What food should I avoid after dog bite?

pixabay : dog bite

A dog bite is painful, dangerous and instills a fear of the animal. It is estimated that around 20,000 deaths occur in India due to rabies caused by dog bites. Alarmingly, 36% of the world’s rabies deaths occur in our country every year. Sadly, most of the victims are children bitten by infected dogs.

Surprisingly, a person is more likely to be bitten by a dog they know than a street dog! Basically, you can get bitten by a dog when you least expect it and there’s probably not much you can do about it.

Even if the bite looks harmless, it can lead to serious infections, rabies and even death.

You can give first aid in the event of a dog bite, but it is best to have it checked out by a doctor. This is even more important if you have been bitten by an unfamiliar or unknown dog. If the wound does not stop bleeding, there is pus or redness with swelling, and the bitten area is warmer than the rest of the body, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. A dog bite must be treated with antibiotics or it will lead to infection.

Here is a general but important protocol to follow (as suggested by experts) when bitten by a dog:

  • Clean the bite with soap and water, gently pat dry.
  • Pat dry gently
  • If it is bleeding, apply pressure to stop the bleeding.
  • Apply a sterile dressing to the wound
  • Elevate the wound to a level above the heart. This will help reduce swelling and prevent infection.
  • Take antibiotics daily

It is imperative to visit a doctor if:

  1. The dog bite wound is large, deep and gaping
  2. If you are a diabetic, cancer patient or have AIDS
  3. If you any other diseases that reduce your immunity
  4. If the wound has not stopped bleeding after 15 minutes of applying pressure
  5. If there is a nerve or tissue damage due to dog bite
  6. If in the last five years you have not taken a tetanus vaccine
  7. If you are bitten by a stray dog or an unknown dog

Possible Complications in Dog Bite

Thousands of dog bites are reported across the country each year. Most of these bites are not serious and require little medical attention. Children are more likely to be bitten by dogs than adults. If you or a loved one has been bitten by a dog, there may be serious complications. Some of the problems that can lead to dog bite infections or other serious problems are as follows:

  • Disfigurement: A bite from a big, large and ferocious dog can cause serious damage. Given that the attack itself might be serious, it may cause large-scale disfigurement and scarring. Although rare, there have been reported cases from various parts of the country where dogs have bitten off limbs of smaller children. Facial injuries caused by dog bites or scratches can also lead to scarring that may stay a lifetime.
  • Rabies: Rabies is a disease that causes acute inflammation of the brain. This disease is seen in warm-blooded animals. Most pet dogs are vaccinated from rabies, however, if you get bitten or scratched by street dogs that have lesser chances of being locally vaccinated, you need to get medical help as soon as possible. Rabies is almost fatal as the body starts showing symptoms of the same.
  • Sepsis: This rare complication caused by a dog bite injury is commonly referred to as blood poisoning. It is a potentially fatal inflammation of the affected area that can lead to serious complications. High fever, elevated heart rate and low blood pressure are some of the symptoms of sepsis. Although treatable with antibiotics in milder cases, it may turn lethal if the infection has spread.
  • Meningitis: This is an inflammation of the membrane which covers the spinal cord and the lining of the brain. Since the inflammation occurs near some of the most important body parts, meningitis may sometimes be life-threatening. Bacteria or viruses present in the dog’s saliva can give meningitis to the person bitten.

Food preferences after a dog bite are a “non-issue”

Food preferences after a dog bite are a “non-issue”. What is important is that you clean the wound immediately, apply antibacterial medication and a dressing (bandage) and then find out if the dog is up to date with its rabies vaccination.

This happened to me when I tried to break up a dog fight. Within eight hours my hand was pink and swollen and my temperature was 102 (I NEVER get a temperature no matter how sick I am!).

So …. WATCH THAT WOUND!!! And if you feel the least bit sick, even if you look fine, just go to the doctor or A&E.

What you should be worried about is possibly getting the rabies virus (if it is a stray dog). Or a bacteria called pasturella. Look out for swollen skin to the point of cellulitis, along with fever and chills.

pixabay : oily, spicy food

Avoiding oily, spicy and non vegetarian food

Restrictions like avoiding oily, spicy and non vegetarian food during illness is a good practice, but sometimes it goes beyond the level of acceptance like avoiding fruits and taking maida based bread during illness and consuming milk while having gastro-enteritis.

There are no dietary restrictions following a dog bite and you can eat whatever you like to have.

Nothing other than what you would not normally eat. Eat a balanced diet so that your body has all the nutrients it needs to heal itself. And get medical help if the wound is severe, or if you don’t know the dog that bit you, or if you’re not sure if the dog that bit you has had a rabies vaccination and is otherwise healthy. Eating healthy, nutritious food will help your body recover more quickly.

You can eat anything you like. There are no dietary restrictions for dog bites. I would encourage you to get a rabies vaccination, regardless of the tetanus shot. You should also take care of the injury.

Overall, there are no dietary restrictions.

There are no special diets for people who have been bitten by dogs, and no foods to avoid or choose.

The most important question to ask after a dog bite is whether the dog has been vaccinated against rabies.

The most important thing to do is….

If you know the dog that bit you, or if the dog can be found, the most important thing to do is to find out when the dog last had its rabies vaccination (injection).

If the dog is up to date, there is no need to worry about getting rabies. If not, the dog will most likely be placed in quarantine (a supervised kennel or home care) under supervision to make sure the dog does not become ill or die.

If the dog cannot be found, seek medical attention immediately. The person who was bitten may need a rabies vaccination.

Rabies is common in some countries, such as India, but very rare in countries such as the USA. If more dogs were vaccinated, this terrible disease could be a thing of the past.

There are no special diet for people who have been bitten by dogs and no food to avoid or choose.

– Drink plenty of water and have fruits and vegetables and nuts

– Take care of your wounds .keep it dry and clean

– No dietery restriction

Dog bites and food to avoid have nothing to do with each other.

Foods you should always avoid

But foods you should always avoid;

  • Brussels sprouts
  • liver and onions
  • guacamole
  • sweet potatoes
  • octopus
  • almonds

Nothing other than what you would normally not eat. Do eat a balanced diet so your body has all the nutrients it needs to heal itself. And do seek medical help if the wound is severe or if you dont knownthe dog that bit you or if you’re not sure if the dog that bit you has been vaccinated for rabies and is otherwise healthy

Researchers have not found connection between food one eats and the progression or prevention of rabies infection.