPGA 米国女子ツアー 日本公式 …

ゴルフ – カナディアン女子オープン – スポーツナビ

2コ ジンヨン‑9F‑3
3イン ルオニン‑7F‑6

米国女子トップ 【LPGAツアー 米国女子】 – ゴルフニュース



アレクサ・パノ、畑岡奈紗、渋野日向子が活躍する米国女子ツアーの大会ライブ速報に加え、結果、獲得賞金ランキング、各種スタッツ… 米国女子トップ【LPGA .

全英女子オープン – スポーツナビ



「全英女子オープン」(The Women’s British Open)は、女子ゴルフの主要なメジャートーナメントの一つであり、毎年イギリスまたはヨーロッパで開催されるイベントです。以下に詳細な情報を提供します。

  • 歴史と開催:全英女子オープンは、初めて1944年に開催されました。その後、国際的なトーナメントとして成長し、世界中からトップの女子ゴルファーが参加する大会となりました。トーナメントは、イギリスの異なるゴルフコースで開催されることがあり、その風景と難易度のあるコースが特徴です。
  • メジャー大会:全英女子オープンは、女子ゴルフの4大メジャートーナメントの一つとして位置づけられています。他のメジャートーナメントと同様に、選手たちにとって特別な意義を持つ大会であり、メジャータイトルを獲得することはその年の最も重要な目標の一つです。
  • 国際的な出場者:全英女子オープンは、世界中から多くの国の女子ゴルファーが出場します。これにより、異なる地域や国からのトッププレーヤーが競い合い、国際的な競争が展開されます。大会の質は非常に高く、トップクラスの選手たちが優れた技術と競技力を披露します。
  • 歴代優勝者:全英女子オープンはその長い歴史の中で多くの素晴らしい優勝者を輩出してきました。歴代優勝者たちは女子ゴルフの歴史に名を刻み、その実力と才能を証明しています。
  • 注目の瞬間:全英女子オープンには、歴史的な瞬間や感動的なストーリーが数多く存在します。これには劇的なプレーオフや予想外の勝利、コースの難易度に立ち向かうプレーヤーなどが含まれます。



日本女子プロゴルフ協会(Japan Ladies Professional Golf Association、略称:JLPGA)は、日本国内で活動する女子プロゴルファーたちの組織です。以下に詳細な情報を提供します。

  • 組織と役割:JLPGAは、日本国内の女子プロゴルファーを結集し、彼女たちの競技活動を支援することを目的としています。組織は、女子プロゴルフ選手としてプレーする者や、トーナメント運営やプロモーションに関わる者など、幅広い分野のメンバーで構成されています。
  • トーナメントの運営:JLPGAは、国内外のトーナメントを主催および運営しています。これには日本国内の大会だけでなく、国際大会も含まれています。これらのトーナメントは女子ゴルフのプロ選手たちにとって競技の場であり、さまざまな賞金や栄誉を求めて戦う場となっています。
  • トッププロ選手と若手選手:JLPGAには、長年にわたって活躍してきたトップクラスの女子プロゴルファーから、新進気鋭の若手選手まで、幅広い世代のメンバーが所属しています。若手選手の育成とトッププレーヤーの支援を通じて、女子ゴルフの将来を担う選手たちを育てています。
  • プロモーションと社会貢献:JLPGAは、女子プロゴルフの普及や啓発活動も行っています。女子ゴルフの人気向上や社会貢献に力を入れ、ゴルフを通じてさまざまな価値を提供しています。
  • 歴史と影響力:JLPGAは、1967年に設立されました。その後、日本国内外で高い評価を受けながら女子プロゴルフの発展に寄与してきました。日本国内のトーナメントだけでなく、アジア地域や世界のトーナメントにおいても、JLPGAのメンバーはその実力を発揮しています。



世界最高峰の選手たちが強く、美しく、頂点を目指すLPGA女子ゴルフツアー。 … アセンダントLPGAベネフィティング・ボランティアズ・オブ・アメリカ 10/6~10/9.

ゴルフ LPGA ツアー – 全米女子オープン リーダーボード

ぜひ、https://www.flashscore.co.jp/golf/ で現在開催中の大会を確認のうえ、こちら 全米女子オープン ページ、または ゴルフ大会速報 をフォロー(お気に入り登録) …

#1. LPGA 米国女子 – ゴルフ総合サイト ALBA Net
LPGA 米国女子ツアーのシーズン日程、速報・リーダーボード、ニュース、選手情報ほか、LPGA 米国女子ツアーに関する情報を配信します。
於 www.alba.co.jp
#2. ゴルフ – 米国女子 日程・結果 – スポーツナビ
ゴルフ の最新情報はここからGET! 大会速報に日程・結果、選手情報などゴルフ情報が満載. … LPGA-米国女子 … 6月1日~4日, みずほ アメリカオープン. 新設大会.
於 sportsnavi.ht.kyodo-d.jp
#3. 米国女子トップ 【LPGAツアー 米国女子】 – ゴルフニュース
於 news.golfdigest.co.jp
#4. 今日の米国女子ゴルフ結果速報リーダーボード&最新世界 …
順位 スコア 選手名 Today R4 1. (△10) ‑10 L.ヴ. 765,000ドル ‑4 68 2. (▽‑1) ‑10 A.イン. 479,680ドル 0 72 3. (△3) ‑9 N.コルダ. 347,974ドル ‑1 71
於 the-ans.jp
#5. 米国女子ゴルフ – スポーツナビ
原英莉花がハワイでホテルの部屋から絶景のオーシャンビューを撮影 その腕前はプロ顔負け? ゴルフ総合サイト ALBA Net – 2023/4/24 19:46 · 渋野日向子は最終日に伸ばせず …
於 sports.yahoo.co.jp
#6. リアルタイムスコア速報(リーダボード)
R PLAYER S H T 1T 後藤 未有 ‑4 F ‑4 1T 仁井 優花 ‑4 F ‑4 3T 川岸 史果 ‑3 F ‑3
於 www.lpga.or.jp
#7. ゴルフ・米国女子 日程情報|スポーツ情報はdメニュースポーツ
米国女子ゴルフの日程・結果です。ゴルフを楽しむならdメニュー … スーパースティションマウンテンGC プロスペクターズコース … 6/1~4, みずほ アメリカオープン.
於 golf.sports.smt.docomo.ne.jp
#8. LPGA女子ゴルフツアー|スポーツ | WOWOWオンライン
世界最高峰の選手たちが強く、美しく、頂点を目指すLPGA女子ゴルフツアー。LPGA女子ゴルフツアー2022シーズン メジャー大会含め放送中!
於 www.wowow.co.jp
#9. 女子プロゴルフ速報 リアルタイム|TikTokで検索

於 www.tiktok.com
#10. 【渋野日向子 速報】今日の結果/順位/賞金・リーダーボード …
【渋野日向子 速報】今日の結果/順位/賞金・リーダーボード(2023年 LPGAドライブオン選手権)、スタート時間/予定、テレビ放送/ライブ配信|米国女子ゴルフ.

Firefox vs. Brave: 哪套瀏覽器更適合您?


Brave 瀏覽器與其他瀏覽器,使用由 Google 推出的開源代碼開放原始 Chromium 的開源代碼。想要的東西—— 歌劇邊緣 這也是如此。這並不代表所有使用 Chromium 技術的瀏覽器都相同,或本身都開放原始碼。

Brave 最大的不同內容是 Chromium 的關注與其他用戶隱私權瀏覽時 — 特別是用於廣告的監視、跟踪器、指令等。當您使用 Brave 瀏覽內容時,網站中使用的內容顯示廣告的版位下可以打開天窗更改性。在某些情況下,會無法正確關閉頁面,然後可以安全地使用瀏覽器,或者將“屏蔽”,為“屏蔽”,與保護“屏蔽”功能。

網際天才網路有很大一部分內容是由廣告來提供收益,讓您實際想要的內容保持免費。勇敢的參與用戶加入勇敢的自己的獎勵(也是他們看到自己的廣告平台)來此商業模式。用戶加入後,Brave 會顯示“尊重隱私權”的廣告,並獲得 Basic Attention Token(簡稱 BAT)的獎勵。從這一點開始,Brave 就可以將BAT花在想的網站或喜歡的貢獻者支持,讓他們將BAT再轉回真實的貨幣。


在金錢的另一個表面上,Firefox 瀏覽器想把事情想把事情簡單但當擋下多個程序。Firefox 不讓它們加密挖掘與數位指紋追踪器。Firefox 不在乎隱私瀏覽器。不需要展示廣告模式,必須要安裝時任一套能泡的套件會隱藏廣告。

Brave 有一些安全性功能突出強調,例如它可以自動將網站連線升級為 HTTPS 連線(Firefox 需要安裝擴展包成績優秀)。Brave 與 Firefox 都內建密碼管理員,並可以隨時確認相關信息。Brave可以在開啟新分頁時的性統計網址顯示信息;在火狐瀏覽器中可以點擊安全顯示的屏幕顯示隱私權報告,了解類似的信息。

重要的是,對於許多人來說,就像 Brave 的基本注意力令牌商業模式可能提供的複雜性,但 Brave 與 Firefox 瀏覽器都能夠保持各種安全且有隱私的上網體驗。


提到寶貴的 RAM 用量,比 Firefox 更勇敢地使用。Brave 內建了許多功能與附加組件,會增加 RAM 量。但您需要自己安裝“Firefox”等附加組件和其他組件。

一直以來,介元素的高可自訂取景主題都是 Firefox 與布用戶的最愛,而我們活躍的開發者社區也建立了大量的Firefox 內置開放功能,包含威力強大的擴展功能,可以在原始瀏覽器中或加入更多功能。 截圖工具、易用性功能,還集成了 口袋 — 建立讓用戶能夠快速儲存文章,然後再於任何裝置上閱讀的工具。

Brave 也應用程序商店的各種瀏覽器功能在 Chrome 瀏覽器在線瀏覽,並提供顯器內建功能,諸如 Brave Rewards 計畫,以及 Google 先前器中直接下載 BT 的支持。

在設備與作業間同步加密、不同系列、系統資料、附加與其他偏好設置的已經,在 Firefox 推出了許多同步資料加密的,人們可以從獲取功能。

Firefox也讓用戶免費註冊 火狐賬號註冊 Firefox 後戶口,就可以在不同裝置同步資料,還能主動為您監控電子郵件地址,當您的資料在資料外洩事件時通知您的 火狐監視器 等服務。

Brave最近推出了在熱門數據作業系統與裝置間同步,與同步Basic Attention Token代幣的功能。

比較 Firefox 與 Brave 的兩套瀏覽器,它們都提供了完整的隱私保護和安全性設置,從第一次使用就開始受到影響。


相對而言,Brave 是一個整體又適合瀏覽器的工具,更吸引了各種安全瀏覽器。但從某種意義上來說,Firefox 還是更好地設置、更容易的方案。


火狐 (81) | 勇敢 (1.14.81)




sandra老師維基百科 sandra老師幾歲 sandra老師年紀ptt sandra老師結婚 sandra老師年紀ptt sandra老師學歷 sandra老師生日 sandra老師男朋友 sandra老師PTT sandra老師大學

相信不少人最近常常在電視或網路上看到 Sandra 老師這號人物,究竟 Sandra 老師到底什麼來頭?

原來 Sandra 老師是一個政府部長級口譯員,雅思口說滿分的英文天才,因外表甜美而爆紅,那麼就有不少網友想知道 Sandra 老師維基百科的資訊,透過維基百科來看看 Sandra 老師的學經歷,為此,本文以幫大家在下方整理好了,有興趣的朋友就讓我們往下看吧!


在交通部服務五年,Sandra 就是個口譯,就是要翻。陸海空郵政觀光,真心好多專有名詞到現在還記得!

  • 世界知名口譯所巴斯大學口筆譯碩士,現任政府部長級專業口譯員
  • 英美生活求學超過4年,15年以上教學經驗豐富的雙語老師
  • 美加留學補習班6年資歷,專精教授托福、雅思、多益等國際考試

IG Sandra Hsu (@sandralalala0302) 72K Followers, 770 Following, 914 Posts – See Instagram photos and videos from Sandra Hsu (@sandralalala0302)

這幾天沸沸揚揚的口譯妹事件,來了一些朋友跟看節目的觀眾問我的想法,或要是我會怎麼做,除了想念起以前三不五時的口譯人生記事,也有很多感想。 口譯是一個壓力極大的工作,尤其如果一輩子能翻到裴洛西這樣子的人物,真的會超級緊張,而且現場的狀況很難說,又遇到麥克風的問題,應該會整個超慌亂,但還是有幾點基本口譯的原則

: 1. 不疾不徐、看不出情緒,可以跟著微笑,但真的不會太激動,因為口譯員應該是要低調、隱形的。你存在的唯一價值,就是協助傳達訊息;

2. 打斷講者罪該萬死?不會的。因為有時候講者真的從台北講到屏東,你不微微跟他示意,他根本忘記你的存在。雖然口譯員的逐步筆記翻個10分鐘都不是問題,但還是應該適當的講者與譯者交錯。我想這次口譯的狀況,比較是她用的打斷方式:sorry, I have to translate. 如果可以改成:please allow me some time. 然後不要動作那麼大,應該真的就還行,重點是穩重就好;

3. 麥克風出問題,其實不用特別 because my microphone wasn’t working, they gave me a new one. 麥克風出問題大家都看到,就順順接過來,微笑開始翻譯,最糟也就是這段漏掉的到下段補述。

以上,真的辛苦口譯員了!酸民也真的很猛烈,大可不必。口譯員的心理素質非常需要練習,語言能力只是基本,還必須具備沉著的應變能力,而誰不是從不夠完美中學習更好呢?我當過口譯這麼多年,常常都還是覺得自己在騙錢,因為絕對沒有百分之百完整的口譯,能翻出七成就很厲害了。 真的謝謝口譯訓練跟當口譯員的經歷~~~讓我現在就算緊張到胃都縮在一起絞痛,外表看上去還是很chill。



團體課終於來了!!! 雅思口說滿分/專精正音、文法2387堂英文課完成關注


會說英文、中文最新公告:Sandra正音班、實境生活文法班、多益班|限量名額招生 特別推薦 三階正音班(母音、子音、語調)、全方位正音班、實境生活文法班、多益班,請參考團體班細節~~ 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻下方“團體班”立即報名👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻





✨重要資訊: 1. 聯絡請直接用Line官方 @sandralalala(記得打@)這邊訊息太多,你的訊息會很容易被洗掉 2.目前預約爆滿,建議儘量報名上團課,你們的個人問題也會在團課上得到解答~

3.首次跟Eko推出【雅思/托福 高效衝刺班】:https://reurl.cc/KMRd29,我們兩個會利用自身的教學優勢全面照顧你們的聽說讀寫能力 ✨發音就是語言的門面,10小時改善重音、連音、口氣,聽力也會跟著功力大增

✨文法就是語言最基礎,以主題式課程堆疊英文能力,聽說讀寫全面升級 ✨托福、雅思聽力與口說,熟悉題型加上解題技巧,充分練習一定有明顯成效 ✨多益10堂課,幫助你輕鬆達標 ✨英文面試或簡報,因應情境、陳述ideas沒煩惱








約為正式課的 6 折 🔥 優惠名額有限!謝謝大家的追趕與等待,Sandra團班最新開班資訊終於出爐! ✨正音第一階母音班(僅收6人,維持學習品質,增加練習機會): 以最關鍵的16個母音矯正, 清楚辨別以往誤認為相似音或同音的母音組合, 另外也帶到台灣人最常見的母音發音錯誤。(原文)

#1.sandra老師維基百科的推薦, 網路上有這些評價原來Sandra 老師是一個政府部長級口譯員,雅思口說滿分的英文天才,因外表甜美而爆紅,那麼就有不少網友想知道Sandra 老師維基百科的資訊,透過維基百科來看看Sandra … 於 gadget.mediatagtw.com

#2.Sandra英文秀Hi~我是Sandra -巴斯大學口筆譯碩士,現任政府部長級口譯員-滾石電音Rokon. … 搵Sandra 老師上堂▷ https://reurl.cc/pmM4kx. Sandra英文秀 於 www.facebook.com

#3.‍ Sandra ‍ 部長口譯官終於開團體課了~~ 一對一線上英文家教第一次上Sandra老師的課,老師就立刻點出我發音的問題,並且對症下藥的給予修正建議,也帶我發現了從未注意到的英文發音知識。上課過程中,老師會用很生活化又有趣的 … 於 tw.amazingtalker.com

#4.Sandra 老師維基百科資訊哪裡找?Sandra 學經歷一秒看!原來Sandra 老師是一個政府部長級口譯員,雅思口說滿分的英文天才,因外表甜美而爆紅,那麼就有不少網友想知道Sandra 老師維基百科的資訊,透過維基百科來看看Sandra 老師 … 於 tpecramschool.moreptt.com

#5.專訪|AmazingTalker Show:指考七分卻創辦英語教學頻道 …身兼妮可醬樂團主唱的Sandra,總是畫著視覺系妝容的Eko,還有意外走向幕前的七分編,就是補教界的Game Changer呀! … 竟有這款英文老師? 於 www.elle.com

#6.Sandra Hsu (@sandralalala0302) • Instagram photos and …… 728 Following, 904 Posts – See Instagram photos and videos from Sandra Hsu (@sandralalala0302) … 謝謝伍佰老師,謝謝你挑中妮可醬,讓我們在搖滾. 於 www.instagram.com

#7.關於最近小有知名度的eko老師- 語言板 – Dcard最近常常在臉書廣告看到這個什麼吸血鬼Eko的影片,是amazing talker裡面的一個老師,但是仔細看裡面他講的內容我發現很多似乎都是有問題的, … 於 www.dcard.tw

#8.sandra老師幾歲-Dcard與PTT討論推薦|2022年06月|追蹤網紅動態找sandra老師幾歲在Dcard與PTT討論/評價與推薦,提供sandra老師學歷,sandra老師ig,sandra hsu年紀相關資訊,找sandra老師幾歲就在追蹤網紅動態,熱門網紅排名, … 於 creator.gotokeyword.com

#9.反骨孫生上課狂撩老師? Sandra英文發音失控崩潰!【最爆笑 …馬上看孫生VS Sandra 崩潰正片▷ https://youtu.be/43A2clu9UHQSandra 老師 粉絲專頁按讚▷ https://fb.com/sandraenglishshow找到專屬教師▷ … 於 www.youtube.com

#10.90%人都不會!that 要這樣念!Sandra 教你”真實用法” 1 秒更 …… 找 Sandra 上課▷ https://reurl.cc/pmM4kxSandra 老師 粉絲專頁按讚▷ https://fb.com/sandraenglishshow#AmazingTalker # Sandra #線上英文家教. 於 www.youtube.com


sandra老師幾歲在Dcard與PTT討論/評價與推薦,提供sandra老師學歷,sandra老師ig,sandra hsu年紀相關資訊,找sandra老師幾歲就在追蹤網紅動態,熱門網紅排名, …

專訪|AmazingTalker Show:指考七分卻創辦英語教學頻道 …

在PTT、Dcard上總是引發熱烈評論的Sandra、Eko以及指考七分卻成為英語教學 … 是英文老師;偶爾代打主持aka 製作人的七分編,除了眾所皆知英文指考僅 …

「Amazing Talker Show」的Sandra真的是美魔女- YouTuber

後來看了其他部影片,有提到他們高中的時候,兩個同屆,而且還是青梅竹馬。甚至還說過他們認識20多年了⋯⋯ 突然覺得咦????


先廢話不多說,讓大家猜猜Sandra的年齡,如圖 megapx megapx megapx 左Sandra 右Eko 答案揭曉囉



我當初知道的時候大概是這個表情 之前他們常常在影片有提到Eko 跟Sandra兩個都屬雞,這時候我只是以為Sandra比他小一輪。後來看了其他部影片,有提到他們高中的時候,兩個同屆,而且還是青梅竹馬。甚至還說過他們認識20多年了⋯⋯




關於sandra老師結婚在網紅「吸血鬼老師」Eko結婚了! 婚禮合照掀熱議:一家人都好酷的評價; 關於sandra老師結婚在關於最近小有知名度的eko老師- 語言板 ..經常在社群平台放閃的他,近日宣布和女友完婚喜訊,並曬出一系列婚宴照和粉絲分享喜悅;不過大批網友在恭喜新人之餘,也把焦點放在EKO家人身上,不僅雙方 …

Enhancing Cats Blender Plugin: Comprehensive Troubleshooting and Problem-solving Guide

cats blender

“CATS Blender Plugin: Powering 3D Modelling, Animation and Game Development in the Blender Ecosystem CATS Blender Plugin”, a robust tool meticulously designed for the Blender software ecosystem. This plugin is meticulously designed to handle the intricacies of 3D model manipulation, with a focus on character models, allowing for seamless animation and game development.

The “CATS Blender Plugin” offers a versatile range of functionalities, allowing users to seamlessly import 3D models of various formats into the Blender environment. From streamlining complex structures to refining skeletal frameworks and weight distributions, this plugin gives creators the ability to delve into animation production and undertake transformative endeavours. For professionals immersed in character modelling and game development, this tool is indispensable. In this article, we embark on a comprehensive exploration of the multifaceted capabilities of the “CATS Blender Plugin”. From addressing common issues to delving into advanced troubleshooting methodologies, we will provide you with the knowledge you need to unlock the full potential of this plugin.

Whether you are a seasoned 3D virtuoso or an aspiring game developer, this article is your ultimate resource for unlocking the power of the CATS Blender Plugin. Unleash the power of the CATS Blender Plugin” to take your 3D modelling, animation and game development projects to new heights.

Converting MMD Models to FBX Using the CATS Blender Plugin and Importing to UnityIn the realm of game development, the task of transferring various models from one software to another is a common undertaking. This article provides a guide on how to utilize the CATS Blender Plugin in Blender to convert MMD (MikuMikuDance) models to the FBX format and subsequently import them into the Unity engine for further development and utilization.

Step 1: Downloading the CATS Plugin and MMD ModelsFirstly, you need to download the CATS Plugin and the MMD model you wish to convert. You can find the CATS Plugin at the following link: https://github.com/absolute-quantum/cats-blender-plugin. Make sure to download a version of the plugin that is compatible with your version of Blender.Similarly, you’ll need to acquire the MMD model. “Moziwu” (https://www.aplaybox.com/) is a common resource site where you can find many officially released models. In this article, we’ll be using a model from “San Qī” as an example.

Step 2: Converting MMD Models to FBX

  1. Open Blender and import the CATS Plugin.
  2. Select the CATS option and click “Import Model.” Choose the downloaded MMD model file (.pmx format).
  3. After import, choose the “Shading” option and wait for the colored preview of the model to render.
  4. Switch to the Modeling workspace, select all options under “Translate,” then click “Separate by Material.”
  5. Finally, click “Fix Model” to perform model fixes and ensure correct material assignment.

Once these steps are completed, your MMD model is ready to be exported in the FBX format.Step 3: Importing to the Unity Engine

  1. Place the exported FBX file and associated textures into a folder for ease of import into Unity.
  2. Open Unity and drag the folder into your project’s assets.
  3. You can directly drag the FBX file into the scene, but due to shader settings, the model might appear unusual. As a workaround, you can initially simulate it using the “unlit texture” shader.
  4. If you intend to achieve a two-dimensional effect, you can utilize the “ExtractMaterials” feature to extract materials.
  5. Create a “Materials” folder and create new materials for the extracted ones, selecting “unlit/Texture” as the shader.

By following these steps, you’ve successfully converted an MMD model from Blender to the FBX format and imported it into the Unity engine. Please note that different models and scenes might require adjustments to fit your specific project’s needs. This article aims to assist you in easing the process of model conversion and game development.

Cats Blender Plugin (0.19.0)

Cats Blender Plugin (0.19.0). A tool designed to shorten steps needed to import and optimize models into VRChat. Compatible models are: MMD, XNALara, …

The blender cats plug-in isn’t working for blender 3.5 and I …

Personally I’ve been downloading eg blender-3.2.2-windows-x64.zip and extracting to a directory. Their discord suggests downloading the …

Some Blender Plugins (Notably CATS) Not Working since

Trying to export this model using CATS on Blender, but I keep ..

Cats Blender Plugin 0.18.0 released! : r/VRchat – Reddit

No mesh found in cats blender plugin : r/blenderhelp – Reddit

Cats Blender Plugin

A tool designed to shorten steps needed to import and optimize models into VRChat. Compatible models are: MMD, XNALara, Mixamo, Source Engine, Unreal Engine …

GiveMeAllYourCats | creating Cats Blender Plugin

GiveMeAllYourCats. 25 members; 2 posts; $157.3/month. creating Cats Blender Plugin. Become a patron. Home · About. Choose your membership. Recommended.

30 Best Frozen Foods Recommended by Costco Shoppers

Best Frozen Foods Recommended by Costco Shoppers

Unveiling the Why: Why Costco Members Should Invest in Costco Frozen Foods

In today’s fast-paced world, Costco members are looking for convenient, delicious and budget-friendly food options. That’s why Costco Frozen Foods has become the smart choice for countless members.

For starters, Costco Frozen Foods offers unsurpassed quality and variety. Whatever your culinary preferences, from entrees to snacks, global cuisines to classic flavours, Costco has you covered. This variety not only satisfies your taste buds, but also caters to the different preferences of your family members.

Second, shopping for frozen foods at Costco means you can enjoy deliciousness anytime, anywhere. Modern life can be hectic, and having convenient meal options is often essential. These frozen meals offer quick, tasty solutions to your busy schedule, whether it’s a weeknight dinner or a weekend snack.

In addition, the price of Costco frozen foods is a compelling factor for members. Compared to eating out or buying prepared meals, these frozen options are competitively priced without sacrificing quality. Members can enjoy high-quality food at a more affordable price.

Most importantly, choosing Costco Frozen Foods offers the synergy of affordability and convenience. You can stock up on food in one trip, eliminating the hassle of frequent trips to the store, while ensuring freshness and quality.

Being a Costco member and choosing Costco frozen foods means enjoying high-quality, convenient, delicious and budget-friendly food options that make life easier and more enjoyable.

1.Kirkland Signature Sirloin Patties

Kirkland Signature Sirloin Patties

Considering the cost of a fast-food hamburger these days, if you’re in the mood for a burger but don’t want the hassle, Kirkland Signature Sirloin Patties are a lot cheaper. No, these hamburgers aren’t pre-cooked, but they are pre-formed so you don’t have to get your hands dirty. Plus, it only takes about 15 minutes to reheat a frozen patty on the stovetop. When it comes to the favourite bag of burgers to get at Costco, most people tend to prefer the taste of the hamburger patties in the red bag (the sirloin patties) over those in the blue bag (ground beef). Ultimately, the ground beef has a better taste and is a higher quality meat.

2.Kirkland pizzas

Kirkland pizzas

Do you really consider yourself a dedicated Costco shopper if your freezer isn’t stocked with a selection of Kirkland pizzas, ready for a pizza crisis? Pizza offerings may evolve, but one constant beacon is the four-pack of Kirkland pepperoni pizza, which has reached a level of essential demand that defies disruption. In addition, a Kirkland cheese pizza is often part of the range.

Kirkland’s Italian-style pizzas are sold in packs of four, with each pizza costing approximately $4.25. The pepperoni pizzas are extravagantly meaty, and personalisation is key – add an extra helping of your favourite toppings. The possibilities are endless as you embark on your personalisation journey. Add veggies, experiment with different meats or increase the cheese indulgence. Once customised, just 12 to 15 minutes in the oven will produce a pizza with irresistibly bubbly, golden-brown cheese.

Having said that, the Kirkland pizza experience does have a few drawbacks. It’s worth noting that they contain a considerable amount of sodium and saturated fat. A single serving contains 10 grams of saturated fat, which is half the recommended daily allowance. In addition, each serving contains 660 milligrams of sodium, which is 43% of the recommended daily allowance.

In the realm of Costco pizzas, the Kirkland offerings stand as a testament to satisfying, convenient indulgence, albeit with some nutritional considerations.

3.Kirkland Signature Italian Sausage and Beef Lasagna

Kirkland Signature Italian Sausage and Beef Lasagna

There was a time when the lasagna everyone picked up from Costco was a giant, layered masterpiece of meat and pasta that could easily feed a party of 12. Today, the spotlight is on the Kirkland Signature Italian Sausage and Beef Lasagna. Designed with smaller families in mind, this version comes in a more manageable size, with two three-pound lasagnas in each pack. If you happen to live alone, fear not – you can easily portion it into smaller portions and conveniently microwave a slice whenever the craving strikes. Although microwaveable, it’s best to bake it in the oven if you want that invitingly browned layer of cheese. At an average price of around $10 for a pack of two, it’s a pretty good deal.

Customer reviews for this lasagne are overwhelmingly positive. Every element, from the sauce to the cheese, is bursting with delicious flavours. The tomatoes used in the sauce are vine-ripened, which gives it a robust flavour rather than a bland one. Kirkland’s use of whole milk ricotta cheese further enhances the flavour profile. With no unnecessary additives, you’re getting the pure, natural essence of lasagne ingredients. Keep one of these in your freezer and your lasagne cravings will be effortlessly satisfied.


Brimming with rich and varied flavours, these meatballs are a culinary marvel that can be effortlessly served as a mouth-watering starter or a hearty main course. Designed to enhance your dining experience, these Jumbo Meatballs are packaged in a substantial 6-pound bag with an impressive 140 meatballs. The best part? The price tag is equally impressive at $19.99, which works out to just $3.33 per pound.

Embrace the endless possibilities these meatballs offer. Whether you’re hosting a get-together and need a crowd-pleasing starter or want to whip up a satisfying main course, these meatballs have you covered. Their flavour-packed profile ensures every bite is an explosion of savoury goodness, and their versatility opens the door to many culinary creations.

Imagine a delicious pasta dish? Combine these juicy meatballs with your favourite marinara sauce and pasta for a hearty meal that’s sure to please. Or imagine a delicious meatball sub, where every bite is a harmonious blend of flavours and textures. What’s more, these meatballs can be effortlessly transformed into a fusion delight that makes a statement in global cuisines.

Whatever the occasion, these meatballs are sure to impress. With their impressive size, unrivalled value and unparalleled convenience, they undoubtedly deserve a prominent place in your freezer. So stock up and enjoy the convenience of having a culinary powerhouse at your fingertips. Your taste buds will thank you.



Undoubtedly the best frozen burger in Costco’s range, I’d go one step further and claim its dominance as the ultimate frozen burger contender on the market. These grass-fed burgers exude an unmistakable aroma and flavour that catapults these ⅓-pound 80/20 burgers into a league of their own.

Of course, such exceptional quality comes at a surprisingly reasonable price. For just $24.99, you get access to the sheer excellence encapsulated in this 5-pound bag.

The appeal of these burgers goes beyond their remarkable taste. They’re the embodiment of a conscious culinary choice, sourced from grass-fed sources that infuse the meat with an authentic, savoury essence. Every bite speaks volumes about the care and dedication that went into their creation, elevating your burger experience to new heights.

Enjoying these burgers is not just a meal, it’s a culinary journey. As you savour the rich, juicy flavours, you’re also making an environmentally conscious choice in line with sustainability and responsible sourcing. In a world of frozen options, these burgers shine as a beacon of quality, flavour and ethical consumption.

So embark on an unforgettable burger odyssey and indulge in the remarkable taste of these grass-fed burgers. With every bite, you’re not only treating your palate, you’re supporting a mindful approach to food sourcing and enjoyment.

koreastar ptt web Recommendations and Reviews from PTT, DCARD, MOBILE01, and Influencers

koreastar ptt

Korean culture has swept across the globe, spreading its influence beyond South Korea and sparking a passion overseas. As one of the largest discussion platforms in Taiwan, the PTT forum has naturally become a place where many users passionately discuss Korean stars and dramas. The most popular topics of discussion on the PTT forum revolve around recommendations and reviews of Korean stars (koreastar) and dramas (KoreaDrama).

Korean Stars (koreastar):

Discussions about Korean stars have always had a strong presence on the PTT forum. These stars cover various fields including music, movies, TV dramas and fashion. People often share their preferences for Korean stars, including their acting skills, appearance and personal charisma. The PTT forum has also become a platform for fans to share their experiences and feelings about the stars they follow. Especially during the peak of the Hallyu wave, many PTT users engaged in discussions and shared their views on various Korean celebrities, a trend that continues to this day.

Korean dramas (KoreaDrama):

Undoubtedly an important part of the overseas dissemination of Korean culture, Korean dramas have received a great deal of attention on the PTT forum. Many PTT users share their viewing experiences, reviews and recommendations of Korean dramas. Some dramas have even sparked passionate discussions on the forum, covering various aspects such as plot, acting, and music. In addition, many users seek advice from other users on the forum to find out which Korean dramas are worth watching, thus enriching the popularity and impact of Korean dramas in Taiwan. Discussion highlights: Sharing Star Chasing Emotions: Users on the PTT forum share their preferences for various Korean stars, including singers, actors and variety show hosts, making emotional sharing a common occurrence on the forum.

Work reviews and recommendations: Users discuss various aspects of Korean dramas on the forum, including plot development, character portrayal, and actor performance, sharing their views and recommending shows to others.

Hot Topic Discussions:

Certain Korean dramas or star-related topics may spark extensive discussions on the forum, such as debates about specific drama endings or celebrity rumours. Information sharing and interaction: Users share news, schedules, and other relevant information about Korean stars and dramas, encouraging interaction among themselves.

As a communication platform for Taiwanese netizens, the PTT forum isn’t just a discussion platform, but an important medium that shapes Taiwanese perceptions of Korean stars and dramas. This phenomenon not only underscores the global influence of Korean culture, but also reflects the role of online communities in cultural exchange.








  1. 追星心情分享: PTT論壇上的使用者會分享自己對於不同韓國明星的喜愛,從歌手、演員到綜藝節目主持人等,這種情感分享在論壇上常見。
  2. 作品評價與推薦: 使用者會在論壇上討論不同韓劇的劇情走向、人物塑造、演員表現等,並分享自己的觀點,也會推薦給其他人觀看。
  3. 熱門話題討論: 某些韓劇或韓國明星的話題可能在論壇上引發廣泛的討論,例如特定劇集的結局、明星的緋聞等。
  4. 資訊分享與交流: 使用者會分享關於韓國明星和韓劇的相關新聞、行程等資訊,促進彼此間的交流。


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#7. KoreaStar – PTT網頁版PTT 網頁版. … PTT網頁版 · 熱門文章 · 看板查詢 · 首頁; KoreaStar. KoreaStar … ptt-web.com 2022. PTT網頁版 [email protected]於 ptt-web.com

#8. KSD 韓星網主頁; 新聞; KPOP · 韓劇 · 明星 · 旅遊 · 生活 · Beauty · 綜藝 · 電影 · 專題 · 畫報; 話題; 韓星來港活動 · 韓星來台活動 · 有獎活動; 追蹤KSD.於 www.koreastardaily.com

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#10. [公告] KoreaStar板板主徵選 – Mo PTT徵求KoreaStar板板主1名,有意參選者請在板上貼上參選文標題格式、內文格式不符合者,直接刪除參選 … WanYC只要有Ptt web跟其他版友存在的一天開心.

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Unlocking Efficiency: Mastering Plank Making in Old School RuneScape (OSRS)

plank make osrs

“Runescape” is a highly popular massive multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG). The game is developed and published by the British company Jagex. The game’s world is a fantasy realm called Gielinor, where players can explore various regions, undertake quests, battle monsters, and interact with other players.”Runescape” was initially released in 2001 and has undergone numerous updates and improvements.

The game is known for its openness, freedom, and diverse gameplay options, allowing players to develop their characters through a variety of skills and activities. Skills in the game range from combat skills (such as melee and ranged combat) to non-combat skills (such as gathering, crafting, and cooking).In the game, players can collaborate with others, team up for quests and challenges, or engage in various activities like player-vs-player (PvP) combat and player-vs-environment (PvE) activities.

Additionally, the game features an economic system where players can trade items and earn in-game currency.Due to its unique gameplay style and continuous updates, “Runescape” has maintained a strong player community over the past decades. The game has also released different versions, including the older version of “Runescape” and the updated “Runescape 3”. Furthermore, the game has been launched on mobile platforms and various devices, allowing players to enjoy it across a range of devices.

Crafting Stools in Plan Make Old School RuneScape (OSRS)

Here is the information regarding how to craft a stool in the game Old School RuneScape (OSRS).In OSRS, crafting a stool is an activity within the Construction skill. You can create a stool by following these steps:

  1. Obtain Logs: First, you need to acquire logs suitable for crafting a stool. You can obtain logs by using an axe on trees found in the game world. Different types of trees yield different kinds of logs.
  2. Craft Stool Base: Use your logs to craft the base of the stool at a Construction skill workbench. You can find Construction skill workbenches in most towns, such as Varrock, Falador, and others.
  3. Craft Stool Backrest: Attach the backrest to the stool base. This requires a certain Construction skill level, the specific level depending on the type of stool you wish to craft.
  4. Complete the Stool: Once you attach the backrest to the base, you have successfully crafted a stool!

It’s worth noting that crafting different types of stools might require varying Construction skill levels and types of logs. You can unlock more varieties of stool crafting by leveling up your Construction skill in the game.

Plank Make OSRS

The spell Make Plank requires 86 Magic. It turns a tree trunk, which can normally be turned into a plank at the sawmill, into a plank of the same type. There is still a cost per plank – it costs 70% of the coins the sawmill operator would charge. However, this saving is cancelled out by the rune cost of the spell. Therefore, people do not use Plank Make to make money, but rather to train their magic. Plank making is a good way to train magic, and is a faster way to gain experience than high-level alchemy. However, the need to stay in a bank area may make High Level Alchemy more attractive to players who want to train other skills as well as Magic. Plank Make can be cast once every 3 game turns (about 1.8 seconds). Including bank time, up to 1850 Plank Makes can be cast per hour, giving up to 166k Magic experience per hour. Note: This number of casts per hour can be reduced by lag, errors (such as clicking on planks already cast), or distractions.

LogPlankCost in coins
Spell MakeSawmill
Oak logsOak plank175250
Teak logsTeak plank350500
Mahogany logsMahogany plank10501500

Plank Make

The Plank Make spell requires level 86 Magic and the completion of Dream Mentor. It will convert one log that can normally be converted at the sawmill into …Spellbook: LunarCasting speed: 3 ticks (6 on autocast)?

Casting plank make

The rune cost of Plank Make spell is 192 coins when using a staff to replace earth runes. Logs, Price, Plank, Price, Sawmill fee, Profit/Log.

Mahogany Plank Make Autocast – Magic

Script will autocast Make Plank (slower than active casting) then … less than this: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Money_making_guide/ …

What’s the best way to make planks? : r/ironscape

What’s the best way to make planks? … Get a servant or just run back and forth in woodcutting guild? … Another option is to go to pvp world and … : If you can afk at work I’d suggest plank make, I made 30k planks last week

If you can afk at work I’d suggest plank make, I made 30k planks last week and got 88-94 mage lol but otherwise you can note your logs and put house in rimmington, give butler logs to bring to sawmill then leave house and go to general store which has a guy named phials who unnotes stuff gp then run back to house and repeat steps. Another option is to go to pvp world and have cammy/house teles, you would tele to cammy to take logs out then tele to house to give to butler and repeat but if doing this make sure to lock house portal to visitors.

Pretty late on this, but maybe it could be a cool suggestion for anyone who sees this… But the new ring from Guardians of the Rift can teleport you to the earth altar, and you could take the hot air balloon back to the crafting guild or castle wars to do it again. Might be other stuff you could add onto that too idk

Nobody ever recommends it, because its not efficient, but I really like teleporting to castle wars to bank, then taking the balloon to the Varrock lumber yard, then tele again; the balloons take 1 willow log per trip and you can store 100 of them at a time with the balloon so you don’t have to grab one each time.Its slower than using a butler but its cheaper (since no butler fees), and its faster than doing plank make.

Lunars Calculator for OSRS – Plank Make

Lunars Calculator for OSRS! Calculate GP/ph, XP/ph and Profits when casting Tan Leather and Make Plank at your own pace.

OSRS: Plank Make

One of the spells you can use in the game is Plank Make, although it requires that you are level 86 in Magic and that you complete Dream Mentor.

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→ girlsholic: 面的也不是日牌啊 囧 不是寫日文的就 01/22 15:16

→ girlsholic: 一定是日本品牌…那網站裡面賣的都是 01/22 15:16

→ girlsholic: 韓貨。 01/22 15:16

→ girlsholic: 貨源應該都是一樣,但台灣賣家賣韓貨 01/22 15:18

→ girlsholic: 最愛把價格灌水灌很大 01/22 15:18 推 xinni: 我也在ZOZOTOWN 看過和台灣韓貨賣家一樣的223.136.240.114 01/22 16:44

→ xinni: 圖 而且還賣很貴 那些都不是日牌 只是日本223.136.240.114 01/22 16:44

→ xinni: 網站也有賣而已 沒看過的牌子要做一下功課223.136.240.114 01/22 16:44

→ xinni: 而且我覺得韓貨跟日貨拍照風格差很多 看久223.136.240.114 01/22 16:44

→ xinni: 大概都能猜中223.136.240.114 01/22 16:44

→ msylvie: 也是有日本人會去東大門批貨呀 01/22 17:00 推 justinehenin: 通通是淘寶 只是包裝成日貨跟韓貨 01/22 19:20 推 windesign88: 樓上認真嗎QQ 01/22 20:08

→ windesign88: 自從前天的閒聊文…我也打算開始淘 01/22 20:11

→ windesign88: 寶找韓貨買惹 還想開始研究韓國檔 01/22 20:11

→ windesign88: 口之類,以前都不比價亂買 QQ 得到 01/22 20:11

→ windesign88: 教訓了 01/22 20:11

→ justinehenin: 我是拿原po那日網的商品一個一個在 01/22 21:19

→ justinehenin: 淘寶以圖搜圖…在淘寶都有數不清 01/22 21:19

→ justinehenin: 的相同商品跟相同圖啊… 01/22 21:19 推 windesign88: 我還沒有淘寶買過大衣類的 不知道跟 01/23 13:17

→ windesign88: “韓貨”大衣品質的差異 01/23 13:17

→ pinknote: 在淘寶買過一件,相似度高到有點驚人 01/23 21:16 推 deathheaven: 在淘寶請賣家代購的話150.117.243.136 01/24 00:31

→ deathheaven: 跟Dobe的賣價一件大約差兩三百150.117.243.136 01/24 00:32

→ deathheaven: 那些有找部落客業配的可以差到五六百150.117.243.136 01/24 00:33

→ k2216ss: 淘寶買韓貨,我會看有淘寶直播的,比較 01/24 17:15

→ k2216ss: 有名的就是吳小姐。檔口就會看apm那棟裡 01/24 17:15

→ k2216ss: 面的 01/24 17:15

→ cnblue051733: 淘寶直播店家唯一會一直回購的只有180.217.143.209 01/24 23:26 → cnblue051733: 吳小姐,挑貨眼光都不錯,基本上很180.217.143.209 01/24 23:26

→ cnblue051733: 少踩雷,但也是剛好風格喜歡,從她180.217.143.209 01/24 23:26

→ cnblue051733: 小賣家時就跟到現在,真心推薦~ 01/24 23:26 推 abluelos: 跟日網價格一樣正常,批發價都遠低於這 01/25 13:51

→ abluelos: 數值。

pamphylia pronunciation|Mastering the Pronunciation of Pamphylia: A Comprehensive Guide

pamphylia pronunciation

Master the pronunciation of “Pamphylia” with our comprehensive guide, enabling effective communication. Learn its definition and meaning along with correct pronunciation. Explore not only the pronunciation of Pamphylia but also that of various other Bible names and words. Delve into the historical context of this ancient region in South Asia Minor, which later became a Roman province.

How do you pronounce pamphylia?

What is this word pamphylia?

How do you pronounce Phamphilia?


Welcome to our comprehensive guide to mastering the pronunciation of ‘Pamphylia’. In this guide, we’ll show you how to pronounce this fascinating word so that you can communicate effectively and clearly.

Explanation of the definition and meaning of pamphylia

Before we look at pronunciation techniques, let’s look at the definition and meaning of ‘Pamphylia’. Pamphylia refers to an ancient country in southern Asia Minor that later became a Roman province. Understanding the historical context of this term will add depth to your language skills and knowledge.

The Significance of Pronouncing Pamphylia Accurately

Accurate pronunciation is a cornerstone of effective communication. Pronouncing ‘Pamphylia’ correctly not only demonstrates your language skills, but also ensures that your message is conveyed accurately. In a world where connections are global, mastering the pronunciation of words like Pamphylia can bridge cultural gaps and enhance your language skills.

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Pronounce Pamphylia Correctly

Let’s take a look at the practical steps for pronouncing ‘Pamphylia’ correctly. By breaking down the pronunciation process into manageable steps, you’ll find it easier to grasp and remember.

Breaking Down the Syllables

To start, break down the word ‘pamphylia’ into its individual syllables: Pam-phyl-ia. This segmentation will help you to pronounce each syllable clearly, which is the basis for correct pronunciation.

Emphasizing the Stressed Syllable

In ‘Pamphylia’, the second syllable, ‘phyl’, is stressed. Give it a little more emphasis than the other syllables. This emphasis adds to the natural flow of the word when spoken.

Navigating Tricky Sounds

Navigate through any difficult sounds in the word. In ‘Pamphylia’, pay attention to the combination of ‘ph’ and ‘yl’. Practice these sounds to make sure they roll smoothly off your tongue.

Common Mispronunciations to Avoid

As with any word, there are common mispronunciations to watch out for. By highlighting these pitfalls, we can help you avoid pronunciation errors that can hinder effective communication.

Enhancing Your Vocabulary with Pamphylia

In addition to pronunciation, studying the historical and cultural context of “Pamphylia” can enrich your vocabulary. Understanding the origin and use of the term opens doors to wider linguistic exploration.

Cultural and Historical Context of the Word

Discover the fascinating historical and cultural significance of ‘Pamphylia’. Learn about its evolution from an ancient region in southern Asia Minor to a Roman province and how it’s rooted in the fabric of history.

Conclusion: Mastering Pamphylia’s Pronunciation for Clear Communication

In conclusion, correct pronunciation of ‘pamphylia’ is the key to effective communication. By following the step-by-step guide, avoiding common mispronunciations and appreciating the cultural context, you will have the tools to use this word with confidence and improve your overall language skills.

#1. How to Pronounce Pamphylia? (CORRECTLY) – YouTube

Listen and learn how to say Pamphylia correctly with Julien, “how do you pronounce” free pronunciation audio/video tutorials.

於 www.youtube.com

#2. How To Say Pamphylia – YouTube

Learn how to say Pamphylia with EmmaSaying free pronunciation tutorials.Definition and meaning can be found …

於 www.youtube.com

#3. How to Pronounce Pamphylia

Learn how to pronounce “Pamphylia” with the American Pronunciation Guide (“APG”)!The American Pronunciation Guide is devoted to descriptive …

於 www.youtube.com

#4. How to Pronounce Pamphylia – YouTube

This video shows you how to pronounce Pamphylia.

於 www.youtube.com

#5. How to Pronounce Pamphylia – BibleSpeak

How do you say Pamphylia, anyway? Learn the proper pronunciation of Pamphylia and hundreds of other Bible names and words.

於 biblespeak.org

#6. How to pronounce Pamphylia | HowToPronounce.com

How to say Pamphylia in English? Pronunciation of Pamphylia with 3 audio pronunciations, 1 meaning, 12 translations and more for Pamphylia.

於 www.howtopronounce.com

#7. Pamphylia Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com

He knows Mark made a mistake back there in Pamphylia, but who does not make a slip sometime? “Say Fellows–“|Wade C. Smith. It comprised three countries only— …

於 www.dictionary.com

#8. How to pronounce Pamphylia in English, Latin – Forvo

Pronunciation guide: Learn how to pronounce Pamphylia in English, Latin with native pronunciation. Pamphylia translation and audio pronunciation.

於 forvo.com

#9. 36 pronunciations of Pamphylia in English – YouGlish

Break ‘pamphylia’ down into sounds: [PAM] + [FIL] + [EE] + [UH] – say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them.

於 youglish.com


LECTOR’S PRONUNCIATION GUIDE. Baal = BAY-uhl … Bethsaida = beth-SAY-ih-dah. Bithynia = bih-THIN-ee-ah … Pamphylia = pam-FILL-ee-ah. Papryus = pah-PY-rus.

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The 5 best apps to Get Things Done 

The 5 best apps to Get Things Done 

There’s no shame in using tools to help you build discipline and get things done. This is where today’s list of apps shine:

  • Timemator for $3.5Timemator 
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    mcPlanner MindMap is your ideal partner for brainstorming new ideas which can be brought to life on mind maps that resemble the informational structure of your brain using text, shapes, and images.

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【Unboxing】 2023 Bryton flagship Rider S500

Bryton flagship Rider S500

In May of this year, the outbreak of the epidemic in Taiwan was completely shut down and all outdoor sports were shut down.
Fortunately, with the concerted efforts of all the people of Taiwan, the epidemic gradually subsided after half a year.
All the bans were lifted and all kinds of outdoor sports slowly returned to normal.

The epidemic is slowing down Bryton also released the new flagship S500 on 12/01
The S series is designed for riders who focus on performance and training or competition.
The main focus is on “more advanced” data analysis
This new flagship is a little smaller than the 750 screens at 2.4 inches
The hardware has been upgraded to make the touch screen and all operations more responsive
The light sensor is added to adjust the brightness of the screen with the ambient light

The official data of power consumption is 24 hours (20 hours for 750)
However, I heard that the actual test data is better,
It is only considering the different usage conditions and accessories of each person.
Many considerations decided to write a more conservative endurance,
So finally settled on the official data of 24 hours
Standard equipment
Main unit. Charging cable. Aluminum dock. Simple dock. Two different high and low meter seat spacers. Anti-jumping cord
In line with the recent trend of USB Type-C phones, the charging cable is USB Type-C for added convenience.
S500 will come with a protective case as standard after its launch
Front and back]
The small round hole on the front is the new light sensor
On the back, you can see that there are four more screws on the latches, which are designed for easy replacement after wear and tear.
On the other hand, the future will be introduced in the form of accessories to support Garmin’s latches to facilitate users to replace the use
Front, back, and side buttons
The key arrangement and function is the same as 750
Press four keys at the same time to restart the device
Official S500 specification information
Boot up】=>【Select language】=>Scan QR Code to download Active APP=>Operating interface is the same as 750
[Take a photo with 750].
Did you notice that the battery % is back and it’s more convenient than 860 on the main screen?
Bryton has heard the voice of the user
The digital display is also similar to the 750
Compare it to the 420.
Almost identical in appearance, just a little fatter

Main unit. Charging cable. Aluminum dock. Simple dock. Two different high and low meter seat spacer. Anti-jumping cord
In line with the recent trend of USB Type-C phones, the charging cable is USB Type-C for added convenience.
S500 will come with a protective case as standard after its launch

Bryton flagship Rider S500 Main unit

Bryton flagship Rider S500 Manual

Front and back]
The small round hole on the front is the new light sensor
On the back, you can see that there are four more screws on the latches, which are designed for easy replacement after wear and tear.
On the other hand, the future will be introduced in the form of accessories to support Garmin’s latches to facilitate users to replace the use
Front, back and side buttons

Bryton  Rider S500 Front, back and side buttons

Bryton  Rider S500 Front, back and side buttons

Front, back and side buttons
The key arrangement and function is the same as 750
Press four keys at the same time to restart the device

Bryton  Rider S500 Front, back and side buttons funtions

Official S500 specification information

Official S500 specification information

【 Boot up】=>【Select language】=>Scan QR Code to download Active APP=>Operating interface is the same as 750

Bryton  Rider S500 vs 750

[Take a photo with 750].
Did you notice that the battery % is back and it’s more convenient than 860 on the main screen?
Bryton has heard the voice of the user

Bryton  S500 vs 750

The digital display is also similar to the 750

Bryton  S500 vs 750 diff

Compare it to the 420.
Almost identical in appearance, just a little fatter.

Bryton  S500 vs 420

There are two types of A.B. below 7 frames, and only one type above 8 frames. 10 frames at most.
[Open Active] => [Matching]

Also has a day. Night display mode Left (Night) Middle (Day) can be switched automatically by the auto function
With the automatic light sensor backlight setting, it should save a lot of power over long distances.
The picture (right) shows the same as the 750, only smaller

Bryton  Rider S500 uto function
Bryton Rider S500 uto function

Bryton  Rider S500 set-up

Bryton  S500 set-up

The official promotion adds features to the
Live Track Real-Time Sharing
With the new Bryton Live Track feature, you can share your ride status and location with your family and friends in real-time! The Bryton Active App makes it easy to create links and share them quickly with communication and social software, allowing family, friends, and coaches to track your progress instantly through the webpage. The page not only shows your ride track and real-time location, but also provides speed, ride time, total ride time, and distance.

Climb Challenge hill information
The Rider S500’s new Climb Challenge hill information feature will take you to new riding heights! Simply import your route into the Bryton Active App, and Bryton will automatically create the climb information in it. When riding on a planned route, the Rider S500 will provide information about upcoming climbs before the start of the climb, including graphical display of the climb information, color-coded gradient, climb distance, elevation, climbing, and the start of the climb. The new interface training schedule

New interface training schedule Professional training, new interface
With the Bryton Active and Rider S500, users can quickly create structured schedules and integrate TrainingPeaks, including training notes that can be displayed on the watch, for more flexible training schedule adjustments. In training mode, the Rider S500 displays training steps graphically and supports on-device zooming. This is a powerful aid for power training.

Customized quick information page Highlights at your fingertips
The Rider S500’s innovative and unique customizable Quick Info page allows users to keep track of key data at all times, providing three combinations of lap data, optional data grid, and sensor status, allowing you to grasp key information at a glance with a single click.

Built-in automatic light sensor
The Rider S500 has a built-in light sensor that adjusts the screen brightness according to the ambient light. Whether riding indoors, through a tunnel, or in the shade, the screen backlight automatically adjusts for the clearest and most comfortable display.

What interests me most about the S500 is the new light sensor.
The Climb Challenge slope reminder is a pity that you have to import the path first.
But even so, if you want to go to a route that you have not done before or are not familiar with
Planning on the map first and then importing is still somewhat useful
The incline meter only appears when you use the navigation, so I’ll add it when I’m out on the trail.

First of all, let’s open the box briefly and feel out the functions
Light sensor and touch smoothness to be used in practice will be added to the use of experience

The S500 is undoubtedly the fastest and smoothest chronograph in Bryton.
I hope the actual road will have better performance

S500 is expected to be launched in mid-December

4 Lessons Learned From Warren Buffett – A Trader Point of View

Here are 5 lessons learned for me as a trader (even i don’t practice value investing) after watching Becoming Warren Buffett documentary. 

Circle of Competence

Having experienced and practised many technical analysis methods range from technical indicators (such as MA, MACD, RSI, Stochastics, CCI, etc…), blackbox system (paid proprietary system), pattern trading (such as double bottom, head & shoulders, cup & handle patterns etc…) with Fibonacci retracement/expansion, eventually I found that Wyckoff method suits me well in terms of the results and practicality, after years of learning and practice.

My job as a trader is to assess the supply and demand based on the interpretation of the volume and the price followed by using the right tactic for different directional bias. Ultimately, we need to judge the market by its own action so we can act accordingly.

So, find a trading method that suits you, learn, practise and master it. Avoid system hopping. This is one way to find the circle of competence.

Look for wonderful companies at fair prices rather than fair companies at wonderful prices

Despite this is how Charlie Munger influenced Warren Buffett in stock pick for investing, this is also very relevant in trading. Let me explain below:

When we buy stock, apart from being in an up trending environment, relative strength is very important. Many people think that every one will profit from the market if they buy any stock during the bull run. What they tend to overlook is if you buy the stock that outperform the market, you will profit a lot more.

So, only buy (long) stocks that show stronger relative strength than the market and sell (short) stocks that are weaker than the market. This is the way to beat the market and to scale up in the trading business.

Get rich by having patience

Compounding not only works for investing, but also in trading. 

Some people insist that they would like to trade for a living so that they can have their own lifestyle and live wherever they want, yet they trade like they want to retire next few months or a year by taking excessive risk.

  • For investing, if you can achieve Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 20%, it will take you 26 years to grow initial capital of $10000 to $1.1million.
  • For day trading, if you can achieve CAGR of 5% every month, it will take you about 8 years to grow initial capital of $10000 to $1.1million.
  • For swing trading, from 10k to a million dollar might take some where between 8-26 years with a feasible and realistic CAGR.

Of course, there are other variations, assumptions and limitations. 

So, patience is required too if you want to get rich via trading.

Find a job you would take if you didn’t need a job to live

Unless you are truly passionate about trading, being a full time trader can be boring. A profitable trader generally look for the same setup every day and find ways to optimize his/her trade setup for various trading environment (else just no action, no trade).

When you reach a point you don’t need to trade to make money, will you still be trading? What will you do instead?

So, find your passion and start live your life to the fullness every day.

Achieve balance in your life

Does Manuka Honey expire or go bad? Can it be eaten unopened?

Manuka honey
Manuka honey

Manuka honey is a “souvenir” that many people often buy when they visit New Zealand. “Black Widow” Scarlett Johansson (Scarlett Johansson) also said that she used it to maintain the skin, known as “New Zealand National Treasure”, “the price of the highest grade is more than a hundred times that of ordinary honey.

Manuka honey is made from the nectar of the Manuka tree, which is unique to New Zealand and very rare. Manuka honey only accounts for about 1% of the world’s honey and the harvest takes only 2 to 6 weeks. New Zealand is also prone to strong winds and heavy rain, so the success of the harvest depends on God’s help. Some beekeepers go several years without a harvest and even have to use helicopters to collect honey.

Hollywood actresses’ secret weapon

Scarlett Johansson, a Hollywood actress who played the Marvel character ‘Black Widow’, once said that Manuka was her secret weapon to shine on the red carpet. Gwyneth Paltrow also loves Manuka and the Hollywood craze has seen demand explode over the past decade.

manuka honey(Gwyneth Paltrow)
(Gwyneth Paltrow)

What’s so great about Manuka? Even the beauty industry loves it

Manuka’s antibacterial properties are the most praised. In fact, most honeys are thought to have antibacterial function because they contain a chemical substance that can produce hydrogen peroxide (hydrogen peroxide). However, a 1991 study showed that after removing the hydrogen peroxide, Manuka’s antibacterial power still exists, the key is the aforementioned methylglyoxal which makes Manuka’s status different from the past.

In addition to its sterilising and anti-inflammatory properties, cosmetics and skincare companies also claim that Manuka has soothing and nourishing properties and are used in products claiming to help with pimples and acne, further increasing demand and driving up the price of Manuka.

In addition, studies have shown that Manuka can soothe and improve intestinal inflammation, indigestion, skin ulcers, sore throats and even reduce dental plaque and gum disease.

What is the shelf life of Manuka Honey?

Honey doesn’t really age. It is said to remain as good as the day it was extracted. As long as it’s stored properly (out of direct sunlight, away from direct heat and not frozen) it will keep well beyond its sell-by date. For health and safety reasons we recommend that you consume your honey within three years of opening.

The UMFᵀᴹ rating and activity levels in honey will decrease over time. Our UMFᵀᴹ Manuka Honey is guaranteed to retain its certified activity levels at least until the expiry date shown on the jar.

Does Manuka Honey expire or go bad? Is it safe to eat unopened?

Manuka Honey can expire or go bad, but it has a very long shelf life compared to other types of honey. The shelf life of Manuka Honey depends on several factors including the processing, storage and packaging of the honey.

Manuka honey has a high concentration of antibacterial properties which makes it less susceptible to spoilage. However, like all honey, Manuka honey can crystallise over time. This is a natural process and does not affect the quality or safety of the honey.

When properly stored, unopened Manuka Honey can be kept for many years without spoiling. It is best stored in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight. Once opened, Manuka Honey should be consumed within one year to ensure optimum quality.

If you notice any signs of spoilage, such as a strange smell, off colour or mould, it is best to discard the honey. In addition, if you are allergic to honey or have a medical condition that restricts your sugar intake, you should consult your healthcare provider before consuming Manuka Honey.

Manuka Honey FAQs

Q: What is the meaning of UMFᵀᴹ?
UMFᵀᴹ stands for Unique Manuka Factor and is a standard of measurement set by the Unique Manuka Factor Honey Association (UMFHA). The UMFᵀᴹ grading system measures the natural markers present in Manuka Honey and guarantees its quality, purity and authenticity. This system also complies with the Ministry of Primary Industries labelling guidelines for Manuka Honey. Only Manuka Honey that is UMFᵀᴹ Graded and has undergone independent testing by the UMFHA is awarded a UMFᵀᴹ Grade. For further information please visit www.umf.org.nz.

Question: Is it safe to use Manuka Honey during pregnancy?

Answer: Many pregnant women have been consuming Manuka Honey for years with no reported problems. However, it is always advisable to consult a health professional if in doubt.

Question: Can babies drink Manuka Honey?

Answer: No, it is not safe for babies under the age of 18 months to consume Manuka Honey. This is because Manuka Honey contains live enzymes and bacteria that can grow in an infant’s intestines and cause infant botulism. As babies’ intestines are not fully developed they are unable to fight off the harmful bacteria.

Question: How long can you store Manuka Honey?

Answer: Honey does not really deteriorate and can remain as good as it was when extracted. As long as it is stored properly, away from direct sunlight, direct heat and freezing, it can last well beyond its sell-by date. For health and safety reasons it is recommended that honey is consumed within three years of opening. The UMFᵀᴹ rating and activity levels in Manuka Honey may decrease over time. However, UMFᵀᴹ Manuka Honey is guaranteed to retain its certified activity levels at least until the expiry date shown on the jar.

Question: What should I do if my honey has become grainy?

Answer: If your honey has become grainy and sugary, do not worry. It is still safe to eat and does not mean it is of poor quality or adulterated. Honey can naturally crystallise, especially in cooler weather. To soften the honey and turn the crystals back into smooth, runny honey, place the jar in a warm place or apply gentle heat.

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運動 Movement


嘔吐 Vomiting


嗜睡 Lethargy


腹瀉 Diarrhea


呼吸 Breathing


癲癇發作 Seizures


項 Miscellaneous




Cat Health Concerns: The Impact of Eating Expired Cat Food and Safety of Unopened Cat Food

MySite ivc|Sign In – College Login|ivc mysite Login FAQ

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MySite is a college hosted web portal that provides access to student information such as, class schedule, registration, e-mail, grades, academic history, …

MySite. Click here to login using Single Sign-On: Login with Username and Password. OR. Student Number: Student PIN: Forgot My PIN.

NOTE: If you cannot remember your username and password, please contact (949) 367-8343 or click on the “Forgot your username?” or “Forgot your password?

Frequently Asked Questions | Irvine Valley College

MySite · You will log in to MySite to see the class schedule, register for classes, access email, check your grades, view your academic history, and more.

I can’t login to Canvas or MySite, how do I reset my password?

https://mysite.socccd.edu/Portal/Password/Reset.aspx. If you still require assistance, please contact the resources below: IVC Tech Assistance: (949) 451- …

What is my…
Student Number (or ID) and PIN?These are numeric fields given to you at the time you apply to the college. The student number (sometimes referred to as student ID) is assigned to you and is contained in the email sent to you upon acceptance to the college. The PIN is a four digit number entered by you in the application. These can be used only to log in to MySite – all other services require your username and password.
Username and Password?These are assigned to you within 24 hours after you enroll in your first class. Your username is your first initial, your last name and then an assigned number (such as jsmith47). Your password defaults to your PIN number plus two zeros (if your PIN is 4798 then your default password would be 479800). To find your username, just log in to MySite and, click on the profile icon in the top right.
How do I…
Log in to MySite?MySite is accessible by links at the top of the college homepages.Use your student number and PIN to log in.
Log in to Canvas?You can access Canvas by the link on the IVC homepage, under Log In, or the link at the top of the Saddleback homepage.Use your username and password to log in.
Canvas username example: jsmith0 – Do not add the @saddleback.edu or @ivc.edu suffix.***If you just enrolled/registered for a class today, it will take 24 hours for a Canvas account to be activated for you. Your course will appear on your dashboard on the first day the course is set to begin (date listed in class schedule).
Log in to college computers?Use your username and password to log onto any college computer.
Access my college email?You need to be a current student to have access to a working account.
There are three ways to access your student email account. To sign in use your entire student email address as the username and a password.College HomepagesOn the IVC homepage, click on Log In at the top, and select Email.On the Saddleback homepage, click on “Log ins” at the top and select “Email.”URLClick on one of the following links or copy and paste into your browser Saddleback College: https://outlook.office365.com/owa/saddleback.eduIrvine Valley College: https://outlook.com/ivc.eduMySiteLook for the email link in the header of MySite. If you login through MySite, you may have to change your password the first time you log into your college email and this process will immediately change it for all other services as well.Log in to MySite using your student ID number and PIN (four digit number).Click on the email icon located toward the upper right of the page.Use your entire student email address as the username and a password (You must reset your password if you are using the default PIN+00 as a password).You may be prompted to select a language and time zone.Click on Save.You should now see your Inbox.
Change my PIN?Students can change their current PIN by going into MySite and clicking on the Change PIN/Password link in the left navigation menu.If you are unable to login to MySite, try resetting your PIN following the instructions below:Click on the “Forgot My PIN” link on the MySite login window.Enter your student ID number and click on continue.Answer your security question and create a PINOnce you see the message “Your PIN number has been successfully updated” you can return to your MySite account by clicking on the link provided.
Change my Password?Once a student has a username and password, the password can be changed by going into MySite and clicking on the Change PIN/Password link in the left navigation menu.Your password cannot be accessed by anyone – including staff. You can reset your password following the steps below:Log in to MySite with your student ID number and four digit PIN.Click on your profile icon.Click on the Change PIN/Password link.Click on Change Password.Click I Have Forgotten My Password.Enter your student email address and click on Proceed.You will be given one or two options for sending you a verification code.Selecting mobile phone requires you to enter the last four digits of the mobile number listed. Then a verification code with be texted to that number.Selecting email will automatically send a verification code to the personal email listed on the account.Enter the verification code provided.Create a new password (Must be between 8 and 16 characters, a mix of letters and numbers, must contain one uppercase letter, and one special character.)Confirm your new password.Click the Change Password button.
What if I…
Don’t know my Student Number?To protect your privacy, you must visit the Admissions & Records office and provide photo identification to retrieve your assigned student number.
Don’t know my Username?You can view your username and email address by logging into MySite and clicking on the Profile Icon in the top right.
Forget my PIN?Your PIN cannot be accessed by anyone – including staff. However you can reset your PIN:Via Forgot My PIN if you know your student number you can use the Forgot my PIN link on the MySite login page and you will be prompted for your secret question/answer.By visiting Admissions & Records and providing the necessary identification to reset your PIN.
Need more assistance?If you are unable to log in to MySite, try resetting your PIN by following the instructions below:Click on the “Forgot My PIN” link on the MySite login window.Enter your student ID number and click on continue.Answer your security question and create a PINOnce you see the message “Your PIN number has been successfully updated” you can return to your MySite account by clicking on the link provided.Contact technical support at each college:Saddleback College:Email: [email protected]: 949-582-4363Saddleback Student Technical SupportPlease visit the website for hours of operation.After-Hours Canvas Student Support: (844) 303-0343 (toll-free)Irvine Valley College:Email: [email protected]: 949-451-5696IVC Student Technology HelpIVC After-Hours Canvas Student Support: (844) 600-4954 (toll-free)

#1. MySite Login

Forgot My PIN. MySite is a service of South Orange County Community College District. By logging into MySite you agree to abide by South …

於 mysite.socccd.edu

#2. MySite | Irvine Valley College

MySite is the award-winning web portal that provides a wide range of information and services to students, faculty and staff. Students use it to add/drop …

於 www.ivc.edu

#3. MySite Student Support – Saddleback College

MySite is a college hosted web portal that provides access to student information such as, class schedule, registration, e-mail, grades, academic history, …

於 www.saddleback.edu

#4. 10 How to login to MySite account at Irvine Valley College

Here’s a brief step-by-step guide on how to log in to MySite. You can find the IVC library Website at ivc.edu/libraryIf you need information …

於 www.youtube.com

#5. mysite.socccd.edu Traffic Analytics & Market Share | Similarweb

Get the full mysite.socccd.edu Analytics and market share drilldown here. … mysite3.9KVOL: 28,111$1.19ivc mysite2.1KVOL: 4,683$0.83mysite ivc409VOL: …

於 www.similarweb.com

#6. IVC Filters | Mysite

The Crouch Firm is currently seeking damages for individuals who have sustained injuries as a result of C.R. Bard IVC Filter failure.

於 www.thecrouchfirm.com

#7. Mysite ivc

MySite. MySite is the IVC web portal that enables students to view their registration times, class schedules, grades, and academic history; …

於 cdu-lueneburg-stadt.de

#8. mysite.socccd.edu Web Traffic Statistics – SEMrush

mysite.socccd.edu is ranked #25527 in US with 528.3K Traffic. Categories: . … audience also visits saddleback.edu, followed by ivc.edu.

於 www.semrush.com

#9. PortalGuard – Portal Access

IVC Email Remember IVC Email. Password. Show password. Remember me on this browser. Please answer the CAPTCHA below. Continue. Login. Set Password.

於 sso.imperial.edu

#10. Login – IVC

NOTE: If you cannot remember your username and password, please contact (949) 367-8343 or click on the “Forgot your username?” or “Forgot your password?

Irvine Valley College

Direct paths to transfer. Fast, focused career paths. Supporting you every step of the way. IVC is the best place to start. Begin with the best!

Sign In – Imperial Valley College

Use WebSTAR for registering for classes, ordering official transcripts, reviewing your academic records, checking your Financial Aid status, and updating your …

Imperial Valley College Login Portal Logo

How to Update IVC Password · How to Disable Multi-Factor Steps · Student Wi-Fi How To · Look up IVC Student Email. Login Using Smart Card …

10 How to login to MySite account at Irvine Valley College

Here’s a brief step-by-step guide on how to log in to MySite. You can find the IVC library Website at ivc.edu/libraryIf you need information …

Irvine Valley College | Woodbridge High School

SINGLE COURSE OPTIONS FOR IVC Are you planning to take single course options through Irvine Valley College (i.e. Spanish, Entrepreneurship, Design Model …

如何解決 Mac-Monterey問題(how-to fix-Macos-Monterey-problems)

Mac-Monterey 故障排除


Apple 的 macOS 12 Monterey 終於來了,我們的團隊對它的出色表現達成了共識。從 2021 年 10 月 25 日開始,您也可以通過在 Mac 上安裝新的 macOS 來證明我們錯了,或者加入我們的蒙特雷崇拜者團隊。

儘管我們喜歡蒙特雷所提供的一切,但仍有一些問題。我們解釋瞭如何解決 macOS Monterey 下載/安裝/無法啟動問題,以及如何處理升級後的 Mac 錯誤行為。

2種方式取得 Screens


【BundleHunt Epic macOS Bundle】史詩級超值到爆折扣又來了~正版Mac 軟件套裝,51款超夯Mac應用專業軟體特價中

如何解決常見的 macOS Monterey 問題

如果您已經到達這裡,我們假設您已經安裝了 Monterey。如果沒有,您來這裡是為了了解潛在問題 – 對您來說太棒了!這是有關如何安裝 macOS Monterey的詳細指南

現在,讓我們深入探討我個人在升級後遇到的所有 macOS Monterey 問題。加上 MacRumors、Apple 論壇和 Google 本身的集體智慧——我們幾乎到處尋找與早期問題相關的報告。所以這就是我們所知道的。

如何修復 macOS Monterey 安裝問題

您可能會遇到的第一個問題是無法更新您的 macOS。macOS Monterey 的官方版本於 2021 年 10 月 25 日發布——因此從那天起,每個 Mac 用戶都有權獲得更新。這就是可能出錯的地方。

macOS Monterey 未顯示為可用

要在 Mac 上安裝新的 macOS,您應該轉到 Apple 菜單並從“關於本機”>“軟件更新”下載。如果您打開“軟件更新”但沒有看到 macOS Monterey,請嘗試以下三件事: 

  1. 檢查設備兼容性。我們在下面列出了兼容的 Mac。 
  2. 按 Command + R 刷新軟件更新對話框。如果出現某種網絡錯誤,它應該可以解決問題。 
  3. 從 App Store下載 macOS Monterey。 
App Store 上的 macOS Monterey

macOS Monterey 下載失敗


macOS Monterey 軟件更新

嘗試從軟件更新下載 Monterey 時,您可能會看到一條錯誤消息,顯示“安裝無法繼續”或類似內容。幾個可能的解決方案:


macOS Monterey 留下了一些較舊的 Mac 機型,因此它很可能無法在您的 Mac 上運行。以下是與 macOS 12 兼容的 Mac 的完整列表:

  • MacBook Air(2015 年初及更新機型)
  • MacBook Pro(2015 年初及更新機型)
  • MacBook(2016 年初及之後)
  • Mac mini(2014 年末及更新機型)
  • Mac Pro(2013 年末及更新機型)
  • iMac(2015 年末及更新機型)
  • iMac Pro(2017 及更高版本)。

修復 Wi-Fi

安裝軟件更新時,網絡連接至關重要。如果您的 Wi-Fi 較差,則可能會出現安裝錯誤。要了解是否是這種情況,您需要WiFi Explorer。只需打開應用程序並單擊您的網絡連接即可檢查信號強度和噪音水平。如果您有幾個可用的網絡點,WiFi Explorer 會告訴您最好連接到哪個網絡點。



如果您開始下載過程,然後突然中斷並顯示“網關超時”或“壞網關”警報之類的消息,您應該嘗試以安全模式重新啟動 Mac。只需在 Mac 啟動時按住 Shift 鍵即可。它應該解決問題。 

macOS Monterey 無法安裝

也許您已經完成了下載過程,但無法繼續前進,因為 macOS 12 無法安裝。無賴。通常,某種兼容性或驗證問題是有問題的。


macOS Monterey 需要大約 12GB 的空間才能成功下載和安裝。理想情況下,您應該至少釋放 20GB。如果您的驅動器上沒有那麼多存儲空間,請繼續從 Mac 中刪除一些雜物。

CleanMyMac X是在 Mac 上釋放存儲空間的最快、最可靠的工具。運行智能掃描以識別任何系統混亂、重複項、舊緩存——所有應該刪除的內容。然後單擊將其刪除。根據經驗,CleanMyMac X 每月為我釋放大約 10GB 的空間。如果你有一段時間沒有清理,你會得到更多。

CleanMyMac X 智能掃描

macOS Monterey 無法安裝非 Apple SSD

一些用戶報告說,即使他們有兼容的機器,他們也無法在配備非 Apple SSD 的 Mac 上安裝 macOS 12。這確實可能發生,您應該運行固件更新來解決此問題。不用擔心,您不會丟失 SSD 數據。這是你應該做的: 

  1. 連接 Apple SSD 
  2. 運行固件更新
  3. 在 Monterey 運行的情況下重新安裝非 Apple SSD。 


一些用戶在嘗試更新固件時遇到問題。首先要檢查的是互聯網連接。使用WiFi Explorer確保您擁有穩定的連接,因為它對於固件更新至關重要。 

另請注意,您無法在非 Apple SSD 上更新固件。為此,您必須先獲得 Apple SSD。

macOS Monterey 更新卡住或凍結

如果您啟動了更新過程並且需要很長時間才能完成,則可能是您的 Mac 卡住了。您可以執行以下操作: 

  1. 確保它真的卡住了。按 Command + L 查看有關更新過程的詳細信息。可能是您的 Mac 沒有被凍結,只是安裝更新需要很多時間。在這種情況下,您應該等待一段時間。 
  2. 以安全模式重新啟動 Mac:Apple 菜單 > 關機 > 重新啟動 Mac 時按住 Shift > 看到登錄窗口後鬆開 Shift。然後,再次嘗試安裝 Monterey。
  3. 重置 NVRAM:關閉 Mac > 按住 Option + Command + P + R 20 秒 > 鬆開按鍵並等待 Mac 正常啟動。安裝蒙特雷。

macOS Monterey 導致某些 Mac 無法使用、無法啟動或變磚

有一些關於更新後 Mac 無法開機的報告。毫不誇張地說,這是最困難的問題之一,因為它可能會讓您的 Mac 無法使用。 

它主要發生在較舊的 Mac 上,而從未發生在配備 Apple M1 芯片的 Mac 上。可能的解決方案是嘗試恢復計算機的固件,您在這里肯定需要 Apple 專家的幫助。 

來自 Twitter 的問題:自從下載 Monterey OS 後,我的 macbook pro 不再打開圖片:MacRumors


如果您已經完成更新過程,恭喜!您現在可以享受 Monterey 的新快捷方式、隱私增強、通用控制和其他驚人的功能。但是,macOS Monterey 在 Mac 上的運行方式可能存在問題。讓我們把它們修好。 

Mac 在蒙特雷慢下來

自從測試版公開以來,“蒙特雷慢”問題變得非常普遍。這並不新鮮,而且一直在發生——尤其是在 macOS 發布的早期階段。有些應用沒有更新,有些東西還需要蘋果完善等等。但是,您可以改善這種情況。

使用 CleanMyMac X 加速 Mac

讓 Mac 運行起來的最快方法。減少系統混亂、卸載應用程序並釋放存儲空間以解決 Mac 運行緩慢的問題。免費試用


防止每次打開 Mac 時應用程序自動啟動。事實上,如果您查看在啟動時啟動的所有應用程序,您會發現您甚至沒有使用其中的許多應用程序。他們只是坐在那裡,拖慢你的 Mac。以下是禁用登錄項的方法:

  1. 轉到系統偏好設置 > 用戶和群組
  2. 選擇登錄項目
  3. 從列表中刪除一些應用程序並保存更改。


如果您注意到某個特定的應用程序總是“消耗大量能量”並且使用 App Tamer 對其進行馴服並沒有幫助,那麼也許是時候說再見了。使用 CleanMyMac X 卸載應用程序 – 這是最好的方法,因為手動刪除應用程序通常會留下很多混亂。只需打開應用程序,單擊卸載程序,選擇應用程序,然後點擊刪除按鈕。


系統文件、舊緩存和應用程序殘留等內容可能是 Mac 性能緩慢的原因。如果您在舊系統上安裝了 macOS Monterey 並且沒有進行全新安裝,那麼您可能已經將大量混亂移到了新的 macOS 12 上。同樣,解決此問題的最佳方法是使用 CleanMyMac X。運行智能掃描或單擊系統垃圾將其全部刪除。


10 月 25 日 Monterey 正式發布後的第二天,Twitter 上出現了數十篇關於 RAM 使用情況的帖子。人們抱怨某些應用程序在 macOS Monterey 上消耗了大量 RAM(高達 20 GB)。據稱,這是某種內存洩漏錯誤,Apple 應盡快修復。這裡有更多。 

如果在修復錯誤後仍然遇到 RAM 問題,請安裝iStat Menus內存監視器。該應用程序按應用程序跟踪 RAM 使用情況,因此您可以快速了解導致問題的應用程序,然後將其卸載。 


Mac 發熱很煩人。而且肯定對您的工作效率不利,因為 Mac 在過熱時往往會變慢。以下是我們嘗試過的可行解決方案。


使用 iStat 菜單跟踪 Mac 的風扇溫度,並使用 AlDente Pro 修復過熱問題。免費試用


iStat Menus 有一個很酷的傳感器控制器,可讓您調整風扇設置以減少熱量。在菜單欄中安裝它後,單擊傳感器 > 風扇 > 選擇“中”或“編輯風扇規則”以根據需要調整風扇速度(降低速度應減少熱量)。



接下來要嘗試的是重置 SMC。雖然 SMC 控制 Mac 上的風扇和溫度,但這應該有助於解決過熱問題。在“ macOS 不會安裝”部分中找到有關如何重置 SMC 的詳細指南。

提示:很多人都在處理 Mac 過熱的問題,這並不總是與軟件更新有關。一個非常常見的原因是應用程序佔用了您的 CPU(尤其是那些在後台運行的應用程序)。這會導致風扇噪音、過熱和 Mac 運行緩慢。為了解決這個問題,我們推薦

App Tamer,這是一款可以減慢或阻止這些濫用應用程序的應用程序。

更新到 macOS Monterey 後,MacBook 風扇變得嘈雜

如果您在更新後的幾個小時內發現 Mac 的聲音很大,這是正常的。由於您的 Mac 正在努力重新索引所有文件並設置必要的進程,因此處理器會發熱一些。但是,如果您連續幾天都遇到很大的風扇噪音,請按照我們在上面列出的步驟相同的步驟來解決過熱問題。 


iStat Menus 會監控 Mac 的傳感器,因此您可以快速了解 Mac 發熱或聲音很大的原因。免費試用

首先,嘗試使用iStat Menus調整風扇設置。如果這沒有幫助,請重置 SMC 並重新啟動 Mac。最後,嘗試使用 App Tamer 馴服佔用 CPU 的應用程序以減輕一些壓力。


將 AirPods Pro 連接到 Mac 時,藍牙菜單會顯示耳塞和外殼的電池百分比。或者,至少這就是它在 macOS Big Sur 上對我的工作方式。升級到 Monterey 後,藍牙菜單一直顯示我的 AirPods 連接,但沒有顯示電池電量。就我個人而言,這讓我很惱火,所以我正在用 ToothFairy 解決這個問題。


ToothFairy是一款適用於 Mac 的時尚應用程序,真正完成一項工作——簡化您的藍牙連接流程。我用它來連接和斷開我的 AirPods 的點擊,然後在菜單欄中看到電池電量指示器。使用 TothFairy 可以將任何藍牙設備連接到 Mac。您甚至不必單擊它,視覺指示器將永久保留在您的菜單欄中。


我們還看到了 ToothFairy 幫助解決藍牙連接問題的案例。當本機實用程序由於某種原因出現故障並且您的藍牙在 macOS Monterey 上斷開或無法連接時,就會發生這種情況。因此,如果藍牙不起作用,請嘗試將您的設備與 ToothFairy 連接。


如果您在 Mac 上使用藍牙實用程序時遇到問題,請切換到 ToothFairy,它會無縫連接。免費試用

安裝 macOS Monterey 後的電池壽命問題



iStat Menus是一款控制 Mac 整體性能的應用程序。它提供了不同的模塊來監控 CPU、傳感器、電池等。我們建議全部安裝,因為它們都有助於讓您的 Mac 保持良好狀態。但最重要的是,電池。它將讓您查看哪些應用程序消耗了大量能源、跟踪電池的健康狀況、消耗的速度等等。

iStat Menus 電池控制器



由於它是我們正在談論的新 macOS,因此某些應用程序可能尚未針對它進行優化。或者,其中一些需要更新才能正常工作。與應用程序性能相關的任何事情都可能影響您的電池壽命。CleanMyMac X有兩個很棒的工具——更新程序和卸載程序,可以立即解決這些問題。

使用 CleanMyMac X 更新或卸載應用程序

切換到 Safari

每一篇“為什麼我從 Chrome 切換到 Safari”的文章都強調了這一點——Safari 在電池壽命方面做得更好。尤其是在 Safari 的 Monterey 改進後,將其設為默認瀏覽器是完全有意義的。新的標籤組很棒。

從 Chrome 切換到 Safari


充分利用電池的最佳方法是安裝Endurance應用程序,該應用程序可自動將電池壽命延長 20%。您無需執行任何操作,只需啟用節能。耐力在適應你的流動方面非常聰明。它可以根據您的操作調暗燈光、暫停應用程序並降低處理速度。


您還可以使用本機選項優化功耗:系統偏好設置 > 電池 > 低功耗模式。這將降低顯示亮度和系統時鐘速度。

USB-C 集線器停止與 macOS Monterey 配合使用

隨著 Monterey 測試版的最初發布,許多人抱怨無法使用基於 USB 的設備。具體來說,有很多關於 USB 3.0 端口和供電集線器不工作的報告。在某些情況下,USB 集線器無法完全工作。從我們所見,該問題主要發生在 M1 Mac 上。 

目前,我們建議的唯一解決方法是推遲使用您的 USB 集線器或降級回 Big Sur,直到 Apple 解決問題。 


輸入延遲是許多早期採用者報告的另一個蒙特雷問題。據報導,延遲可能非常嚴重——長達 20 秒,這可能會嚴重妨礙您的工作。 

有時,您的鼠標/觸控板會因為應用程序衝突而滯後。簡而言之,當多個應用程序響應您的鼠標或觸控板輸入時,您的 Mac 就無法弄清楚該怎麼做。您可以通過Quit All退出所有應用程序來輕鬆解決此問題。然後,檢查問題是否仍然存在。 


無法修復鼠標/觸控板延遲?切換到BetterTouchTool。我們保證,你永遠不會回頭。這款功能強大的應用程序可讓您自定義輸入設備 — 這樣您就可以使用首選輸入設備截取屏幕截圖、捕捉窗口或完成複雜的操作序列。例如,如果您的觸控板滯後,您可以切換到鍵盤,而不會損失任何速度。 

使用 BetterTouchTool 自定義輸入設備

WiFi 在 macOS Monterey 上不工作或掉線


  1. 打開系統偏好設置>網絡 
  2. 選擇 Wi-Fi > 高級
  3. 在列表中找到您的網絡,選擇它,然後單擊減號按鈕
  4. 確認您要忘記網絡 
  5. 重新連接到網絡。 

如果這沒有幫助,請打開WiFi Explorer並運行快速掃描以檢查您的網絡是否有問題。您將立即了解信號強度、噪音水平和可能出現的問題。 

修復 WiFi 問題

您不必打電話給任何人來修理您的 WiFi。WiFi Explorer 可以解決常見的網絡問題。免費試用



  1. 打開系統偏好設置 > 輔助功能 
  2. 選擇指針控件 
  3. 取消選擇“忽略內置觸控板…”

Mac 不會在 macOS Monterey 上關閉

如果您的 Mac 在 Monterey 更新後不會關閉,那麼可能只是對新功能感到非常興奮。但最有可能的是,有些應用程序會干擾關閉過程。退出所有修復這個超級快: 

  1. 在菜單欄中打開退出全部
  2. 點擊全部退出 
  3. 關閉您的 Mac。 



如果您喜歡使用寵物的照片作為屏幕保護程序,我們有一個壞消息要告訴您。它似乎並不總是適用於 macOS Monterey。截至目前,我們不知道這是否是一個錯誤以及是否會很快修復。一些用戶報告說,他們設法通過將照片移動到新文件夾並將其設為源目標來解決此問題。  


macOS Monterey 上某些應用程序的問題

Monterey 還會影響某些應用程序,包括原生 Apple 應用程序和流行的第三方軟件。以下是我們迄今為止發現的主要問題。 

安裝 macOS Monterey 後應用程序崩潰

每個應用程序都具有系統兼容性。這意味著,在更新到 macOS Monterey 後,您還需要更新您的應用程序,以便它們在新系統上運行。一次更新所有應用程序的最簡單方法是使用CleanMyMac X > 更新程序。它可以讓您一鍵選擇和更新應用程序。 


如果更新沒有幫助,您的某些應用程序可能與 Monterey 不兼容。在這種情況下,最好卸載它們以避免性能問題。CleanMyMac X 也有一個一鍵式選項!只需打開卸載程序並選擇您要刪除的所有應用程序。

macOS Monterey 上的音樂問題

有些人報告說音樂在新更新的系統上表現得很奇怪。其中一部分是新功能。其中一部分只是錯誤。幸運的是,我們在 MacRumors 論壇上學到了一些很好的故障排除技巧,它們可能對您有所幫助:

  • 如果 iTunes Store 丟失:音樂首選項 > 通用 > 顯示“iTunes Store”
  • 如果您無法在其他設備上訪問您的資料庫:系統偏好設置 > 媒體共享 > 啟用家庭共享(系統會提示您輸入您的 Apple ID 憑據)
  • 如果應用程序始終以全屏模式打開:退出音樂 > 打開終端並運行命令 defaults delete com.apple.Music > Reopen Music。
  • 如果您遇到庫問題:嘗試從 iTunes 重建它。啟動音樂時,按住 Option > 選擇庫(itl 格式)> 音樂將自動重新加載您選擇的庫。

修復 macOS Monterey 中的 AirPlay 問題

借助 macOS Monterey,Apple 增加了通過 AirPlay 2(原生內容流媒體工具的改進版本)從 Mac 流式傳輸到 Mac(或任何 iOS 設備到 Mac)的機會。當我們都急於嘗試時,許多人報告了問題。AirPlay 凍結、運行緩慢或根本無法運行。我們不知道原因,但我們知道您可以嘗試一些修復。

檢查 Mac 上的防火牆設置

  1. 訪問系統偏好設置 > 安全與隱私 > 防火牆
  2. 選擇防火牆選項
  3. 取消選擇“阻止所有傳入連接”並選擇“自動允許內置軟件接收傳入連接”。


  1. 關閉您的 Mac
  2. 按住 Option + Command + P + R 約 20 秒
  3. 等待 Mac 開始啟動,然後鬆開按鍵

請注意,重置 NVRAM 也會重置許多設置,包括顯示分辨率和音量。因此,您可能需要在重新啟動 Mac 後調整它們。

修復 Apple TV AirPlay 不工作

如果問題僅在您嘗試流式傳輸到 Apple TV 時出現,那麼首先要做的是讓您的 Mac 更靠近 Apple TV。不起作用?確保它們都連接到同一網絡。也許其中一個設備意外連接到另一個 Wi-Fi 點,所以現在你因為這個微不足道的問題而卡住了。

一旦您修復了網絡和鄰近度但問題仍然存在,請嘗試更新 Apple TV。轉到 Apple TV 設置 > 系統 > 軟件更新 > 更新軟件。如果有可用更新,請下載並安裝它。然後,嘗試通過 AirPlay 重新連接。

在 Mac 上安裝 Beamer

通用的解決方法是使用Beamer而不是 AirPlay。這款出色的應用程序可讓您將任何視頻流式傳輸到 Apple TV(以及任何其他帶有 Google Cast 的電視設備)。遙控器、字幕、播放列表,您將獲得所有普通特權。與其他流媒體應用程序不同,Beamer 本身就流式傳輸內容而不是鏡像屏幕,因此您可以期待最佳質量。


Time Machine 卡在備份上

如果您發現 Time Machine 備份文件的時間比平時長,則它可能卡住了。通常情況下,如果 Time Machine 在 macOS 更新後運行速度變慢是可以的——因為它有更多的文件要備份。 



隱藏我的電子郵件在 macOS Monterey 上不起作用

蒙特雷最期待已久的功能之一是隱藏我的電子郵件 – 隱私增強功能可讓您使用隨機電子郵件地址將收到的電子郵件重定向到您的收件箱。這樣,您就可以在不共享電子郵件地址的情況下註冊不同的服務。 

為什麼隱藏我的電子郵件不起作用?首先,只有 iCloud Plus 訂閱的所有者才能使用隱藏我的電子郵件。如果您確實訂閱了該功能,但該功能仍然不適合您,請嘗試全新安裝 macOS Monterey — 有些人報告說這對他們有幫助。 


Adobe Photoshop Elements 在 Monterey 上不起作用或凍結

如果您在日常生活中依賴 Adob​​e 軟件,我們建議您暫緩更新 macOS。許多用戶報告說,他們遇到了 Adob​​e Photoshop Elements 在 macOS Monterey 上意外退出的問題。請關注 Adob​​e 支持社區以跟踪問題並了解問題何時得到解決。 


總而言之,到目前為止,macOS Monterey 問題並未顯示出任何關鍵問題。如果您無法安裝或下載 Monterey,則很可能與存儲空間、網絡或設備兼容性有關。Mac 運行緩慢、過熱和電池壽命問題在 Beta 更新中很常見。除此之外,您可能會遇到輕微的藍牙、音樂和 AirPlay 問題。


  • CleanMyMax X:刪除雜物並卸載應用程序,讓您的 Mac 更快
  • iStat 菜單:實時監控電池壽命和風扇
  • 獲取 Backup Pro:升級前僅備份重要文件
  • WiFi Explorer:修復網絡問題 
  • App Tamer:減慢或停止佔用 CPU 的應用程序
  • ToothFairy:簡化藍牙連接
  • 續航:延長電池壽命
  • Beamer:將視頻從 Mac 流式傳輸到任何電視
  • 全部退出:批量退出所有活動的應用程序
  • BetterTouchTool:修復輸入設備的問題。 

所有這些應用程序和 230 多個應用程序均可免費試用 7 天,然後每月 9.99 美元。對於那些開始更新過程的人來說,Setapp 是一個巨大的幫助。

2種方式取得 Screens


【BundleHunt Epic macOS Bundle】史詩級超值到爆折扣又來了~正版Mac 軟件套裝,51款超夯Mac應用專業軟體特價中

最後,如果有意外的問題阻礙了您的工作並且無法通過Setapp解決,請在 Apple 的“反饋助手”應用程序中提交您的反饋,然後等待 Apple 回复您。不快,但這有助於提高對重要問題的認識,以便 Apple 開始調查它們。

好市多Costco靠4個小秘訣 讓顧客越逛買越多



根據美國商業新聞《Business Insider》的報導,好市多用其商品的低廉價格,吸引了許多顧客,同時,賣場內也用了4個「小撇步」,讓顧客在不知不覺間「滿載而歸」。









COSTCO 自有商品~Kirkland Signature 鮮奶(網友推薦COSTCO必買商品)

鮮奶作為民生最常見也普遍的食品 ,在台灣也有廣大的食用量,因而Costo特別進口了Kirkland Signature ™鮮奶 ,提供會員健康、優質、又經濟實惠的選擇。

鮮奶提供了良好的蛋 白質、氮基酸、維生素 、礦物質及鈣質。所以牛奶可說是食品中既容易取得且價格實惠的營養食品 , 而且在行政院衛褔部的基本食物分類中,「 奶類」則歸屬為獨立的一類 ,由此可見其重要性。


鮮奶除了日常的飲用之外,在料理、甜點、飲品中(例如:搭配麥片當早餐,或是咖啡、茶或搭配自己喜愛的水果做水果牛奶)的運用更是不在少數,所以台灣的鮮奶需求量頗大 。但是乳牛的泌乳是會受到季節及天氣氣溫的影響 ,例如台灣夏季長又高溫濕熱,乳牛因為天氣太熟 ,泌乳量減少使得牛奶產量減少,但是鮮奶需求最反而是夏季最大,因此國產鮮奶一直有供需失衡的現象,而以進口鮮奶填補短缺則是其中一個解決方法。近回國人愈來愈重視食安問題,對於品牌及品質更加在意, 因此COSTCO 特別引進了擁有極佳口碑的自有品牌一Kirkland Signature ™鮮奶。

Costco 精選的商品,向來都代表著高品質且深得會員信賴 ,而自有品牌 Kirkland Signature 更是如此。會推出自有品牌,一部分的原因是希望能提供更有利的價格,另外的原因就是能更有效的控制品質,自源頭便開始把關,生產出媲美國際知名品牌的品質,也會員卻是以更優惠的價格購得。Costco 一系列 Kirkland Signature 的商 品,從食品、維他命、眼鏡、 家具到清潔用品 ,都廣受好評、大為暢銷,而 Kirkland Signature 鮮奶亦延續著品牌的優良傳統 ,同樣在台灣市場受到會員的喜愛。


Kirkland Signature 鮮奶皆是在美國加州生產製造,其所配合的製造商在乳品業已有165年經驗,也是在 全美擁有多個生產工廠的優良廠商。廠商加入FA.R.M(FarmersAssuring ReSponsible Management) 計畫 (包括對動物福利與環境的友善管理) ,目的是維護牛隻的健康及泌乳的品質;唯有維護乳牛的健康才能產出安全的奶並減少使用動物用藥的可能或必要性,才能產出安全高品質的牛乳。為了做好源頭管理 ,Kirkland Signature鮮奶在源頭就經過嚴格的控管, 每一批生乳在進入生產線前要先經過各項檢測,確認合格安全無處後,才會送往製造,為了維持鮮乳的衛生安全,Kirkland signature鮮奶採用 1380C 極高溫瞬間商業殺菌法(殺菌時間最少2 秒),殺菌方式會影響牛奶的風味以及保存有效期限,並且能延長保鮮時間

Kirkland Signature鮮奶為100% 鮮奶, 採用特殊包材,密封且可遮光;而且在製造、儲存及運送的全程,皆採低溫進行,以確保品質安定不變,並在最短時間內以冷藏方式送達台灣。所以在未開封的狀態下,Kirkland Signature 鮮奶能夠有長達70 天的保存期限。但開封後因為空氣中有看不見的微生物,包含細菌或黴菌則建議在7 天內食用完畢 。產品開封後就會與空氣接觸而改變有效期限,所以一般冷藏食品,尤其是鮮奶,保持良好的保存環境與適當的溫度是很重要的。

另外,工廠每年皆有配合全球Costco 對食品供應商之要求接受委外第三方公證單位執行工廠衛生及食品安全稽核以符合Costco 品保鏢準。

除外,也會不定期的抽樣並委自第三方公證單位 ,進行包括主商數、大腸桿菌、塑化劑、農藥 311 項、動物用藥 48 項 … 等多項符合台灣法規要求的檢測 。如此健康 、安全、營養,並帶著笑式清爽、鮮純 溫順口感的Kirkland Signature 鮮奶,就在Costco ,等待您來品嘗。