【瘋Pokemon Go】 可同時安裝也可同時開啟的3種iOS Pokemon Go 檔案


在 iOS 裝置上,許多 Pokémon Go 玩家尋求更多的靈活性,例如能夠同時安裝和啟動多個 Pokémon Go 客戶端,以便進行多帳號管理或在不同地點同時操作。以下是三種可以實現此功能的 Pokémon Go 檔案和它們的介紹:

1. 官方版 Pokémon Go

  • 來源:Apple App Store
  • 功能:官方版本提供最穩定和最新的遊戲體驗,包括活動、更新和安全保障。
  • 優點:符合遊戲條款,不容易被封號。
  • 使用方式:直接下載並安裝於主帳號上。

2. 副本應用(Duplicated Apps)

  • 來源:利用第三方應用克隆工具或其他修改方式(如 AltStore 或 sideloading)。
  • 功能:允許安裝多個 Pokémon Go 副本,分別登入不同帳號。
  • 優點:方便玩家管理多個帳號,且與官方版無衝突。
  • 注意事項:可能需要額外的技術操作,並定期更新以保持兼容性。

3. 修改版 Pokémon Go(Modded Versions)

  • 來源:第三方開發者(例如 PGSharp 或 iSpoofer)。
  • 功能:通常內建模擬移動、輔助工具等額外功能,適合進階玩家使用。
  • 優點:增加遊戲靈活性,例如在不同地點同時捕捉 Pokémon 或參加團體戰。
  • 風險:使用修改版可能違反遊戲條款,增加帳號被封的風險。


  1. 技術需求:部分檔案需要透過 sideloading 或 jailbreaking 才能安裝,這對裝置的安全性可能帶來風險。
  2. 遊戲規則:請留意 Pokémon Go 的使用條款,謹慎使用第三方應用或修改版,以免影響遊戲帳號。
  3. 更新頻率:確保所安裝的應用程序與官方伺服器版本兼容,否則可能無法正常運行。



2.本人只安裝iOS R97_newfixed(0.129.1) 破解版與iSpoofer_0.129.1a(0.129.1) 免費檔.所以可同時開啟這2種檔案.走路版對我沒用處.所以並無安裝.

原iOS iSpoofer_0.129.1a(0.129.1) 免費.可飛

已打包改副名載點: https://mega.nz/#!GoADjayQ!lho8ARIAMmJ31QCXnsepjqgukoN0lsbWcyNp1FDH0MQ

iOS R97_newfixed(0.129.1) 破解版,可飛


原iOS Globlo++R97(0.129.1) 此檔沒贊助無法飛(走路版)




走路板:就是Global++官方提供的,只能走路…不能飛~ 要飛就要贊助,這個官方的支援雷達與智慧手勢。



越獄反而不能玩 會偵測到越獄而閃退



【瘋Pokemon Go】可同時安裝在同一支手機上的3種版本iOS



只下載破解版與ispoofer Free版安裝,因++官版需贊助才能飛,所以沒安裝(已屬沒讚助就無用程式)。


PokeGo ++ R100(破解版):http://www.mediafire.com/file/6vo6rdtwjd2oawt/R100_newfixed.ipa/file

iSpoofer Go(原ispoofer官版):http://www.mediafire.com/file/0pekdy2j4xa0wxp/iSpoofer_01312a.ipa/file

Poke2 ++ Go(++官版:此程式沒贊助無法飛):http://www.mediafire.com/file/myu9o7tqq97f5dk/Poke2_r100.ipa/file

PS:想多開只能從上面載點下載3種APP,並使用Impactor 0.9.51用電腦安裝


iOS PokeGo 2.0r-81(0.111.2) Pokemon Go 飛人/ 懶人版 含繁體中文|寶可夢GO

Pokemon Go|寶可夢GO,iOS PokeGo2.0r-79 飛人/ 懶人版 教學&攻略


Pokemon Go 非越獄iOS手機,iOS PokeGo2.0r-79 飛人/ 懶人版 教學&攻略





Mac用Impactor 0.9.42 



【Pokemon Go】Pokemon Go 萬用android 飛人通用改法

官方公佈 android 玩 Pokemon go 限制如下

1. android 版本 4.4 (含)以上

2. RAM 2G (含)以上 ( 事實上沒這限制 )


都可玩 pokemon go

”也都能當飛人“ (只是看個人功力罷了

理由:6年前的紅米1 版本 4.4 RAM 只有 800M 還不照飛

最簡單的方式: ( 沒難度不討論 )

有一支 android 6.0 & 安全修補在 2017/3/1 以前的手機

直裝 虛擬gps程式 開虛擬定位 即可


pokemon go 會偵測 root 及 某些虛擬gps程式

偵測root部分為 google pay 的 safetynet 的方式

偵測虛擬gps部分為 app的名稱 ( 不偵測系統程式 )



1. 解鎖 bootloader ( 沒鎖的手機可忽略 )

自行尋找自己手機 官方 或 第三方解鎖軟體

ps. 有些手機解鎖完會清除使用者資料 請事先備份!!

2. 下載刷機工具 ( Get just the command line tools )


3. 下載第三方recovery ( 個人愛用 TWRP )

4. 下載 supersu 或 magisk (android5.0以上才可) 卡刷包到手機

5. 手機開啟usb偵錯 並 開機至 fastboot mode

( adb reboot bootloader )

a. 刷入 第三方recovery 或是 b.使用其開機 

a. fastboot flash recovery “第三方recovery檔名”

b. fastboot boot “第三方recovery檔名”

開機至 recovery

     ps.推薦b選項 後須更新比較不麻煩

6. 點 install 選取 supersu 或 magisk 卡刷包 刷入

     ( 此時root 完畢 )

7. 安裝虛擬gps程式

8. 安裝 system app mover ( 有些也要裝busybox )

( 刷 magisk 的人能裝內建的 app Systemizer & Busybox模組 )

9. 使用 system app mover 將 虛擬gps程式 裝入系統

…….. app Systemizer      …………………………………

10. 爽爽飛~~

要移除root的可在 supersu / magisk 找到移除選項

ps.使用 magisk 模組的 在移除後會將 虛擬gps程式 還原

大多數手機( 5.0 以上 ) 使用magisk都會屏蔽掉root

( 採用 Systemless root )

所以保留 root 也能飛



zenfone2 ze551ml ( android 5.0 )

zenfone4 ze554kl ( android 7.0 )

紅米1 ( android 4.4 )

紅米 note 4 ( android 6.0 )

Samsung galaxy note2 N7100 ( android 4.4 )

HTC one m8 ( android 5.0 )

紅米Notes 1 android 飛人通用改法


我是用幸運破解器,移完自定義的GPS Joystick  到系統之後

再刷一次 UNROOT 就可以了 





紅米 note 4 android 飛人通用改法



從步驟5開始做,建議刷入 magisk  以後要更新飛人程式會比較方便

zenfone 3 + android 7.0 android 飛人通用改法

之前卡在最後一個部份就是gps joystick無法放到系統應用程式裡


於是用了幸運破解器就順利的把gps joystick放到系統應用程式裡了

app Systemizer教學


去模組選安裝 app systemizer


在裡面選取 app







再從twrp刷入magisk v16

這邊我發生了無法mount data的問題會導至系統崩饋



在magisk左邊的下載安裝 app systemizer v14

然後虛擬gps我是用gps joystick(另一套fly gps不成功)

安裝完gps joystick後,再用app systemizer將gps joystick打勾按儲存reboot移動到系統






Best iPoGo Alternatives, with Installation/Usage Guide! – The Ultimate Strategy Guide for Pokemon GO Experts

Best iPoGo Alternatives
Best iPoGo Alternatives

Are you tired of using iPoGo on your Pokemon GO account? Do you want to explore other options for catching and collecting Pokemons? Look no further, as we have compiled a list of the best iPoGo alternatives that you can use to enhance your gaming experience.

Before we dive into the list, let us first discuss the basics of iPoGo and its alternatives. iPoGo is a popular app that is used to spoof location and catch Pokemons in Pokemon GO. It provides users with a joystick that they can use to move around the map and collect Pokemons. However, using iPoGo can also lead to account bans and other security risks.

To avoid these risks, many Pokemon GO players have switched to iPoGo alternatives that are safer and more reliable. Here are some of the best iPoGo alternatives that you can use:

  1. iTools

iTools is one of the best iPoGo alternatives that you can use to spoof location and catch Pokemons. It provides users with a virtual joystick that they can use to move around the map and collect Pokemons. Unlike iPoGo, iTools is a paid app, but it is much safer and reliable.

To use iTools, you need to download and install the app on your computer. Then, connect your iPhone to your computer and launch the app. You can then use the virtual joystick to move around the map and catch Pokemons.

  1. PGSharp

PGSharp is another iPoGo alternative that you can use to spoof location and catch Pokemons. It is a paid app, but it is much safer and more reliable than iPoGo. PGSharp also provides users with a virtual joystick that they can use to move around the map and catch Pokemons.

To use PGSharp, you need to download and install the app on your Android device. Then, launch the app and login with your Pokemon GO account. You can then use the virtual joystick to move around the map and catch Pokemons.

  1. Dr.Fone – Virtual Location

Dr.Fone – Virtual Location is a popular iPoGo alternative that you can use to spoof location and catch Pokemons. It provides users with a virtual joystick that they can use to move around the map and collect Pokemons. Dr.Fone – Virtual Location is a paid app, but it is much safer and more reliable than iPoGo.

To use Dr.Fone – Virtual Location, you need to download and install the app on your computer. Then, connect your iPhone to your computer and launch the app. You can then use the virtual joystick to move around the map and catch Pokemons.


iPASTORE is another iPoGo alternative that you can use to spoof location and catch Pokemons. It provides users with a virtual joystick that they can use to move around the map and collect Pokemons. iPASTORE is a paid app, but it is much safer and more reliable than iPoGo.

To use iPASTORE, you need to download and install the app on your iPhone. Then, launch the app and login with your Pokemon GO account. You can then use the virtual joystick to move around the map and catch Pokemons.

Now that you have an idea of the best iPoGo alternatives, let us discuss how you can install and use them. Each app has its installation and usage guide that you can follow. Make sure to read the instructions carefully to avoid any errors or issues.

iTools– User-friendly interface- Supports both iOS and Android devices- No jailbreak required– Limited free version- Some features only available for paid version- Requires PC connection
PGSharp– Provides joystick function- Supports both iOS and Android devices- No jailbreak required– Subscription-based payment model- May result in account bans or warnings from Niantic
Dr.Fone – Virtual Location– Easy to use- Supports both iOS and Android devices- No jailbreak required– Paid software with limited free trial version- Requires PC connection
iPASTORE– Offers iPoGo app- Supports both iOS and Android devices- No jailbreak required– Paid service- May result in account bans or warnings from Niantic- Requires IPA signing

iTools, PGSharp, Dr.Fone – Virtual Location, and iPASTORE are all popular options for Pokémon GO players looking for an iPoGo alternative. Each tool has its own set of pros and cons.

iTools is known for its user-friendly interface and support for both iOS and Android devices without requiring a jailbreak. However, the free version is limited and some features require payment. It also needs to be connected to a PC.

PGSharp offers a joystick function and supports both iOS and Android devices without requiring a jailbreak. However, it operates on a subscription-based payment model and may lead to account bans or warnings from Niantic.

Dr.Fone – Virtual Location is easy to use and supports both iOS and Android devices without requiring a jailbreak. However, it is a paid software with a limited free trial version and also requires a PC connection.

iPASTORE provides access to the iPoGo app and supports both iOS and Android devices without requiring a jailbreak. However, it is a paid service that may lead to account bans or warnings from Niantic. It also requires IPA signing.

It is important to weigh the pros and cons of each tool before deciding which one to use, and it is always advisable to use caution to avoid any negative consequences while playing Pokémon GO.


To sum up, iPoGo is a great option for Pokemon GO players who want to enhance their gaming experience. However, due to the recent crackdown by Niantic, it is important to consider other alternatives. The five iPoGo alternatives we have discussed in this article are all solid choices that can provide similar features and gameplay. By following the installation and usage guides we have provided, you can easily set up and start playing any of these alternatives.

As a Pokemon GO expert, it is crucial to stay up-to-date with the latest developments and choose the best option that suits your needs. So why not give these alternatives a try and take your Pokemon GO gaming to the next level?

iSpoofer for POGO | Pokemon Go plugin download and installation instruction

The epidemic has greatly affected the activity area of ​​Pokémon players, causing everyone to miss many country-restricted physical activities in Pokémon. Therefore, many players want to modify the GPS positioning through the trapeze program, so as to easily catch treasures, fight, do tasks, and brush bosses at home. iSpoofer for POGO is a familiar trapeze plug-in tool, which is widely sought after due to its simple operation. Recently, iSpoofer has been heavily criticized and reviewed by Niantic officials, resulting in the frequent failure of online installation addresses.Therefore, in addition to explaining the download address and installation method of iSpoofer, this article will also introduce you another Pokémon plug-in tool.Tenorshare iAnyGoand the most complete Pokémon trapeze teaching method.

Part 1: How to install iSpoofer for POGO to become a Pokemon Go Flyer?

1. Where is the iSpoofer official website?

The download address of iSpoofer is as follows, and the official website is currently suspended. From the Twitter article, it can be seen that it is very likely that the site will be closed at the official request of the game. Whether the connection can be restored in the future is still unknown. With the continuous loss of users, the possibility of permanent shutdown cannot be ruled out. Although the site has been closed, this article still finds the installation method of iSpoofer for POGO for you.If you think iSpoofer for POGO is unstable and difficult to use, I recommend you to skip directly to the second part of this article and check out the alternative tools for the strongest iSpoofer for POGO, such as Tenorshare iAnyGo. Official website:https://www.ispoofer.com/ Mobile version website:https://www.ispoofer.com/ispoofer-for-pogo-installation/ Direct installation link:https://www.ispoofer.com/redir/dl/pogo-otaispoofer website closed

2. How to install iSpoofer for POGO?

Since the official website has been closed, we have collected a lot of information and found the following method to install iSpoofer for you. Use iFunbox to install the IPA file provided by iSpoofer to your device. The specific operations are as follows: First, you need to uninstall Pokemon GO from the device, and prepare a computer and a data cable that can connect to your iPhone or iPad. Step 1: Visit the latest ipa link provided by the official:https://mega.nz/file/BaRy1KbS#ItAdtfsZJNhV_zdmD2TMZ2YzhBqqlUhapSlA2quSq0Idownload the IPA file to the computer. Step 2: Download the tool that can install the IPA file to the iOS device. We recommend iFunbox for you because its interface is relatively simple and the operation is simple. Step 3: Execute the software, click “Installer” at the top of the main interface, and then put the previously downloaded ipa file in the specified path, and operate according to the software’s prompts. Install ispoofer with ifunbox If the software is downloaded with your Apple ID, it can be installed directly. If the software is downloaded from the Internet, you need to install a patch called AppSync (a jailbroken device is required), otherwise the installed APP will appear. Unexpected situations such as flashback. Since iFunbox is not an official installation channel, there is a certain security risk in installing APP through it, and it is unknown whether iSpoofer will maintain this software in the future.For the protection of your iPhone and Pokémon game account, we recommend that you use more secure and effective toolsTenorshare iAnyGo Fulfill your Pokemon Go trapeze wish.

Part II: Tenorshare iAnyGo, the strongest alternative to iSpoofer for POGO, realizes Pokémon plug-in

Want to play Pokemon GO with trapeze mode for a long time?Tenorshare iAnyGo Definitely your best choice! Without jailbreaking, you can modify the GPS location of Pokemon GO with a simple operation. At the same time, this software can simulate the real movement speed, minimizing the risk of being found by the official to use the trapeze program. This software is very considerate to provide a free trial version. You can buy it with confidence after you experience it. After purchasing, you can travel around the world in Pokémon games anytime, anywhere! This software provides 100% security guarantee, and there is no need to worry about the software suddenly not working.

windows download btn
mac download btn

windows purchase btn
mac purchase btn

One-click to modify the positioning of the iPhone Plan dynamic routes, set the position of two or more points, set movable routes Generate historical records to facilitate the next use of a unified geographic location Works with all apps that use location, such as Pokemon GO, Facebook, fitness apps, and more Supports the latest mobile phones and iOS systems, including iPhone 13 and iOS 15 Whether you want to check in all over the world, or modify your location on dating apps to meet more handsome guys and beauties, Tenorshare iAnyGo can satisfy your wish! https://www.youtube.com/embed/g3uqPZFwL7o

windows download btn
mac download btn

windows purchase btn
mac purchase btn

1. How to use Tenorshare iAnyGo to modify the geographic location with one click?

Step 1: Download and install Tenorshare iAnyGo with your computer. After running the software, you can select the mode you want to move from the left, including “positioning modification”, “single point move” and “multi-point move”. If you want to modify the location directly, you can select “Location Modification”, and click “Enter” to connect your phone to the computer. Step 2: Directly click on the location you want to move on the map, or enter an address or GPS coordinates. Click “Start Editing” when finished, and the software will immediately change the location of your iPhone to the specified location. At the same time, all applications in your phone will also modify the geographic location. If you want to check the original GPS position, you can click the “Return” button in the lower left corner, and all the positions you have used will appear in the “History”.

2. How to move according to the set route to become a Pokemon Go trapeze?

Step 1: On the main interface, click the second option “Single Point Move” and click “Enter” to continue. Step 2: At this point, you can set the position of the start and end points, and you also need to set the speed and number of moves. Step 3: Click “Start Moving”, the software will follow the instructions to move. During the process, you can also press the “Pause” or “Stop” button at any time.

3. Pokémon trapeze teaching, planning more complex routes

If you want to arrange a more complex movement route, you can also use the “multi-point movement” mode to complete it. Step 1: On the main interface, click the third option “Multi-Point Move” and click “Enter” to continue. Step 2: Similarly, you can click on multiple locations on the map, or enter geographic coordinates on the left. At the same time, you can adjust the movement speed and times. Step 3: After clicking “Start Moving”, you can see the moving route of the software from the interface. Summarize Want to play Pokémon without going out?This article provides the installation teaching of iSpoofer for POGO. Since the official website has been closed, it is uncertain whether it will be opened in the future, so we recommend you to use another more secure and stable Pokémon plug-in toolTenorshare iAnyGoI hope this tutorial can help you!

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