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Top 20 CPA Networks 2015&The Top 20 Affiliate Networks 2015
TOP 20
CPA Networks 2015
For the first time the Blue Book Top 20 CPA
Network rankings have a tie for 1st place.
- 1
- MaxBounty
maxbounty.com - MaxBounty wins this year for their consistent quality, longevity and experience. Received high votes in all categories.
- 1
- PeerFly
peerfly.com - After chasing the #1 spot for several years, Chad French’s network has finally made it. Loved by publishers for their strong affiliate management team.
- 2
- Neverblue
neverblue.com - Being acquired by GlobalWide Media a year or two back hasn’t slowed down Neverblue at all. Another very strong showing.
- 3
- Clickbooth
clickbooth.com - Clickbooth seems to have been around forever. Lots of scale but just a fewer votes across the industry than the top two networks.
- 4
- Mundo Media
mundomedia.com - One of the several Canadian networks in our Top 10, Mundo Media is growing fast across several verticals using proprietary technology.
- 5
- AdWorkMedia
adworkmedia - AWM is an innovative global performance marketing network with global reach featuring content monetization tools such as Content Lockers & Link Lockers.
- 6
- Adscend Media
adscendmedia.com - The content-locking kings, Adscend has terrific reach. If you want to monetize content, look no further.
- 7
- Above All Offers
abovealloffers.com - Another impressive rise in the rankings this year, Above All Offers in based in Eugene, OR, but serves clients all over the world.
- 8
- Matomy Media Group
matomy.com - Matomy is rapidly expanding via acquisitions and strategic partnerships, transforming itself into an international behemoth.
- 9
- A4D
a4d.com - Formerly known as Ads4Dough, A4D has a loyal and enthusiastic tribe of publishers. Based in San Diego.
- 10
- CPAWay
cpaway.com - Tom Dietzel is well-respected in the industry and is known for new technology initiatives.
- 11
- W4
w4.com - A good, highly professional network with one of the most experienced teams in the industry.
- 12
- Convert2Media
convert2media.com - Jumped one place from last year. Still a strong network with good offers.
- 13
- Adknowledge
adknowledge.com - Jumped one place from last year. Still a strong network with good offers.
- 14
- ClickDealer
clickdealer.com - Another new entry and international network, ClickDealer has quickly made a name for themselves by rapidly becoming a certified Google Partner.
- 15
- Affiliate Crossing
affiliatecrossing.com - Formally known as Affiliate Venture Group this network has re-invented itself and they are very excited to unveil their new brand.
- 16
- Diablo Media
diablomedia.com - Diablo Media makes another good showing in the rankings this year. Out of from Denver, CO, this network is very popular with publishers.
- 17
- Adperio
adperio.com - Based in Denver CO, for almost 20 years, Adperio’s approach is to offer transparency and visibility for their client’s online ad spend.
- 18
- YeahMobi
yeahmobi.com - Another new comer this year is international network, YeahMobi, a subsidiary of NDP Media Corp. and their flagship business with a focus on mobile.
- 19
- CrakRevenue
crakrevenue.com - Based out of Québec, Canada they have been around for over 10 years but this is the year they “cracked” the Blue Book rankings.
和美國消費恰恰相反,反而這些東西在台灣COSTCO 卻是非常值得購買的商品~
批量購物是個省錢的好辦法,如Costco(好市多)和Sam’s Club(山姆俱樂部)這樣的倉儲式商店都向顧客保證,其商品價格比一般的零售店更便宜,消費者還可享受購進大包裝商品的樂趣。不過,美國財經媒體《MarketWatch》提示,你以為省了錢的花銷,長遠來看有可能並不划算;當然,那裏也確有一些商品很值得購買。
1. 書籍、CD和DVD
2. 調味品或防曬霜等易變質物品
3. 紙尿褲
新手爸媽會覺得大批量購買紙尿褲很明智,但從「亞馬遜媽媽」(Amazon Mom)買其實更省錢;當然,Sam’s Club也強調他們免費幫顧客寄送到家的服務。
逛倉儲店Costco ~五種自產商品別錯過
類,普遍而言好市多(Costco)的自有品牌科克蘭(Kirkland Signature)都是非常不錯的,價格低&
好市多(Costco)的自有品牌科克蘭(Kirkland Signature)自1995年創立以來,生產的產品種類相當廣。近期,「消費主義」網(Consumerist)根據《消費者報導》(Consumer Reports)雜誌對好市多產品的測試結果,推薦了五種值得購買的科克蘭產品,這些產品不但不比名牌產品差,更能節省您的花銷。
1. 洗衣液(粉)
《消費者報導》的測試發現,科克蘭洗衣液(Kirkland Signature Free & Clear)有效清除草漬(grass stains)、血漬及衣領油垢;與名牌洗衣液汰漬(Tide Plus Ultra Stain Release)相比較,不僅功效相似,更比汰漬便宜。其花銷平均不到汰漬的一半。汰漬平均一次用量成本為0.25美元,科克蘭洗衣液則為0.11美元。
如果您習慣用洗衣膠囊(獨立包裝),科克蘭的強效洗衣膠囊(Kirkland Signature Ultra Clean Pacs)的效能也一樣好。
COSTCO台南店 – 限時優惠商品
COSTCO – 獻給父親 實用好禮
COSTCO 父親節優惠好禮~~~只有父親節檔期才推出的商品
COSTCO 對於大部分商品只精挑2,3項同類商品,這是另一種行銷經營模式~~~~~~
COSTCO 好市多~我的退貨經驗
話說COSTCO標榜的退貨標準,『您在好市多所購買的商品均享有「100% 零風險滿意保證」,若商品
COSTCO 必買商品~10大人氣商品
10大COSTCO 熱賣必買商品,賣場幾乎長年都有貨~COSTCO線上購物也買得到唷
1.Kirkland Signature(KS)無骨牛小排肉片 choice等級冷藏牛肉片,深受會員喜愛。
2.KS無調味綜合堅果 台灣好市多團隊建議增加「無調味」口味,推出後全球熱銷。
3.桂格養氣人蔘 包裝大器還加送贈品,送禮體面。
4.KS全脂鮮奶 以特殊保鮮技術從美國進口的鮮奶,在食安風暴後造成搶購。
5.西雅圖即品拿鐵 好市多長銷商品,常有餐廳廚師採購。
6.舒潔抽取式衛生紙 三層抽取面紙,廠商為好市多設計的獨賣商品。
7.幫寶適尿布 以箱為單位的尿布,比市價略便宜。
8.美食區凱撒雞肉沙拉 雞肉量多,生菜豐富,單店一日可賣上千個。
9.優鮮沛蔓越莓乾 比市價便宜許多。
10.葡萄醣胺 市場上葡萄醣胺相關產品的先驅。
家樂福《跟著影片學》 平底鍋一鍋到底煮炊飯?! 老饕最愛的安格斯牛絞肉這樣煮
家樂福 Carrefour Taiwan《跟著影片學》
平底鍋一鍋到底煮炊飯?! 老饕最愛的安格斯牛絞肉這樣煮
在回文中回答看完影片的想法和建議,按讚+轉分享,就有機會獲得【家樂福嚴選板腱牛肉】一盒(300g),共50名;超過4,000人參加,再加碼抽WOLL 28公分不沾炒鍋,共10名。
● 活動時間: 2015/5/27(三) ~ 6/9(二)
● 公佈得獎: 2015/6/12(五)