The Pokémon Company 預定 11 月 16 日推出的《精靈寶可夢》系列 Nintendo Switch 最新作《精靈寶可夢 Let’s Go!皮卡丘/Let’s Go!伊布》,今日公布了遊戲要素和登場角色的新資訊。
《精靈寶可夢 Let’s Go!皮卡丘/Let’s Go!伊布》是首度在 Nintendo Switch 平台登場的《精靈寶可夢》系列最新作,以 1998 年推出的 Game Boy 遊戲《神奇寶貝 皮卡丘版(Pokemon Yellow)》為基礎,針對遊戲玩法及故事劇情進行重新構築。透過融合《Pokemon GO》和 Nintendo Switch 的特徵,為玩家帶來全新的《精靈寶可夢》遊戲體驗。
The Pokémon Company 預定 11 月 16 日推出的《精靈寶可夢(Pocket Monster)》系列 Nintendo Switch 最新作《精靈寶可夢 Let’s Go!皮卡丘/Let’s Go!伊布》,今(10)日公布了遊戲新要素和 Nintendo Switch 同梱主機的資訊。
Using Hacks like GPS or Location Spoofing or any other cheats in Pokemon Go your account will be banned. It’s called soft ban as it is temporary, lasting for a few hours, which means you can get back to doing your cheating once the soft ban is over.
Settings and Options may differ from device to device.So try following the same method.It may or may not work on all devices or on all android versions.
Device used in this video: Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 pro
Android version: 6.0.1
➥It seems that this hack doesn’t seems to be working in Android versions 7.0 and 7.1 due to some security updates which is actually optional and you can opt out if you still wanna use this hack!!
In previous versions of Android, fake GPS apps were able to change users GPS location without disclosing that to the system, making it impossible for Pokémon GO to detect usage of such apps.
Even android version 6.0 could be receiving this security update in which users can no longer spoof.