COSTCO 好市多標價|標籤藏玄機不知道就虧大了





至於COSTCO 線上購物 , 價格都比現場價都還要貴上1,2成唷…


不過據號稱「好市多爆料者」(Costco Whisperer)的Len Rapoport透露,好市多的價格標籤上隱藏著內部員工才知道的「價格密碼」,關鍵就在於標價小數點後面的2位數!







這篇文章是針對美國COSTCO 消費,但個人覺得部份也蠻符合台灣的COSTCO,可供參考…



納爾森說:「雖然購買量很大,但如果你的家庭在產品保質期內會消耗掉大量日用品,在Costco商場購買雞蛋、黃油、奶油、鮮奶油( half and half)、雞蛋替代品( egg substitute,又稱人造雞蛋)和奶酪等,預計會比在其它超市的價格節省30%。」




Costco商場以15%到30%的面值折扣出售大型零售商的禮品卡。例如,在Costco只花79.99美元就可購買到兩張50美元的「Lucille’s Smokehouse Bar-B-Que」(美式風味的 BBQ 餐廳) 禮品卡,或只花69.99美元購買到兩張50美元的霍恩布洛爾游輪(Hornblower Cruises)的禮品卡。




在Costco,還可以買到有機農產品。《西雅圖時報》曾經在今年六月報導說,Costco商場已超過Whole Foods成為最大的有機食品市場。



Costco News – 本週熱門優惠(2023.7.24~7.29)

Costco News - 本週熱門優惠(2023.7.24~29)





Costco News - 本週熱門優惠(2023.7.24~29)

✅ GOO.N 大王迪士尼褲型尿布特展




WEIDER威德 雙茶花速崩錠 特價啦🎉

WEIDER威德 雙茶花速崩錠 讓你美食勇敢吃!輕鬆解油膩💪

而且我最在意的是 ⋯
WEIDER威德 雙茶花速崩錠 有專利雙茶花加血橙的複方成分!
只要飯前五分鐘吃3️⃣顆 輕鬆分解油膩零負擔🏃💨
小提醒:每天吃到9顆 代謝會更加有感喔👍

好市多實體賣場折扣後 749元
線上購物折扣後(含運費) 779元

【2023Recommended】How to Buy a Car – 15 Essential Tips to Get the Best Deal

I loathe the process of having to buy a new car. Dealing with pushy, overbearing car salesmen can be extremely frustrating. As a result, I do whatever I can to avoid buying a car. I perform all recommended DIY car maintenance checks, I keep my vehicle for as long as I can, and I consolidate my trips both to save on gas and decrease wear and tear on my car.

However, buying a car at some point in time is a reality that we all have to face. I’ve compiled a list of several important car buying steps that you should follow. Heeding the advice in this article will help you save money, get the best deal, and hopefully, reduce the amount of stress involved with purchasing a vehicle.

Important Tips for Buying a Car

1. Do Your Research

The most important thing to know before you buy a car is that knowledge is power. It’s a mistake to arrive at a car lot without first researching the car you want to buy. You can find out just about anything you want to know about a car online. Auto Trader, Consumer Reports, Kelley Blue Book, and the Yahoo! Autos section are great places to start researching cars in your price range.

Also, if you are considering buying a new car, your goal is to find the “invoice” price of the car, not the MSRP. The “invoice” price is what the dealer paid the manufacturer for the car. This research will come in handy once the price negotiations begin.

On the other hand, if you are thinking about buying a used car, research the recent resale prices for that specific car model. This data will give you major bargaining power. If you plan to trade in your current car, research market values for your vehicle, too. Knowing the value of your trade-in can also be a powerful bargaining tool.

2. Look into Pre-financing Options

Many people obtain financing from the car dealership, but this isn’t fiscally responsible. Dealership interest rates are typically much higher than loan rates obtained from banks and credit unions. Your bank or credit union is one of the best places to start researching car loan rates, and you can obtain “relationship discounts” that you won’t find anywhere else.

Although you may not find the best deals online, you can also use the Internet to review current interest rates. Websites like MoneyAisle can provide up to date information when you need to research car loans. Finally, once you obtain a quote from any financial institution, get the quote in writing. You can then present this quote to the dealership and use it as leverage to negotiate a lower interest rate.

3. Shop Around

Unless there is an emergency situation, shop around before you buy a car. I have an established rule in place whenever I shop for a car: I always make sure that I walk out of at least one dealership. This way, I always know their rock-bottom price, often given to me just before I leave. It might also make sense to explore out-of-town car dealerships. Dealerships price their vehicles differently depending upon their location.

4. Negotiate Terms

To me, buying a car is either a chess match, or it’s a war. Next to buying a house, purchasing a new car is one of the most important investments you will make in life. In fact, you may be paying off this car for the next four, five, or six years.

Let the salespeople know up front that you’re not going to be taken for a ride. Do everything you can do to negotiate the car loan and knock the purchase price down. Start with a ridiculous number, and work backwards. If the salesperson gives you an offer that includes a monthly payment of a certain amount based on a 60-month loan, tell them you want the same payment with a 48-month loan.

Walk into the dealership with confidence, stick to your guns, and don’t feel bad about walking away from any offers.  It might also be helpful to practice your negotiation strategies and tactics to prepare.

5. Look at Both New and Used Cars

In the past, buying a gently used car was the best way to save money when purchasing a vehicle. A big reason behind this logic is that new cars depreciate considerably the moment they are taken home from the dealership.

Unfortunately, the supply of used cars has decreased dramatically after many were removed as part of the “Cash for Clunkers” program. In addition, more people are holding onto their cars for longer periods of time before looking for a replacement. As a result, prices for used cars have increased significantly, making new cars a more realistic option.

Ultimately, make sure to go into the buying process with an open mind, considering both new and used cars and running the numbers before making your final decision.

6. Buy Based on Purchase Price, Not on Monthly Payments

Car dealers are notorious for offering a very attractive monthly payment to potential buyers. Do not be misled. If this “wonderful” payment is attached to a 72-month loan, then it’s really not that attractive at all.

Be sure to always negotiate based on the purchase price of the car, and not the monthly payment. Also make sure that you know the “full” purchase price of any car that you buy. There could be many extra, hidden costs factored into the price including various taxes, car preparation and delivery fees, and dealership costs that you won’t know about unless you ask.

7. Utilize the Internet

Purchasing a car online is definitely an option to consider. First, you completely avoid the hassle of dealing with annoying car salesmen. And second, you could end up with a much better price. Consider this: A salesman on the showroom floor is trying to negotiate the highest price possible, since his commissions are based on a percentage of the sale price. On the other hand, an Internet sales manager typically makes a fixed salary and gets paid a bonus, based on volume.

Additionally, purchasing a car online is more convenient than visiting multiple dealerships. After all, many large dealerships put up their cars for sale online. eBay Motors is a great place to look for a car, and you can also find cars for sale on Craigslist (just be careful of common Craigslist scams).

If you do decide to buy a car online, you’ll still want to test drive the car and have it checked by a mechanic to make sure there are no issues or problems.

8. Don’t Mention Your Trade-In

You should play your cards close to you in all aspects of the car-buying process, especially when it comes to mentioning your trade-in. Do not mention your trade-in until the end of the buying process. Why? The dealer will likely use this information against you.

For example, let’s say you’re looking at a $22,000 car and the dealer’s rock-bottom price for the car you’re considering is $18,000 (although he won’t share this information with you). If you have a trade-in worth $2,000, the dealer might offer to give you the car for $20,000 plus the additional $2,000 for the trade-in, for a total purchase price of $18,000.

If you hadn’t mentioned your trade-in, you could have negotiated the price down to $18,000 and then told the dealer about the trade-in, resulting in a final purchase price of $16,000. Negotiate these two aspects of the car-buying process separately. First, negotiate the best possible deal you can get for the car you want to buy, then go to work on getting the most for your trade-in.

9. Factor in Insurance Costs

Factor costs for car insurance premiums into the purchase price of your car. The cost of insuring a car is a major factor in the overall cost of the vehicle. Get insurance premium quotes online by providing information about the car’s make and model and personal information including age, marital status, and driving record.

Sports cars have higher premiums than conventional cars, but some cars have higher insurance rates for other reasons as well. For example, the Honda Accord, Honda Civic, and the Toyota Camry are favorites among car thieves because of their higher resale values, and the insurance premiums for these cars can thus be more expensive.

10. Avoid Impulse Buying

Prevent impulse buying by conducting extensive research before you buy a vehicle. Buying a car on a whim is a risky endeavor. You might realize after it’s too late that you can’t afford the car, or you may find that the performance of the car just doesn’t meet your expectations.

By researching the make, model, and style of the car, and reviewing insurance rates and financing, you should be able to put yourself in a car that you will enjoy for many years to come.

11. Don’t Purchase the Add-ons

Buying a new car is a major purchase, and you may be paying it off over the next several years. If you finance the car, the overall costs for accessories will skyrocket, so keep the add-ons to a minimum. You don’t really need heated seats, and you can buy a portable GPS navigation unit online for much less than expensive built-in systems.

Rust-proofing is another add-on you don’t need despite what the salesperson might tell you. VIN etching, a rear camera, and a dealership maintenance plan are more add-ons that you don’t really need.

12. Don’t Buy the Extended Warranty

The extended car warranties offered by dealerships are expensive, and, even worse, the coverage is often very limited and doesn’t cover the costs of many types of mechanical failure in new or used cars.

If you’re buying a new car, the car should come with a manufacturer’s warranty that provides ample coverage for your vehicle. If you’re looking at a used car, keep in mind that many of them will still have valid manufacturer’s warranties.

You especially want to avoid the extended warranty if it will be financed as part of your car loan. Why? The total cost of the warranty, including interest, will be exorbitant. Your best option is to simply deposit that money in a savings account that’s earmarked for potential vehicle repairs and maintenance.

13. Always Test Drive the Car

90% of people who buy a new car test drive it first. Do not be among the other 10%. You want to test drive the car for many reasons, but comfort should be foremost in your mind. There are some cars that you just won’t feel comfortable driving. If this is the case, move on.

If you have children, bring them along on the test drive. Their comfort level is important too, and trust me, they will give you their honest assessment of the car. In addition to comfort, look for the following:

  • Idle: The car should be smooth and quiet.
  • View: Make sure the view from each of the mirrors is acceptable, and you have a straight line view of all dashboard gauges.
  • Controls: Flip on the air, locate the turn signals, and turn on the windshield wipers. Ensure that everything is easy to use. Some people find that their fingers are too big to handle certain switches, buttons, or levers in some cars.
  • Handling and Brakes: Make sure the car responds when you push the accelerator or brakes. Cars vary significantly in terms of sensitivity, and you want to choose a car that best fits your preferences.

14. Visit the Mechanic When Buying Used

If you’re planning to buy a used vehicle, it’s important to have the car thoroughly checked out by a mechanic before you finalize the purchase. The mechanic will inspect the car and look for unusual signs of wear and tear as well as items of potential concern.

Mechanical problems or maintenance issues that the mechanic finds may determine whether or not you buy the car, and the mechanic’s report may provide you with the necessary leverage to negotiate a lower purchase price.

15. Buy a Car You Can Afford

If you are considering buying another car before your current vehicle is paid off, you need to seriously reassess whether or not you can really afford to buy another car. You don’t want to be saddled with an upside down car loan.

A much better option is to wait until your current vehicle is paid off. Then set aside the money that used to pay for your monthly car payment in an interest-bearing account for one year, while continuing to drive your old car.

Fore example, if your previous car payment was $300 a month and you follow this strategy for just one year, you will then have more than $3,600 to use as a down payment on your next car. Just make sure that you’re not digging into your savings or your emergency fund to buy a top-of-the-line car. Buy within your means.

Final Word

In the end, buying a car is a major purchase, and it’s important to research each and every aspect of the process. Educate yourself so you can go into negotiations well-prepared to get the best deal possible on a new or used car. By following the tips outlined in this article, you’ll get the best price possible on your next car.

Do you have any other tips for buying a car? What was the process like for your last purchase?

Foodpanda Restaurant Portal – My Restaurant| partnerfoodpanda – foodpanda Partner Hub (Easy to understand all the processes)

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Foodpanda Restaurant Portal

The Restaurant Portal, which is a self-service platform provided by Foodpanda, will give you access to all the tools and reports you need to effectively manage your online delivery business. This is the place where you can find all the information you need to get started with managing your Portal account.

Restaurant Portal Foodpanda・Introduction

Restaurant Portal gives our partners access to the following features:

  • Business summaries on your orders and revenue
  • Detailed reports providing insight into your daily orders, menu performance and revenue by hour
  • A real-time look at your orders and order statuses
  • Ability to promote your restaurant and opt into deals
  • Tools to directly update your menu
  • Opening times
  • Download your invoices
  • Education through our Restaurant Portal University
  • Overview of your Key Performance Indicators

Restaurant Portal Foodpanda・Experience the Portal

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Restaurant Portal – My Restaurant

Welcome to your restaurant portal from foodpanda. Login to your account. E-mail. E-mail. Password. Password. Login. Forgot password?

Restaurant Portal | partnerfoodpanda – foodpanda Partner Hub

Our self-service platform, Restaurant Portal, will provide you access to necessary tools and reports to help you take control of your online delivery business.

Restaurant Portal – foodpanda Partner Hub

Restaurant Portal is a self-service tool to manage and monitor your restaurant from our foodpanda platform. There’s a lot you can do here

Introduction to Restaurant Portal – YouTube

Restaurant Portal is the one-stop place with all the essential … and learning guides to understand the foodpanda operation

How do I change my Foodpanda food portal password?

Forgot your password? No problem! Just provide your e-mail address and we’ll send you a reset link.

How do I find a restaurant on Foodpanda?

Locate yourself: Enter yo… Choose what you would like: Pick a restaurant and select items you’d like to order. You can search by restaurant name, cuisine type, dish name or by keyword. Checkout: Enter your exact delivery address, payment method and your phone number.

How can I get Foodpanda vendor code?

How to use the badges: Copy URL. Simply go to the restaurant page on foodpanda and copy the URL. Add your website. Enter the URL exactly in between “ENTER YOUR RESTAURANT URL” Copy code. Copy the now customized HTML code and paste on vendor website.

How do I create a Foodpanda restaurant account?

Once you’ve been redirected to the Foodpanda sign-up page, you’ll have to fill in some basic details of your restaurant like, Restaurant Name, city, address with a postal code. Restaurant Cuisine. Particulars of the owner like first name, last name, contact number, and email address

How do I activate my Foodpanda device?

Let’s start with your device setup insert the printer roll into the paper box and secure tightly charge your device then switch on your device by holding the left power button for 3 seconds.

Getting started with Portal – YouTube

Log into Portal: http://foodpanda.portal.restaurantGet started managing and growing your business with Restaurant Portal.

Restaurant Portal Overview

Software or Restaurant Portal Access’ via your country’s partner support team … List of products from your outlet available on foodpanda will be reflected.

How do I contact Foodpanda?

How to Contact foodpanda or Get In Touch? If you wish to contact us regarding any questions or comments you may have, please send an email to [email protected] or connect with us via our inbuilt help centre.

【Nexo.io加密貨幣銀行】Nexo加密貨幣銀行 賺取年息最高12% (Nexo Review:Is It Safe? Here’s What We Found)



許多加密貨幣投資者會將其數字資產存儲在法定到加密貨幣交易所, 交易交易所或 硬件錢包中以進行保管。雖然這被認為是一種規範,但這種策略不會隨著時間的推移積累您的加密貨幣財富,無法獲得免費的加密貨幣,也不會讓您立即獲得法定貨幣來支付賬單而不出售您的投資。

在本次 Nexo.io審查中,我們將評估旨在成為加密貨幣借貸,去中心化金融領域的領導者和一個獲得加密貨幣興趣的最佳平台的數字貨幣平台   


  • 在不出售加密貨幣的情況下獲得即時現金貸款
  • 使用穩定幣和法定貨幣每年最多可賺10%
  • 每年賺取高達6%的加密貨幣
  • 平台已通過託管人BitGo進行了防盜保險
  • 快速簡便的貸款審查流程
  • 利息金額每天支付






Nexo.io是一種在線加密貨幣貸款服務,為將加密資產(例如比特幣和以太坊)存儲在平台上的Nexo安全錢包提供財務利益。基於現金的借貸平台得到了著名投資者和TechCrunch創始人Michael Arrington的支持,並由聯合創始人兼執行合夥人Acntoni Trenchev領導

自2017年推出以來,Nexo已經處理200個轄區中超過100萬用戶的逾 15億美元資金, 並支持40多種法定貨幣。 作為個人和公司的替代加密投資方法和存儲選項,借貸服務已經獲得了廣泛的普及,個人和公司可以利用此服務為藉款人和貸方提供更多的財務利益。


NEXO是一種易於使用的 流行方式,可通過其利息帳戶和借貸平台賺取免費比特幣。這裡有一些替代的借貸和利息平台,例如Nexo,您可以在其中賺取加密貨幣的利息。

幣安每年高達3.14%4.8 / 5幣安評論享受10%的交易費優惠造訪網站
BlockFi每年高達8.6%4.7 / 5BlockFi評論目前沒有可用造訪網站
Crypto.com每年高達12%4.5 / 5Crypto.com評論目前沒有可用造訪網站

【2023 Blockchain加密貨幣錢包】比特幣6%,ETH 5%,USDT 12%,PAX12%利息帳戶即日起開通(Blockchain Exchange最快加密貨幣交易所The Fastest Crypto Exchange)


加密貨幣借貸和儲蓄帳戶Nexo似乎是一家 信譽良好,合法且可信賴的公司 ,在200個國家/地區擁有 執照,受其監管,並為合格的託管人BitGo提供的 高達1億美元的盜竊保險額度。







Nexo可以通過從低至10美元到最高200萬美元的借貸加密資產來獲取 即時現金貸款的功能。用Nexo借入現金或穩定幣的隱性費用為零,還款方式靈活,而且沒有信用檢查,這使得許多加密貨幣持有者都非常容易評估。 


Nexo提供了一個高利息儲蓄帳戶,用於存儲加密貨幣和法定貨幣,例如歐元,英鎊和美元。客戶資金 以保險單後盾,使您完全放心,同時賺取高達12%的利息。資金可以添加到儲蓄錢包中或隨時提取(不鎖定)。




與流行的加密貨幣交易平台類似 ,Nexo擁有自己的“交易所”,可讓現有用戶立即在75種以上的數字資產和法定貨幣對之間進行交換。交易所就像經紀人一樣,可以同時連接5個以上的交易所,以找到 最優惠的價格。




該 NEXO代幣 是現金借貸平台的原生記號的 股份分紅的形式與它的忠實顧客所有淨利潤的30%。 根據該網站的數據,Nexo代幣是 世界上第一個支付股息資產支持的代幣,在過去三年中已向Nexo持有者支付了超過900萬美元。令牌為平台上的用戶提供了以下好處:

  • 穩定  幣,歐元,英鎊和美元存款的年利率為12%
  • 借用  Nexo的即時加密信用額度的年利率5.9%
  • 收取Nexo代幣淨利潤的30% 



加密貨幣擁有者可以利用其加密貨幣投資組合立即獲得法定現金, 而不必出售投資或放棄所有權。這是保留比特幣和其他資產的上行潛力,同時提取現金支付成本的另一種方法。投資者還可以避免觸發資本利得應稅事件。

例如,使用Nexo貸款計算器,比特幣投資者可以通過將0.296比特幣存入他們的帳戶以用作抵押品來獲得10,000美元的現金貸款。零月費,年費或隱藏費,並且 沒有最低每月還款額。




  1. 訪問Nexo網站並創建一個帳戶 
  2. 將加密貨幣存入平台 
  3. 完成驗證過程(KYC) 
  4. 導航到儀表板上的“提取貸款”  
  5. 選擇首選的提款方式
  6. 輸入您的銀行帳戶/ Tether地址
  7. 完成貸款並立即提取現金

Nexo Crypto貸款分步指南





  • 選擇要用作抵押的加密貨幣資產(例如,比特幣,以太坊)
  • 輸入您可以在平台上存儲的加密貨幣數量作為抵押 
  • 查看可以提取為現金貸款的法定貨幣數量



存入資金的過程與加密貨幣交易交易所的工作方式相同  請確保在存入資金之前啟用兩因素身份驗證。首先,請按照以下簡單步驟操作: 

  1. 點擊加密資產
  2. 記下唯一的存款地址
  3. 將加密貨幣發送到提供的地址。 








Nexo提供了高利息賬戶,用戶可以在其中穩定 貨幣和法定貨幣獲得高達10%的年被動收入,而在加密貨幣上可獲得高達6%的被動收入。 Nexo儲蓄帳戶中賺取的利息大大高於傳統的銀行帳戶利率,如下所示。Nexo的 利息金額是每天支付的,這使該帳戶能夠複利并快速增長,類似於股票的股利。


Nexo.io的新的Earn on Crypto產品允許客戶選擇以平台的本機NEXO代幣接收付款,而不管Nexo錢包中持有的資產金額如何。這項激勵措施帶來了具有競爭力的收益率,所有數字資產都額外擁有2%的權益。贏得NEXO代幣後,加密貨幣的利率進一步提高到8%APY,法定貨幣和穩定幣的利率提高到12%APY。 





Nexo使用 軍事級安全性,並具有256位加密和由世界一流的託管人BitGo提供的100%脫機冷存儲錢包,該錢包已達到Cryptocurrency Security Standard Level 3和SOC 2要求。“銀行式”存儲解決方案確保了客戶資金安全性的最高標準。安全措施包括多重簽名過程,以消除單點故障並提高抵禦密碼私鑰丟失或破壞的彈性










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【2023 加密貨幣銀行】Nexo加密貨幣銀行 賺取年息最高12% (Nexo Review:Is It Safe? Here’s What We Found)












例如,倫敦大學學院建築系教授Alan Penn即指出,由於IKEA將賣場中的動線設計為單行道,同時需要經過客廳、廚房…等各類家居展示空間後才能到達提供商品銷售的區域,因此,絕大多數的顧客都會在遊逛的過程當中看到許多原本不需要、不在採購計劃中,但卻又相當誘人的商品,並且很可能會因為喜愛展示空間裡經由搭配各類物品後所形成的氛圍,進而大幅提升購物的慾望。







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【Halifax Donair Meat】How to make The Famous Classic Canadian food

Donair meat

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The authentic Halifax Donair typically uses ground lamb, giving you the opportunity to enjoy the unique flavour of lamb or even experiment with a delicious blend of ground lamb and beef.

Donair is a delicious sandwich or wrap. It originated in Halifax, Nova Scotia. This mouth-watering delicacy is made from seasoned beef or lamb, spit-roasted until tender and artfully sliced into thin, juicy strips.

What is a Canadian donair?

Is donair lamb or beef?

Where does donair meat come from?

Is beef donair healthy?

What is a Canadian “Halifax Donair”?

A Canadian “Halifax Donair” is a popular and iconic fast food item that originated in Halifax, Nova Scotia. It is a type of sandwich or wrap made with seasoned and spiced meat, usually a mixture of ground beef and/or ground lamb. The meat is formed into a large loaf and cooked on a vertical grill, similar to a doner kebab. Once cooked, the meat is thinly sliced and typically served in a pita or flatbread.

The distinctive feature of a Halifax donair is its sweet and savoury sauce, known as ‘donair sauce’, which is made from condensed milk, garlic, vinegar and sugar. The sauce is drizzled over the sliced meat, along with diced tomatoes and onions, creating a flavourful and mouth-watering combination. The final touch is often a sprinkling of dried oregano or other spices.

This Canadian delicacy has become a popular street food in Halifax and other parts of Canada, with various restaurants and food trucks offering their unique twists on the classic Halifax donair. It has gained a loyal following both locally and nationally, making it an important part of Canada’s culinary culture.

Why are Canadians called donuts?

Canadians call it “donair” because the dish is inspired by the Turkish doner kebab. The doner kebab is a popular street food in Turkey and other Middle Eastern countries, consisting of spiced and marinated meat (often lamb or beef) cooked on a vertical spit. The cooked meat is then thinly sliced and served in a pita or flat bread with various toppings and sauces.

When the doner kebab concept made its way to Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada in the 1970s, it underwent some adaptations to suit local tastes and available ingredients. The most important change was the use of ground meat, typically a combination of ground beef and/or ground lamb, instead of the traditional stacked pieces of meat used in the Turkish doner kebab. This ground meat variation was more suitable for the vertical rotisseries commonly used in Canadian outlets.

As the dish became popular in Halifax, it took on its own identity and eventually became known as the “donair”. The name probably evolved as a phonetic adaptation of “doner”, reflecting the dish’s Turkish roots while distinguishing it from the original style.

Over time, donair became a popular and iconic Canadian street food, particularly in Halifax, where it gained immense popularity. It is now an integral part of Canadian culinary culture, and the term “donair” has become synonymous with this specific Canadian variation of the Turkish doner kebab.


What are the differences between donair, doner, gyro and shawarma?

Donair, doner, gyro, and shawarma are all delicious and popular dishes with some similarities, but they have distinct differences in terms of ingredients, preparation, and regional influences. Here are the main contrasts between them:

  1. Donair:
  • Origin: The donair originated in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, and is an adaptation of the Turkish doner kebab.
  • Meat: Donair typically uses seasoned ground meat, often a combination of ground beef and/or ground lamb. The meat is shaped into a large loaf and cooked on a vertical rotisserie.
  • Sauce: Donair sauce is a sweet and savory combination of condensed milk, garlic, vinegar, and sugar.
  • Serving: Donair is usually served in a pita bread or flatbread with toppings such as diced tomatoes and onions.
  1. Doner:
  • Origin: The doner kebab originated in Turkey and is a popular street food in many Middle Eastern and European countries.
  • Meat: Traditionally, doner kebab uses thinly sliced cuts of seasoned meat, often lamb or beef, which is stacked on a vertical rotisserie and cooked slowly.
  • Sauce: The sauces can vary depending on the region but often include yogurt-based sauces, garlic sauce, or tahini.
  • Serving: Doner kebab is commonly served in a pita bread or flatbread with lettuce, tomatoes, onions, and sauces.
  1. Gyro:
  • Origin: Gyro, a Greek dish, is similar to the Turkish doner kebab and the Middle Eastern shawarma.
  • Meat: Gyro typically uses seasoned, thinly sliced meat, such as lamb, beef, pork, or chicken, cooked on a vertical rotisserie.
  • Sauce: It is often served with tzatziki sauce, which is a yogurt-based sauce with cucumbers and garlic.
  • Serving: Gyro is commonly served in a pita bread or flatbread with vegetables and sauces.
  1. Shawarma:
  • Origin: Shawarma is a Middle Eastern dish, believed to have originated in the Levant region, and is also similar to the Turkish doner kebab and the Greek gyro.
  • Meat: Shawarma uses seasoned, thinly sliced cuts of meat, typically lamb, chicken, beef, or a mixture, which is cooked on a vertical rotisserie.
  • Sauce: Shawarma can be served with various sauces, such as tahini, hummus, garlic sauce, or yogurt-based sauces.
  • Serving: Shawarma is usually served in a flatbread, pita, or laffa, along with vegetables and sauces.

In summary, while all these dishes share the concept of cooking seasoned meat on a vertical rotisserie and serving it in bread with toppings and sauces, the specific meats, sauces, and regional influences distinguish each of them from one another.

How to Make a Homemade Donair meat

Making a homemade donair can be a fun and rewarding experience. Here’s a basic recipe to guide you through the process:


  • 1 pound (450g) ground lamb (or a combination of ground lamb and beef)
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 1 teaspoon paprika
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground coriander
  • 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper (adjust to your preferred level of spiciness)
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Pita bread or flatbread for serving
  • Diced tomatoes
  • Diced onions
  • Donair sauce (see recipe below)

For Donair Sauce:

  • 1 can (14 ounces) sweetened condensed milk
  • 1/3 cup white vinegar
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder


  1. Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C).
  2. In a mixing bowl, combine the ground lamb (and beef, if using), garlic powder, onion powder, oregano, paprika, cumin, coriander, cayenne pepper, salt, and pepper. Mix well until all the spices are evenly incorporated into the meat.
  3. Form the seasoned meat into a large loaf shape, similar to a meatloaf, and place it on a lightly greased baking sheet or in a baking dish.
  4. Bake the meat loaf in the preheated oven for about 45 minutes to 1 hour or until it’s cooked through and slightly crispy on the outside.
  5. While the meat is cooking, prepare the donair sauce. In a bowl, whisk together the sweetened condensed milk, white vinegar, and garlic powder until well combined. The sauce should thicken as you whisk it.
  6. Once the meat is cooked, remove it from the oven and let it rest for a few minutes before slicing it thinly.
  7. Warm the pita bread or flatbread in the oven or microwave.
  8. To assemble the homemade donair, place a few slices of the cooked meat on the warmed pita bread or flatbread. Top it with diced tomatoes, diced onions, and a generous drizzle of donair sauce.
  9. Roll up the pita or fold the flatbread to enclose the fillings.
  10. Serve the homemade donair immediately and enjoy!

Feel free to customize your homemade donair with additional toppings, such as shredded lettuce, cucumbers, or pickles, according to your preference. The donair sauce can also be adjusted to suit your taste by adding more garlic powder or vinegar. Enjoy your delicious creation!

Assembling and serving Halifax Donair Meat

Assembling and serving the Halifax Donair is a straightforward process that creates a mouthwatering and satisfying meal. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you enjoy this Canadian delight:


  • Cooked and thinly sliced seasoned meat (made with ground lamb and/or beef, as described in the previous recipe)
  • Pita bread or flatbread
  • Diced tomatoes
  • Diced onions
  • Donair sauce (sweet and savory sauce, made with condensed milk, garlic, vinegar, and sugar)


  1. Warm the Pita Bread or Flatbread: If your pita bread or flatbread is not already warm, you can heat it slightly in the oven or microwave for a few seconds until it becomes pliable and easy to fold.
  2. Prepare the Meat: Ensure that you have cooked and thinly sliced the seasoned meat, following the recipe provided earlier.
  3. Lay Out the Ingredients: Set up a clean and spacious work area to assemble the donair. Arrange the warm pita bread or flatbread, sliced meat, diced tomatoes, diced onions, and a container of the donair sauce for easy access.
  4. Place the Meat on the Bread: Take a few slices of the cooked and seasoned meat and arrange them along the center of the pita bread or flatbread.
  5. Add the Toppings: Sprinkle a generous amount of diced tomatoes and diced onions on top of the meat. These fresh toppings add a burst of flavor and texture to the donair.
  6. Drizzle with Donair Sauce: Now comes the signature element of the Halifax Donair—the donair sauce. Drizzle a substantial amount of the sweet and savory sauce over the meat and toppings. The sauce is a crucial component that brings all the flavors together.
  7. Fold or Roll Up the Donair: To complete the assembly, carefully fold or roll up the pita bread or flatbread to enclose the meat and toppings. You can fold it in half like a taco or roll it up like a burrito.
  8. Serve and Enjoy: Serve the assembled Halifax Donair immediately while it’s still warm and enjoy the delectable combination of flavors and textures.

Remember that the beauty of the Halifax Donair lies in its customization. Feel free to add shredded lettuce, cucumbers, or any other toppings of your choice to suit your taste preferences. Enjoy this Canadian classic in the comfort of your own home!

How to Store Donair Meat

Storing donair meat properly is essential to maintain its quality and ensure food safety. Here’s a guide on how to store donair meat:

  1. Refrigeration: If you have leftover cooked donair meat, let it cool to room temperature before refrigerating it. Place the meat in an airtight container or wrap it tightly in plastic wrap. Make sure to seal it well to prevent air exposure, which can lead to drying out or spoilage. Store the donair meat in the refrigerator for up to 3 to 4 days.
  2. Freezing: If you want to store donair meat for a longer period, freezing is the best option. To freeze the donair meat, follow these steps:a. Allow the cooked donair meat to cool to room temperature. b. Slice the meat thinly, as you would do for serving. c. Place the slices in a single layer on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper or plastic wrap. d. Freeze the meat slices on the baking sheet for about 1 to 2 hours. This helps prevent them from sticking together during long-term storage. e. Once partially frozen, transfer the slices into a freezer-safe, airtight container or freezer bags. Be sure to remove any excess air from the bags before sealing. f. Label the container or bags with the date to keep track of storage time.

Donair meat can be kept in the freezer for approximately 2 to 3 months without significant loss of quality. However, for the best taste and texture, it is advisable to consume it within the first month of freezing.

  1. Thawing: When you’re ready to use the frozen donair meat, it’s essential to thaw it properly to maintain its taste and texture. The safest way to thaw donair meat is to transfer it from the freezer to the refrigerator and allow it to thaw slowly overnight. This gradual thawing process helps preserve the meat’s moisture and prevents potential bacterial growth.

Avoid thawing donair meat at room temperature or using hot water, as these methods can promote bacterial growth and compromise food safety.

Remember that when reheating leftover or thawed donair meat, it’s crucial to heat it thoroughly to an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C) before consuming to ensure it’s safe to eat.

what is in donair meat

Donair meat is a spiced and seasoned meat used in making donair sandwiches or wraps, and its specific ingredients may vary depending on the recipe or regional preferences. The traditional donair meat, as used in Canadian Halifax Donairs, typically consists of the following ingredients:

  1. Ground Meat: The primary meat used in donair is usually a combination of ground beef and ground lamb. This mixture provides a good balance of flavors and textures.
  2. Spices: Various spices are added to the ground meat to give it its distinctive taste. Common spices include garlic powder, onion powder, dried oregano, paprika, ground cumin, ground coriander, cayenne pepper, salt, and pepper.
  3. Binder: To hold the ground meat and spices together, a binder like breadcrumbs or finely crushed crackers is often added.
  4. Vegetable Oil: A small amount of vegetable oil is sometimes included to add moisture to the mixture.

These ingredients are combined, mixed thoroughly, and shaped into a large loaf, similar to a meatloaf. The meat loaf is then cooked on a vertical rotisserie, allowing the seasoned meat to cook evenly and develop a delicious outer crust. Once cooked, the meat is thinly sliced and served in pita bread or flatbread with various toppings and donair sauce, creating a flavorful and satisfying meal.

Donair Meat | A JAH Product Recipe

A Donair is a Spiced Ground Beef Mixture shaped into a Loaf and cooked on a vertical rotisserie (Doner). Shavings of meats are sliced off and served on Pita …

Dash’s Donair Recipe

This donair recipe is made with boldly spiced ground beef, baked, and then sliced for an authentic Halifax meat sandwich with a sweet garlic ..

Halifax Donair

The traditional Halifax Donair is made with ground lamb so feel free to use ground lamb or even a combination of ground lamb and ground beef.

Donair Meat | A JAH Product Recipe

A Donair is a Spiced Ground Beef Mixture shaped into a Loaf and cooked on a vertical rotisserie (Doner). Shavings of meats are sliced off and served on Pita …

Classic Halifax Donair | Andy’s East Coast Kitchen

True Halifax Donair is made of 100% ground beef. Not pork, not chicken or turkey, beef. Fully bound together with all the best spices (coriander …

Food Mamma Homemade Donair Meat

Learn how to make the East Coast delicacy! This easy donair recipe makes a soft pita, spiced and fried meat, a creamy garlic sauce & veggies! Menos.

What is a Halifax Donair? | Meat and Sauce Recipe

So what is a Halifax Donair? a.k.a a Nova Scotia Donair? Let Marc explain and show you how to make this Maritime Canadian classic!

Donair – Easy and Delicious!

The donair meat is made with ground beef, a mix of spices and breadcrumbs.

How to make The Famous Atlantic Canadian “Halifax Donair”

The meat is made with spiced beef or lamb that is roasted on a spit and then sliced into thin strips. It is served in a pita bread wrap with tomatoes, onions, …

The Original Donair From the East Coast of Canada – Allrecipes

Originally made with ground lamb, it is now more commonly made with beef. Favorite garnishes are chopped onions and fresh diced tomatoes. Recipe …

Prohibited Items on a Plane: Carry-on and Checked Baggage Rules Explained

What are the things you cannot bring on a plane? Rules for both carry-on and checked baggage explained in one go

Prohibited items on a plane Carry-on baggage rules Checked baggage regulations Items not allowed on a plane Air travel restrictions TSA prohibited items Aviation security guidelines Restricted items for air travel Airport baggage rules Banned items for flights

Every time you fly abroad, you’re bound to search the internet to find out what’s allowed in your hand baggage and what has to be checked. In order to ensure your safety on board, airlines have various regulations and guidelines. Don’t worry about remembering them all, just read this article before you pack your bags!

What to Carry On and What to Check-in?

Liquids, gels and aerosols:
Sprays, gels and lotions must be in containers of less than 100 millilitres to be allowed in carry-on luggage. In addition, all liquid containers must be placed in a clear plastic bag with a maximum capacity of 1 litre and dimensions of 20×20 centimetres. Each passenger is allowed one carry-on liquid bag.
Containers containing sprays, gels or liquids larger than 100 millilitres must be placed in the hold baggage.
For checked aerosol containers, each item must not exceed 500 millilitres and the total volume per passenger must not exceed 2000 millilitres.
Travellers to Hong Kong and Macau should note that aerosol cans are not accepted in checked baggage.

Baby food and medication:
If you need to bring baby food (milk) or liquid medication, it must be declared to security staff for approval and may be carried in your hand baggage.
Meat products and fresh fruit and vegetables are not allowed into the destination country due to quarantine restrictions. It is advisable to consume them locally or on the flight.
Travellers to the United States should note that, with the exception of powdered medicines, powdered milk and human remains (ashes) which have been checked by the airline and confirmed as non-hazardous, all other powdered substances in excess of 350ml must be placed in checked baggage.

Lighters are not permitted in checked baggage and may only be carried in carry-on baggage, limited to one per person.
Blue flame windproof lighters are considered more dangerous and are prohibited in both carry-on and checked baggage.
Travellers to China should be aware that lighters are now strictly prohibited.

Laptops, tablets, cameras and other electronic devices:
Power banks and spare batteries not installed in devices, regardless of size, are not allowed in checked baggage and must be placed in carry-on baggage.
Lithium metal batteries in carry-on baggage must not exceed 2 grams of lithium content, while lithium-ion batteries must not exceed 100 watt-hours.
Laptops, tablets and other electronic devices may be placed in checked baggage as long as they are turned off. However, due to the risk of damage during handling, it is advisable to carry them in the cabin.

Selfie sticks and camera tripods:
Selfie sticks with a diameter of less than 1 centimetre and a retractable height of less than 60 centimetres may be carried in cabin baggage.
Selfie sticks with a diameter of more than 1 centimetre and a retractable height of more than 60 centimetres must be checked.

Foldable umbrellas may be carried or checked in.
Long umbrellas are considered potentially dangerous items and are not allowed in cabin baggage; they must be checked.

What to Carry On and What to Check-in

All knives and cutting tools are prohibited in carry-on baggage and must be checked.
Nail clippers are also considered cutting tools and are not allowed in carry-on baggage and must be checked.
Electric razors are allowed in carry-on baggage, but disposable razors with exposed blades are prohibited.

Sporting goods:
Baseball bats, golf clubs, billiard cues and other sporting goods are not allowed in carry-on baggage and require the purchase of an additional oversized bag.

Hand warmers:
Disposable hand warmers made from iron powder and salt may be carried in small quantities, but will be screened and may be subject to each country’s carry-on security regulations.
Rechargeable hand warmers are considered lithium batteries and must be carried in your hand bag or carry-on and are not allowed in checked baggage.

Costco News – 本週熱門優惠(2023.4)

Costco News - 本週熱門優惠
Costco News – 本週熱門優惠

Costco News – 本週熱門優惠品項,餅乾和甜點都有優惠折扣,買起來囤貨~

Costco News - 本週熱門優惠品項1
Costco News – 本週熱門優惠品項1

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Costco News - 本週熱門優惠品項2
Costco News – 本週熱門優惠品項2
Costco News - 本週熱門優惠品項3
Costco News – 本週熱門優惠品項


A comprehensive guide to Estee Lauder expiration dates and storage methods

estee lauder expiration date
estee lauder expiration date

This comprehensive guide to Estee Lauder expiration dates and storage methods covers everything you need to know to keep your Estee Lauder products fresh and effective. We’ll discuss the importance of expiration dates and proper storage, how to understand expiration dates, and factors that can affect them. We’ll also provide general and specific storage guidelines for different types of Estee Lauder products, as well as tips for organising and storing them. Finally, we’ll answer common questions about Estee Lauder expiration dates and storage, such as whether expired products can still be used and how to dispose of them properly. Whether you’re a beauty enthusiast or a professional make-up artist, this guide will help you get the most out of your Estee Lauder products.

Introduction to Estee Lauder Products and Brand

Estee Lauder is a well-known beauty brand that produces a wide range of beauty and skincare products. The company has been in business for over 75 years and has a reputation for producing high quality, effective products. Estee Lauder offers a wide range of products including makeup, skincare, fragrances and hair care products.

When it comes to Estee Lauder products, it’s important to pay attention to expiration dates and proper storage methods. Using expired products or storing them incorrectly can result in reduced product effectiveness or, in some cases, adverse effects on the skin.

Estee Lauder products carry expiration dates that indicate how long the product will remain effective and safe to use. It’s important to check these dates and ensure that you are not using products that have expired.

Proper storage is also essential when it comes to Estee Lauder products. Exposure to heat, light and air can all affect the quality and efficacy of the product. It’s important to store your products in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and heat sources.

Understanding the types of Estee Lauder products available and the importance of expiration dates and proper storage is crucial to ensuring that you get the most out of your products and maintain the quality of your skin.

Understanding Expiration Dates for Estee Lauder Products

Estee Lauder products carry expiration dates that indicate how long the product will remain effective and safe to use. It’s important to understand what these dates mean and how to find them on the product.

Expiration dates refer to the length of time the product will remain effective and safe to use. After this date, the product may begin to break down, lose its effectiveness or even become unsafe to use.

To find the expiration date on an Estee Lauder product, look for a small symbol resembling an open jar. This symbol will be accompanied by a number that indicates the number of months the product will remain effective after opening. If there’s no symbol or number, it’s best to assume that the product should be used within 1-2 years of purchase.

Several factors can affect the expiry date of an Estee Lauder product. Exposure to heat, light and air can all cause the product to break down more quickly, reducing its effectiveness and shortening its shelf life. It’s important to store your products in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and heat sources to extend their shelf life.

By understanding what expiration dates mean, how to find them on Estee Lauder products, and the factors that can affect them, you can ensure that you are using your products safely and effectively while maintaining their quality.

How do I find the lot code for Estée Lauder cosmetics or fragrances?

cosmetics production date
cosmetics production date

Cosmetics manufactured or distributed by Estée Lauder Inc:

Estée Lauder Inc. batch code
C79 – This is the correct code. Find the code on the package, which looks like this

1G5Y-66 027131816652 BE-2260 – This is not a batch code. Don’t enter anything that looks like this.

Storage Methods for Estee Lauder Products

Proper storage is critical to maintaining the quality and efficacy of Estee Lauder products. Following general guidelines and specific requirements for different product types can help extend their shelf life and ensure they perform as intended.

When it comes to general storage guidelines for Estee Lauder products, it’s important to keep them in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and heat sources. Avoid storing them in damp areas such as bathrooms as excess moisture can cause the product to deteriorate more quickly.

Specific storage requirements may vary depending on the type of Estee Lauder product. For example, fragrances should be stored away from light and heat sources to prevent degradation, while skincare products should be stored in a cool, dry place and used within the expiration date.

Organising and storing your Estee Lauder products properly can also help you get the most out of them. Consider grouping similar products together and labelling them so you can easily find what you need. You may also want to invest in storage containers or organisers to keep your products organised and easily accessible.

Following general and specific storage guidelines and organising your products can help extend their shelf life and maintain their quality. By caring for your Estee Lauder products, you can ensure that they perform as intended and give you the results you want.

Common Questions About Estee Lauder Expiration Dates and Storage

It’s common to have questions about Estee Lauder expiration dates and storage. Here are some answers to the most frequently asked questions:

A. Can expired Estee Lauder products still be used?

It’s generally recommended not to use products after their expiration date. As products age, they may become less effective, less safe and even harmful to use. In some cases, expired products may also cause skin irritation or allergic reactions.

B. What are the consequences of using expired Estee Lauder products?

Using expired Estee Lauder products can have a number of consequences, depending on the product and how far past the expiration date it is. These may include reduced efficacy, changes in texture or colour, changes in fragrance or taste, and an increased risk of skin irritation or allergic reactions. In some cases, the use of expired products can even lead to infection or disease.

C. What is the proper way to dispose of expired Estee Lauder products?

When it comes to disposing of expired Estee Lauder products, it’s important to do so safely and responsibly. Depending on the product, you may be able to simply dispose of it in your normal household waste. However, some products may require special disposal methods, such as hazardous waste disposal. Contact your local waste disposal company or Estee Lauder Customer Service for specific instructions on how to dispose of expired products.

Do Estee Lauder products have an expiration date?

Estee Lauder products do not have a specific expiration date, but it is recommended to use them within 12 months of opening.

How long does Estee Lauder foundation last before expiring?

The shelf life of Estee Lauder Double Wear Foundation can vary depending on storage conditions. If it is kept in a cool, dry place, it can last up to 30 months. However, if it is stored in a hot and humid place, it may only last 6-12 months before expiring.

Is there an expiration date for Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair?

Estee Lauder’s Advanced Night Repair line is typically good for 6 to 12 months after opening. It is important to check the expiration date on the bottom of the bottle to ensure it has not expired. If it has expired, it is not recommended to use it.

Can You Use a Starbucks Gift Card on Uber Eats

Gift Card on Uber Eats
Gift Card on Uber Eats

If you’re a coffee lover who also enjoys the convenience of Uber Eats, you might be wondering if you can use your Starbucks Gift Card on the food delivery platform. The answer is no – Starbucks gift cards can only be used in Starbucks stores or on the Starbucks mobile app. However, Uber Eats offers its own gift cards that can be purchased online or in-store and redeemed for food delivery from thousands of restaurants. To use an Uber Eats gift card, simply add it to your account as a payment method and select it when checking out. While you can’t use a Starbucks Gift Card on Uber Eats, you can still enjoy your favourite Starbucks coffee and food items by ordering through the mobile app or visiting a store in person.

In today’s fast-paced world, convenience and flexibility are key to any business. Uber’s innovative ride-sharing service has revolutionized transportation, making it easy for anyone to get from point A to B. But did you know that Uber also offers gift cards and vouchers? In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of ordering Uber gift cards or vouchers for your team treats, customer treats, and virtual events.

What is a starbucks Gift Card?

A Starbucks Gift Card is a prepaid card that can be used to make purchases at any Starbucks location or online. The card can be loaded with a certain amount of money that can be used for purchases until the balance is exhausted. Starbucks Gift Cards can be purchased in-store, online or through third-party vendors. They are a popular gift choice for coffee lovers or anyone who enjoys visiting Starbucks cafes. Gift cards can also be registered on the Starbucks website or app to earn rewards points and other benefits.

What is a UberEats gift card?

An UberEats Gift Card is a prepaid card that can be used to pay for food and drink on the UberEats app or website. It works just like a regular gift card, where the value of the card is loaded onto the card and it can be used to purchase items up to the value loaded onto the card. UberEats Gift Cards are a convenient way to pay for food delivery without having to enter your payment details every time you order.

UberEats Gift Cards are available in both physical and digital formats. Physical gift cards can be purchased at participating retailers such as grocery stores, pharmacies and convenience stores. Digital gift cards can be purchased online through the UberEats website or app and sent to the recipient via email or text message.

UberEats Gift Cards are a great gift option for any occasion, such as birthdays, holidays or as a way to say thank you to someone. They are also a convenient option for businesses looking to reward employees or customers. With the ability to customise the gift cards with a personalised message or design, they can be a thoughtful and memorable gift.

Overall, UberEats Gift Cards offer a convenient and flexible way to pay for food delivery services. Whether you’re looking to treat yourself or someone else, an UberEats Gift Card is a great way to enjoy your favourite food and drink without the hassle of entering payment details every time you order.

How does an Uber Gift Card work?

Before you buy an Uber gift card, it’s important to know how it works. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  • You don’t need an Uber account to give an Uber gift voucher.
  • If you’re sending a virtual e-card, you’ll need to know the recipient’s email address.
  • You can’t use gift cards to pay for subscription services like Uber Eats Pass.
  • Gift card balances can be used for delivery or pick-up orders, but not for Family Profiles, scheduled rides, or university campus card rides.
  • If you use an Uber gift card as a payment method and need a refund, it will be issued almost immediately.

An Uber gift card is a prepaid card that works like a debit or gift card. The value of the card is loaded onto it, and it can be used to pay for Uber rides, UberEats orders, and JUMP bikes or scooters.

To use an Uber gift card, you need to add it to your Uber account. Physical gift cards have a redemption code hidden under a silver strip on the back, which you can enter in the “Payment” section of the Uber app. Digital gift cards come with a link that you can click to add the value to your account.

Once the gift card value is in your account, you can use it to pay for rides or orders by selecting the gift card as your payment method. If the cost of the ride or order is more than the gift card value, the remaining balance will be charged to your primary payment method. If the gift card value is more than the cost, the remaining balance will stay in your account for future use.

Uber gift cards come in different denominations and can be bought in participating retailers or online through the Uber app or website. They’re a convenient way to pay for Uber services, and make great gifts for friends and family members who use Uber frequently.

Where can I purchase Uber gift cards/vouchers?

If you want to buy an Uber gift card, there are a variety of options available to you. The most convenient way is to purchase them online through the Uber website or mobile app. You just need to log in to your Uber account, navigate to the “Gift Cards” section, and select the amount of the gift card you want to purchase. After that, you can decide to either email the gift card to the recipient or print it out to give it to them in person.

Another option is to buy Uber gift cards from participating retailers. These cards are available at many well-known stores such as Walmart, Target, CVS, and Walgreens, as well as some gas station chains, grocery stores, and convenience stores.

It’s important to note that not all retailers carry Uber gift cards, and the denominations they offer may vary. Therefore, it’s recommended that you check with the specific retailer before making a trip to purchase an Uber gift card to ensure availability and value.

Overall, purchasing an Uber gift card is a simple process that can be done online or in person at participating retailers. Uber gift cards offer great convenience and flexibility, making them an excellent choice for anyone who uses the Uber app. To purchase a gift card online, you can select either an eGift card, which is delivered to the recipient via email and can be redeemed directly through their Uber/UberEats account, or a physical gift card, which is mailed to you with no extra fees or shipping costs. You can also choose from preset amounts of $25, $50, $100, or $200 and pay for the gift card using your Uber account with various payment methods, including PayPal, credit card, debit card, or Apple Pay.

How to Redeem a Uber gift cards/vouchers

To redeem your Uber gift card, simply follow these straightforward steps:

  1. Open the Uber app on your smartphone.
  2. Click on the three horizontal lines in the top left corner to access the menu.
  3. Tap on “Payment” to open the payment options.
  4. Click on “Add Payment Method.”
  5. Select “Gift Card.”
  6. Enter the gift card code or use your phone’s camera to scan the gift card’s QR code.
  7. Once the gift card is added to your account, it will appear in the “Payment” section.
  8. To use the gift card, select it as your payment method when booking a ride or ordering food on Uber Eats.
  9. If the cost of your ride or order is more than the gift card value, the remaining balance will be charged to your primary payment method.
  10. If the gift card value is greater than the cost of the ride or order, the remaining balance will be saved in your account balance for future use.

Keep in mind that Uber gift cards cannot be used for subscriptions like Uber Pass or payments to Family Profiles. Additionally, gift card balances cannot be used for scheduled rides or university campus card rides.

If you encounter any issues while redeeming your gift card, you can always reach out to Uber Eats customer service for assistance.

For Rides

Give friends and family the gift of tapping a button and getting a ride – any time of the day, any day of

For Food

Uber gift cards can also be used for UberEATS orders. Enjoy food from thousands.

the year.

Trouble-Free Team Treats:

Trouble-Free Team Treats: Ordering Uber gift cards or vouchers is an excellent way to treat your team to a tasty meal without the hassle of organizing a lunch catering service. With Uber gift cards, you can pay upfront to a value of your choice and set an expiry time so that the cards cannot be hoarded. This option offers an easy and cost-effective way to show appreciation to your team, and keep them motivated and energized throughout the day.

Treats to Capture Customers:

Treats to Capture Customers: If you’re looking for a way to capture your customers’ attention, Uber gift cards or vouchers may be just what you need. These gift cards or vouchers can be used to entice your customers with special deals, offers, and promotions, and increase customer loyalty. By using Uber gift cards or vouchers, you can set yourself apart from the competition and keep your customers coming back for more.

uber-ubereats(For Rides For Food)
uber-ubereats(For Rides For Food)

Entice and Ensure Virtual Event Attendance:

Entice and Ensure Virtual Event Attendance: Hosting virtual events is becoming increasingly popular, but it can be challenging to get people to attend. With Uber gift cards or vouchers, you can entice attendees to register for your virtual event by offering a free ride or a meal. You can also use gift cards or vouchers to improve lead generation by offering them as a prize or incentive. By setting restrictions on when they can be claimed, you can stay in control and ensure that they are used at the right time.

How to Order Uber Gift Cards or Vouchers:

How to Order Uber Gift Cards or Vouchers: Ordering Uber gift cards or vouchers is easy and convenient. Simply go to the Uber website, choose the amount and quantity of gift cards or vouchers you want, and customize them with your company’s logo or message. You can also choose to have the gift cards or vouchers sent to your recipients via email or physical mail. It’s a simple way to show your team or customers that you care, and improve your business’s bottom line.

Ordering Uber gift cards or vouchers is a smart choice for any business. It offers a simple and hassle-free way to treat your team, entice your customers, and improve your virtual event attendance. With the ability to customize the gift cards or vouchers and set restrictions on when they can be used, you can stay in control and ensure that they are used to maximum effect. So, why not order Uber gift cards or vouchers today and give your business the boost it deserves?


How do I use a Starbucks gift card on Uber Eats?

Unfortunately, you will not be able to use a Starbucks Gift Card for your Uber Eats or DoorDash deliveries, as they do not accept these gift cards – or any restaurant gift cards for that matter – as a form of currency when placing orders.

Can I use Starbucks gift card with delivery?

Can I pay for my Starbucks® delivery using my Starbucks Card or the Starbucks app? Paying for delivery with a Starbucks card or the Starbucks app is not supported at this time.

Can I use my gift card on Uber Eats?

For Food. Uber gift cards can also be used for UberEATS orders. Enjoy food from thousands.

Where can you use a Starbucks gift card?

You can redeem your Starbucks Gift Card in Starbucks stores or online. Redeeming your Starbucks Gift Card in-store is easy – just give the cashier the gift card barcode. Follow these simple steps if you are using the Starbucks app or website.

Walmart Pharmacy Hours: What Time Does Open and Close?

What Time Does Walmart Pharmacy Open and Close
What Time Does Walmart Pharmacy Open and Close

As one of the most popular pharmacies in the United States, Walmart Pharmacy offers a wide range of services to its customers. In addition to prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, and health and wellness products, Walmart Pharmacy also offers several services to help you manage your prescriptions.

One of the most important aspects of Walmart Pharmacy is its hours of operation. Generally, Walmart Pharmacy is open from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. on weekdays (Monday through Saturday) and from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Sundays. However, it’s a good idea to check the opening hours of your local Walmart Pharmacy as they may vary depending on your location.

DayOpening TimeClosing Time
Monday9:00 AM9:00 PM
Tuesday9:00 AM9:00 PM
Wednesday9:00 AM9:00 PM
Thursday9:00 AM9:00 PM
Friday9:00 AM9:00 PM
Saturday9:00 AM9:00 PM
Sunday10:00 AM6:00 PM

At Walmart Pharmacy, you can easily manage your prescriptions through the online portal, mobile app or by speaking with a pharmacist in-store. Walmart Pharmacy also offers several additional services, including immunisations, medication therapy management and medication disposal.

If you need help with your prescription, Walmart Pharmacy has a number of resources to help you. You can use their online tools to transfer your prescription, refill your prescription or check the status of your prescription. Alternatively, you can contact Walmart Pharmacy directly by phone or visit the pharmacy in person to speak to a pharmacist.

Walmart Pharmacy is a popular pharmacy in the USA, offering a wide range of services including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, health and wellness products and prescription management. Their hours of operation vary by location, but you can easily check the hours for your local Walmart Pharmacy online or by phone.

What Are the Walmart Pharmacy Hours?

Walmart Pharmacy is one of the most popular pharmacies in the United States, offering a wide range of services, including prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, and health and wellness products. To better serve its customers, Walmart Pharmacy has set up different hours of operation, depending on the location. Generally, Walmart Pharmacies are open from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM from Monday to Saturday, and from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM on Sundays.

Are Walmart Pharmacies Open on Sunday?

Yes, Walmart Pharmacies are open on Sundays, but with shorter operating hours compared to weekdays. Most Walmart Pharmacies are open from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM on Sundays, so it’s important to check the specific hours of the Walmart Pharmacy nearest to you.

Are Walmart Pharmacies Open on Holidays?

Walmart Pharmacies are usually open on most holidays, except for Christmas Day. However, Walmart Pharmacy hours may vary depending on the location, so it’s best to check ahead of time to avoid any inconvenience.

Is Walmart Pharmacy Open 24 Hours?

No, Walmart Pharmacy is not open 24 hours a day. Walmart Pharmacy’s hours of operation are from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM from Monday to Saturday, and from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM on Sundays.

How to Get Your Prescriptions from Walmart Pharmacy?

There are several ways to get your prescriptions from Walmart Pharmacy. Here are three easy methods:

  1. Visiting the Walmart Website You can easily refill your prescription or transfer it to Walmart Pharmacy online by visiting the Walmart Pharmacy page on the Walmart website. Simply enter your prescription information and select your preferred pickup location.
  2. Using the Walmart App Another way to refill or transfer your prescription to Walmart Pharmacy is through the Walmart App. The app is available for both iOS and Android devices and is free to download. You can refill or transfer your prescription by simply scanning the barcode on your prescription bottle.
  3. Calling the Pharmacy at Walmart If you prefer to speak with a pharmacist directly, you can call the pharmacy at Walmart and request a refill or transfer of your prescription. The pharmacist will ask for your prescription information and confirm your preferred pickup location.

What Are Walmart Pharmacy Drive-Thru Hours? Walmart Pharmacy also offers drive-thru services for added convenience. Drive-thru hours may vary depending on the location, so it’s best to check with your local Walmart Pharmacy for specific drive-thru hours.

Does Walmart Provide Home Delivery For Prescriptions?

Yes, Walmart Pharmacy provides home delivery for prescriptions. The service is available for both new and existing prescriptions and can be requested through the Walmart App or by calling the pharmacy at Walmart.

What Other Services Does Walmart Pharmacy Offer?

In addition to prescription and over-the-counter medications, Walmart Pharmacy also offers a variety of health and wellness services, including flu shots, immunizations, health screenings, and more. Walmart Pharmacy also provides affordable healthcare products and services, making it a one-stop-shop for all your healthcare needs.

Walmart Pharmacy is a convenient and affordable option for all your healthcare needs. Whether you need a prescription refill, over-the-counter medication, or a health screening, Walmart Pharmacy has got you covered.

what time does walmart pharmacy close for lunch

Walmart Pharmacy typically does not close for lunch. However, the pharmacy may have shorter operating hours on certain days or holidays. It’s always best to check the specific hours of the Walmart Pharmacy nearest to you as they may differ depending on the location. You can find the hours of operation for your local Walmart Pharmacy by visiting the Walmart website or by calling the store directly.

How to Choose the Right Insoles: A Comprehensive Guide

Choose the Right Insoles

Taking care of your feet is essential for overall foot health, and insoles play a vital role in providing the support and comfort your feet need. Wearing appropriate insoles can help prevent foot problems and contribute to your overall foot health. It’s important to choose insoles that are suitable for your foot type, provide adequate support and cushioning, and are made from materials that best suit your needs. Wearing bad insoles can lead to a variety of foot problems, which in turn can contribute to the development of several diseases. By selecting the right insoles for your needs, you can improve your foot health and prevent discomfort and pain. Remember to check the size and try them out before making a final decision to ensure the best fit and support for your feet.

Are you experiencing foot pain or discomfort while walking or standing for long periods of time? A good pair of insoles can make a world of difference. Insoles, also known as shoe inserts or footbeds, provide additional support, cushioning, and stability to your feet, which can alleviate pain and improve your overall comfort.

With so many options available, choosing the right insoles can be overwhelming. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you select the best insoles for your needs.

  1. Consider your foot type: Start by identifying your foot type, whether you have flat feet, high arches, or neutral arches. Different insoles are designed to accommodate different foot types, and selecting the right type can help prevent injuries and provide maximum support.
  2. Determine your primary activity: Think about the activities you will be doing while wearing your insoles. Are you looking for insoles for running, walking, or standing for long periods of time? Different insoles are designed for different activities and provide varying levels of cushioning and support.
  3. Look for high-quality materials: Choose insoles made from high-quality materials that are durable, breathable, and moisture-wicking. Materials like memory foam, gel, and cork are popular choices because they provide excellent cushioning and support.
  4. Check the size: Make sure to select the correct size to ensure a proper fit. Insoles that are too small or too large can cause discomfort or even exacerbate foot pain.
  5. Try them out: Once you’ve selected a few insoles that meet your needs, try them out in your shoes to see how they feel. Walk around in them for a few minutes to gauge their comfort level and make sure they provide the support and cushioning you need.

Health effects of good and bad insoles

Good insoles can have numerous health benefits, such as providing additional support, cushioning, and stability to the feet. They can improve comfort, reduce foot pain, and prevent injuries. Insoles that are made from high-quality materials, such as memory foam or gel, can also absorb shock and reduce the impact on the feet, which can be especially beneficial for athletes or individuals who are on their feet for extended periods of time.

On the other hand, bad insoles can have negative health effects. Poor-quality insoles or ones that don’t fit properly can worsen existing foot pain, cause blisters or calluses, and even lead to long-term foot problems such as plantar fasciitis or flat feet. Insoles that are too thick or too thin can also alter the natural alignment of the foot, which can affect the entire body’s posture and balance.

It’s important to choose insoles that are appropriate for your foot type, primary activity, and desired materials to ensure that you get the maximum health benefits. Investing in good-quality insoles can make a significant difference in your overall foot health and well-being.

What diseases can be caused by bad insoles?

Bad insoles can lead to a variety of foot problems, which in turn can contribute to the development of several diseases. Some of the diseases that can be caused by bad insoles include:

  1. Plantar fasciitis: This is a common condition that occurs when the thick band of tissue that runs across the bottom of the foot becomes inflamed. Bad insoles that don’t provide adequate support or cushioning can increase the risk of developing plantar fasciitis.
  2. Metatarsalgia: This condition involves pain and inflammation in the ball of the foot, which can be caused by excessive pressure or overuse. Insoles that don’t properly distribute pressure can contribute to the development of metatarsalgia.
  3. Bunions: A bunion is a bony bump that forms at the base of the big toe. Bad insoles that don’t fit properly or put too much pressure on the toe can worsen existing bunions or contribute to their development.
  4. Hammertoes: A hammertoe is a deformity that causes the toe to bend downward instead of pointing straight ahead. Bad insoles that don’t fit properly or don’t provide enough space for the toes can contribute to the development of hammertoes.
  5. Lower back pain: Insoles that don’t provide proper support or cushioning can alter the alignment of the feet and affect the entire body’s posture and balance. This can lead to lower back pain and other musculoskeletal problems over time.

In summary, selecting the right insoles can make a big difference in your overall foot health and comfort. Take the time to identify your foot type, primary activity, and desired materials to find the best insoles for your needs. Remember to check the size and try them out before making a final decision, as wearing bad insoles can lead to a variety of foot problems and contribute to the development of several diseases. It’s important to choose insoles that provide adequate support and cushioning appropriate for your foot type to help prevent these problems from occurring.

A Guide to Find Free Gas Vouchers |Emergency gas vouchers near Me

Free Gas Vouchers | Emergency gas vouchers
Free Gas Vouchers | Emergency gas vouchers

Free gas vouchers, also known as emergency gas vouchers, are a type of assistance that provides individuals or families with a set amount of money to purchase gasoline for their vehicles. These vouchers are typically provided by non-profit organizations, government agencies, or religious organizations as a way to help individuals or families who are experiencing financial hardship or a crisis situation.

The process of obtaining free gas vouchers may vary depending on the organization providing the assistance. In most cases, individuals will need to meet certain eligibility requirements and complete an application process. This may involve providing proof of income, residency, and the reason for the request for assistance.

Once an individual or family is approved for free gas vouchers, they can typically use the vouchers at participating gas stations. The vouchers may cover a set amount of gas, such as $20 or $50, or may cover a certain number of gallons of gas.

Free gas vouchers can be a helpful resource for individuals or families who are facing financial challenges and need assistance with transportation costs. However, it is important to note that these programs may have limited funding or may only be available in certain areas. Additionally, not all non-profit organizations or government agencies may offer free gas vouchers, so it is important to research available resources in your community and contact them directly for more information.

  1. Know your local resources: Many cities and state governments provide Gas Voucher programs for low-income families. To learn about these programs, you can visit your local community center, contact your local government department, or search online.
  2. Know charitable organizations: Many charitable organizations and non-profits also provide Gas Vouchers. These organizations usually work with the local community to ensure that the coupons are distributed to those who truly need help.
  3. Apply for federal welfare programs: Federal welfare programs such as SNAP (food stamps) or LIHEAP (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program) can also provide Gas Vouchers.
  4. Consider participating in energy assistance programs: Some energy companies also offer energy assistance programs for low-income families.

To find the nearest help for Gas Vouchers, you can start by contacting your local government or community center. They will be able to direct you to the nearest resource for Gas Vouchers. You can also search online for charitable organizations or non-profits in your area that offer Gas Vouchers. Additionally, some gas stations may have information on local Gas Voucher programs, so it may be helpful to ask at your nearest gas station.

Many charities across the country offer free gas vouchers to low-income families who meet their criteria. Requirements vary from organisation to organisation, but you are likely to find at least one programme that can help you.

  1. Salvation Army Gas Vouchers:
  • Who helps out with gas vouchers near me? The Salvation Army provides Gas Vouchers to low-income families in need. You can contact your local Salvation Army office or visit their website to learn more.
  • How do fuel vouchers work? The Salvation Army Gas Vouchers are usually given out as a prepaid debit card or paper voucher that can be used at participating gas stations. The value of the voucher is typically a set amount or gallons of gas.
  • How can I get gas money fast? To get gas money fast from the Salvation Army, you will need to contact your local office and inquire about their eligibility requirements and application process.
  • Is free gas USA real? While there is no organization known as “Free Gas USA”, there are several legitimate programs and organizations that provide free or discounted gas to those in need.
  1. Non-Emergency Transportation (N.E.T.):
  • Who helps out with gas vouchers near me? The Non-Emergency Transportation (N.E.T.) program provides Gas Vouchers to low-income individuals who need transportation to medical appointments, job interviews, or other essential services. You can contact your local government or social service agency to learn more about this program.
  • How do fuel vouchers work? The N.E.T. Gas Vouchers are usually given out as a prepaid debit card or paper voucher that can be used at participating gas stations. The value of the voucher is typically a set amount or gallons of gas.
  • How can I get gas money fast? To get gas money fast from the N.E.T. program, you will need to contact your local government or social service agency and inquire about their eligibility requirements and application process.
  • Is free gas USA real? While there is no organization known as “Free Gas USA”, there are several legitimate programs and organizations that provide free or discounted gas to those in need.
  1. is a non-profit organization that provides gas vouchers to those who are in need of assistance with their transportation costs. Their mission is to help individuals and families who are struggling to afford gas for their vehicles, which can be a significant burden for low-income households.

Who helps out with gas vouchers near me? provides gas vouchers to individuals and families in need throughout the United States. To find out if you are eligible for assistance, you can visit their website and fill out an application.

How do fuel vouchers work? Fuel vouchers are a type of assistance that provides individuals with a set amount of money to purchase gas for their vehicles. The vouchers are typically provided by non-profit organizations or government agencies and can be used at participating gas stations.

How can I get gas money fast? If you are in need of gas money quickly, you may want to consider contacting local non-profit organizations or government agencies that offer assistance with transportation costs. You can also look into peer-to-peer lending platforms or crowdfunding sites that allow you to raise funds quickly.

Is free gas USA real? There are some programs and organizations that offer free gas to individuals in need, but these programs are typically limited in scope and may not be available in all areas. It is important to research these programs thoroughly and be wary of scams that promise free gas but require payment or personal information upfront.

  1. Saint Vincent de Paul: Saint Vincent de Paul is a Catholic charity organization that provides a wide range of assistance to individuals and families in need. Their services include food assistance, rental and utility assistance, and transportation assistance, including gas vouchers.

Who helps out with gas vouchers near me? Saint Vincent de Paul operates in communities throughout the United States and provides gas vouchers to individuals and families in need. To find out if you are eligible for assistance, you can contact your local Saint Vincent de Paul chapter.

How do fuel vouchers work? Fuel vouchers are a type of assistance that provides individuals with a set amount of money to purchase gas for their vehicles. The vouchers are typically provided by non-profit organizations or government agencies and can be used at participating gas stations.

How can I get gas money fast? If you are in need of gas money quickly, you may want to consider contacting local non-profit organizations or government agencies that offer assistance with transportation costs. You can also look into peer-to-peer lending platforms or crowdfunding sites that allow you to raise funds quickly.

Is free gas USA real? There are some programs and organizations that offer free gas to individuals in need, but these programs are typically limited in scope and may not be available in all areas. It is important to research these programs thoroughly and be wary of scams that promise free gas but require payment or personal information upfront.

  1. Catholic Charities: Catholic Charities is a national network of charities affiliated with the Catholic Church that provides assistance to individuals and families in need. Their services include food assistance, rental and utility assistance, and transportation assistance, including gas vouchers.

Who helps out with gas vouchers near me? Catholic Charities operates in communities throughout the United States and provides gas vouchers to individuals and families in need. To find out if you are eligible for assistance, you can contact your local Catholic Charities chapter.

How do fuel vouchers work? Fuel vouchers are a type of assistance that provides individuals with a set amount of money to purchase gas for their vehicles. The vouchers are typically provided by non-profit organizations or government agencies and can be used at participating gas stations.

How can I get gas money fast? If you are in need of gas money quickly, you may want to consider contacting local non-profit organizations or government agencies that offer assistance with transportation costs. You can also look into peer-to-peer lending platforms or crowdfunding sites that allow you to raise funds quickly.

  1. The 2-1-1 Program: The 2-1-1 Program is a nationwide service that connects individuals and families in need with community resources and assistance programs. This program operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and provides information and referral services in multiple languages.

Who helps out with gas vouchers near me? The 2-1-1 Program can help connect individuals in need with non-profit organizations or government agencies that offer assistance with transportation costs, including gas vouchers. You can contact 2-1-1 by dialing the number on your phone or visiting their website to find resources in your area.

How do fuel vouchers work? Fuel vouchers are a type of assistance that provides individuals with a set amount of money to purchase gas for their vehicles. The vouchers are typically provided by non-profit organizations or government agencies and can be used at participating gas stations.

How can I get gas money fast? If you are in need of gas money quickly, you may want to consider contacting local non-profit organizations or government agencies that offer assistance with transportation costs. You can also look into peer-to-peer lending platforms or crowdfunding sites that allow you to raise funds quickly.

Is free gas USA real? There are some programs and organizations that offer free gas to individuals in need, but these programs are typically limited in scope and may not be available in all areas. It is important to research these programs thoroughly and be wary of scams that promise free gas but require payment or personal information upfront. The 2-1-1 Program can help connect you with legitimate resources in your area that offer assistance with transportation costs.

Church that help with gas vouchers near me

There are several churches and religious organizations that offer assistance with gas vouchers to individuals and families in need. These organizations often work in partnership with local non-profit agencies or government programs to provide additional support to their communities. Here are some examples of churches that may offer assistance with gas vouchers near you:

  1. Catholic Charities: Catholic Charities is a national organization that provides a range of services to individuals and families in need, including assistance with transportation costs. Many local branches of Catholic Charities offer gas vouchers or other forms of transportation assistance to those in need.
  2. The Salvation Army: The Salvation Army is a Christian organization that provides a range of services to individuals and families in need, including emergency financial assistance for transportation costs. Some local branches of The Salvation Army may offer gas vouchers or other forms of transportation assistance.
  3. United Methodist Church: The United Methodist Church is a global denomination with a strong focus on social justice and community outreach. Many local United Methodist Churches offer assistance with transportation costs, including gas vouchers, to members of their communities who are in need.
  4. Episcopal Church: The Episcopal Church is a Christian denomination with a strong focus on social justice and community service. Many local Episcopal Churches offer assistance with transportation costs to individuals and families in need, including gas vouchers.

To find a church or religious organization near you that offers assistance with gas vouchers, you can search online or contact your local 2-1-1 Program for information and referral services. It is important to note that each organization may have its own eligibility requirements and application process, so it is important to contact them directly for more information.

Can dogs eat corn flakes / with milk

Can dogs eat corn flakes
Can dogs eat corn flakes

As a dog owner, it’s important to know which human foods are safe and healthy for your furry friend to eat. Cornflakes are a popular breakfast cereal that many people enjoy, but can dogs eat cornflakes? And what about cereal with milk? Let’s take a closer look.

Can dogs eat cornflakes?

The short answer is yes, dogs can eat cornflakes, but only in moderation and with no added sugar or sweeteners. Plain, unsweetened cornflakes are a good source of carbohydrates and can provide some fibre for your dog.

However, it’s important to remember that cornflakes are not a complete dog food and should only be given as an occasional treat. Dogs have different nutritional needs to humans and their diet should primarily consist of a high quality dog food specially formulated for their needs.

Can dogs eat cornflakes with milk?

While plain cornflakes are generally safe for dogs to eat, adding milk to the mix can be problematic. Most dogs are lactose intolerant, which means they can’t properly digest lactose, a sugar found in milk. This can cause gastrointestinal upset, including diarrhoea, vomiting and bloating.

If you want to give your dog a treat that’s similar to cornflakes with milk, consider using a small amount of plain, unsweetened yoghurt instead. Yoghurt contains beneficial probiotics, which can help support your dog’s digestive system, and is a good source of calcium and protein.

Can we feed cereal to dogs?

While cornflakes are safe for dogs to eat in moderation, other types of flakes may not be. For example, some cereals and oat flakes contain added sugar and artificial ingredients that can be harmful to dogs. Always read the label and ingredient list carefully before giving your dog any type of human food.

In general, it’s best to stick to high-quality dog food that’s specially formulated to meet your dog’s needs. If you want to give your dog a treat, look for dog-friendly snacks and treats that are made from wholesome ingredients and don’t contain added sugar or artificial additives.

In the summary, dogs can eat cornflakes as an occasional treat, but they should only be given plain cornflakes with no added milk or sweeteners. If you have any doubts or concerns about whether a particular food is safe for your dog to eat, it’s always best to consult your vet.

Can dogs eat cereal/flakes?

As an animal nutritionist, I can say that dogs can eat certain types of cereal as an occasional treat, but it should not be a regular part of their diet. Plain, unsweetened cereals such as plain Cheerios or cornflakes can be given to dogs in small amounts as a low-calorie snack or training treat. However, it’s important to make sure that the cereal has no added sugar, artificial sweeteners or other potentially harmful ingredients.

It’s also worth noting that while some types of cereal may be safe for dogs to eat, they don’t provide significant nutritional value for your pet. Dogs have different nutritional requirements to humans and their diet should primarily consist of a high quality dog food specifically formulated to meet their nutritional needs.

In conclusion, dogs can eat certain types of cereal as an occasional treat, but it should not be a significant part of their diet. Always check the ingredients list before feeding your dog any type of human food and consult your vet if you have any concerns about your dog’s diet or nutrition.

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How to solve the problem of eyelid twitching? Causes and disease associations of eyelid twitching

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eyelid twitching/why is my eyelid twitching/Eyelid twitch Information ,Eyelid Spasms,Why Is My Eye Twitching?,Why Eye Twitching Occurs. Learn How to Stop the Spasms,How to Stop Eye Twitching and What Causes It

Have you ever experienced a sudden, uncontrollable twitching of your eyelid? It can be an annoying and uncomfortable experience. This common condition is known as blepharospasm, and although it is usually harmless, it can be a cause for concern if it persists for a long time. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to help alleviate the problem. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at eyelid twitching, its causes, and some simple remedies to help you get rid of the problem.

Cause of eyelid twitching: a few seconds of twitching is harmless.

Generally speaking, the phenomenon of eyelid twitching will occur on the upper eyelid, and it may also occur on the upper and lower eyelids at the same time, but it will only last for a few seconds, up to 1~2 minutes, but most of the eyelid twitching will not cause pain, nor will it be harmful to the body. What too much damage.

Blepharospasm, also known as myokymia, is an involuntary muscle contraction that affects the upper or lower eyelid. It can last from a few seconds to several minutes and can occur in one or both eyes. The most common causes of eyelid twitching are stress, fatigue, caffeine, dry eyes and allergies. In some cases, it can be a symptom of an underlying condition such as blepharospasm, hemifacial spasm or Bell’s palsy.

To relieve eyelid twitching, it’s important to find the underlying cause. If you suspect that stress or fatigue may be contributing to your twitching, try getting more rest, reducing your caffeine intake and practising relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or yoga. If you have dry eyes, you can use eye drops or take frequent breaks if you work at the computer for long periods. If your twitching persists, it’s best to see your doctor to rule out any underlying medical conditions.

However, the exact cause of eyelid twitching has not yet been found in medicine, but several possible potential causes can be roughly deduced:

  • Eye irritation
  • eye strain
  • Lack of sleep
  • physical exertion
  • Medication side effects
  • Too much pressure
  • Too much alcohol, caffeine
  • Disease factors such as brain or nerve disorders (see below)
  • smoking

How to relieve eyelid twitching

In addition to letting the eyelids stop beating automatically, you can try the following methods to slow down the eyelid twitching:

Drink less caffeine and alcohol.
Get enough sleep.
Use artificial tears to keep your eyes moist.
If your eyelids are twitching, you can apply a warm towel to your eyes.
Botulinum toxin (Botox) injections can also relieve eyelid twitching and blepharospasm, but more Botox injections may be needed if the injections are not effective.

You should pay more attention to these symptoms because eyelid twitching can become chronic.

If the phenomenon of eyelid twitching persists, it can become a chronic condition called benign essential blepharospasm. ! (Recommended reading: Chest tightness, anxiety and chronic fatigue are autonomic nervous disorders? Do this to regain your health)

  • Blepharitis.
  • Conjunctivitis or pink eye.
  • Dry eyes.
  • Environmental irritants such as wind, bright light, sunlight, air pollution, etc.
  • Sensitivity to light.
  • Too much stress.
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol, caffeine.

Eyelid twitching could be caused by a brain or nerve disorder

Although eyelid twitching is trivial, it can sometimes be a symptom of a related condition, such as a brain or nerve disorder, such as

Bell’s palsy : This is a disorder of the cranial nerves that causes us to lose control of the muscles on one side of our face, resulting in facial paralysis.
Dystonia : Muscles in the body are deformed by constant contraction and the body cannot move freely.
Cervical dystonia (also known as wryneck): The head is tilted to one side due to muscle or bone problems in the neck.
Multiple Sclerosis (MS): A disease in which the central nervous system (CNS) produces an abnormal immune response leading to inflammation.
Parkinson’s disease (PD): A chronic neurodegenerative disorder that affects the central nervous system, primarily the motor nervous system.
Tourette Syndrome (TS): A neurological disorder characterised mainly by tics of movement and sound.


If eyelid twitching becomes too frequent, consult a doctor.

Although eyelid twitching can be an annoying and uncomfortable experience, it’s usually harmless and can be easily remedied with a few simple lifestyle changes. If your twitching persists, see your doctor to rule out any underlying medical conditions. Remember to take good care of your eyes by getting plenty of rest, reducing stress and staying hydrated.

It’s important to note that if the frequency of eyelid twitching is too high, or if there are additional symptoms, you should seek medical attention. Corneal scratches, drooping eyelids and persistent twitching can all be signs of more serious conditions such as blepharospasm. What’s more, eyelid twitching can also affect other parts of the face, so it’s important to be aware of any changes in your symptoms. Overall, by taking good care of your eyes and treating any underlying problems, you can find relief from eyelid twitching and enjoy a more comfortable daily life.

Corneal scratches can also cause eyelid twitching. If the following situations occur, it is recommended that you see an ophthalmologist to avoid more serious conditions:

  • Eyes are red, swollen or have foreign matter in them.
  • Drooping eyelid.
  • Each time the eyelid twitch occurs, the eyes close tightly, which is likely to be blepharospasm.
  • Blepharospasm lasts for more than a few weeks.
  • Eyelid twitching can also affect other parts of the face.

In other articles, we’ll learn more about preventing eyelid twitches and your health.

Natural remedies for eyelid twitching
Causes of eyelid twitching and how to fix it
Home remedies for eye twitching
Yoga for eye twitching
Eye exercises to stop eyelid twitching
Essential oils for eyelid twitching
Vitamins to help with eye twitching
How to reduce eye strain and prevent eyelid twitching
Acupuncture for eye twitching
Eyelid twitching and magnesium deficiency
Best foods to eat for eye health
How to prevent eye twitching during computer use
Eye massage for eyelid twitching relief

Top 8 best WebP to JPG online tools (2023 update)

online conversion tools

Since Google introduced the WebP format, more and more websites have been using it. This format offers two image compression modes, lossy and lossless, and presents high-quality images in smaller file sizes, improving website loading speed and using less server bandwidth.

If you get a picture from a website, it may have a .webp file extension. WebP images can be inconvenient because you can’t use the default Windows photo viewer or other viewing software to open them.

Online conversion tools are web-based applications that allow users to convert files, data or content from one format to another. These tools can be used to convert a wide range of file types, including images, videos, audio, documents, and more. They are typically free or low-cost, and can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection.

Some examples of online conversion tools include:

  1. File converters: These tools allow users to convert files from one format to another. For example, a user can convert a PDF file to a Word document, or an image file from one format to another.
  2. Video converters: These tools allow users to convert video files from one format to another. For example, a user can convert a video from MP4 to AVI format.
  3. Audio converters: These tools allow users to convert audio files from one format to another. For example, a user can convert an audio file from MP3 to WAV format.
  4. Unit converters: These tools allow users to convert units of measurement from one system to another. For example, a user can convert inches to centimeters, or miles to kilometers.

Online conversion tools are useful for a variety of purposes, including creating content, sharing files, and making data more accessible. They are easy to use, and can save users time and effort by automating the conversion process.

WebP files cannot be imported into Photoshop, nor can .webp files be inserted into Word files. Therefore, you need to convert the WebP file to JPG or PNG for further use.

This article will introduce the 8 best free WebP online conversion tools, allowing you to quickly convert WebP files intoPNGorJPG.

What is the WebP file format?

WebP file is a file format specially developed by Google for images. It can reduce the file size while maintaining the image quality.

WebP files make websites load faster, because a large number of image files can slow down the loading speed of web pages,This format can also extend battery life on mobile devices. Google says that WebP images are 30 percent smaller in size than PNG and JPEG images of the same quality.

Google introduced this format in 2010 and has a page dedicated to itCompression technology used by WebP.

The following browsers and operating systems support WebP display:

How to open a WebP file?

You don’t need to install any professional software or specific browser to open WebP files. In most cases, you can double-click the file and it will open in your default browser.

If you want to edit a WebP file, you can use the built-in software to open it, such as the Windows Painter or the Mac Preview program. You can open the software first and then open the WebP file, or you can right-click the file, choose Open File, and select the software.

How to convert WebP file to JPG?

you can’t use mostgraphics softwareorphoto editing softwareto convert WebP to JPG, but there are specific software that can handle such needs.

The easiest way is to use Little Painter’s save as function, then you canPhotoshoporGIMPto open the file in and make further edits.

In the Mac Preview program, just go to“file”>“Output”, and select the file format you want to use. Besides, there are many free online file converters available, which will be introduced below.

How to prevent Chrome from saving images in WebP format?

If you want to save a picture you see on the web, you can right-click on the picture and select“Save Image”. In most cases, it will be stored in .webp format by default.

You can’t prevent Chrome from saving images in this format, but you can use browsers that don’t support it, such as Internet Explorer. In this browser, when you want to save a picture, it will be saved as JPG or PNG.

8 Best WebP to JPG Online Tools

1. Online-Convert


Online-Convert is a comprehensive file conversion platform where you can find all types of file conversion tools. The file types it converts include documents, images, files, audio, videos and e-books.

Below are some of the features of this powerful online file converter.

  • It allows you to convert videos to a device-specific format so that they can be played on Android devices, iPhone, iPad, iPod, Blackberry, PSP, Playstation, and more.
  • It allows you to specify the output quality before starting the conversion.
  • You can crop pixels, manage DPI, resize images, and convert color images to monochrome or grayscale.
  • Batch conversion of files is supported.

Without further ado, let’s see how to convert WebP to JPG on

  • Move your mouse to “Image converter” on the main page.
  • Select “Convert to JPG” from the drop-down menu and click “Go”.
  • Drag your WebP file into the box and the file will start uploading immediately.
  • Fine-tune the settings and click “Start conversion”.
  • Click “Download” to download the JPG file. You can also click “Cloud Upload” to upload images to cloud storage.

2. WebPtoPNG


As its name suggests, WebPtoPNG is an application dedicated to converting WebP to PNG. Acceptable file sources include files from your computer, Dropbox or a web site.

It allows batch converting WebP files to PNG images, uploading your WebP files by browsing files or directly dragging and dropping files.

Click the “CONVERT ALL” button and wait for all files to be converted.After the conversion is completed, click “DOWNLOAD ALL” to download and store inZIP archiveAll PNG images in .

WebPtoPNG There are two other WebP converters, WebPtoJPG and WebPtoGIF, on the same website. Click on “WebP to JPG” or “WebP to GIF” and you will be connected to the corresponding page.

You can quickly convert WebP to JPG on your website or convert dynamic WebP images to GIF format.

3. Aconvert


Aconvert is another useful online conversion site that can convert various file types such as videos, audios, files, documents and images.

Like WebPtoPNG and Online-Convert, Aconvert allows you to process multiple files simultaneously. You can upload up to 10 files at a time, but each file upload cannot exceed 40MB in size.

Click “Add Files” to upload your WebP file, select “PNG” or “JPG” in the “Target” box, and click “Convert Now” to start the conversion.

After the conversion is complete, you will see the output file. Right-click the output file and select “Save link as” to save the output PNG or JPG file to your hard drive.

4. Speedpdf


Speedpdf is specially processedPDF filewhich provides a series of related functions, such asConvert PDF to WordExcel, PPT,JPG, and vice versa of course.besidesPDF unlock,PDF segmentation,PDF compressionandPDF Mergerand other tools.

Apart from that, it also provides free converters that allow you to convert WebP to PNG or JPEG. You can expect its super fast conversion speed. But it should be noted that you must register and log in to use Speedpdf’s services.

  • Select the “WEBP to JPEG” option and you will be redirected to a new page.
  • Choose from “WEBP to JPG” and “WEBP to PNG”. Click “Choose File” to add your file, or drag and drop the file into the box. SpeedPDF also allows you to upload files from sources like Google Drive or Dropbox.
  • Click “Convert” to start converting.
  • Once the conversion is complete, click the little “Download” button and a dialog box will appear. Click “Download JPEG” or “Download PNG” to get a JPEG or PNG file.

5. FreeConvert


FreeConvert is a free online file converter website that allows you to convert files such as images, videos, documents and audios to another format.

It claims to support more than 500 file formats, FreeConvert can accept almost all image formats and convert pictures to PDF, JPG, PNG,GIF,TIFFWEBP, ICO andBMP.

To protect your privacy, all uploaded images will be deleted from the server. It’s worth mentioning that you can use the advanced settings to adjust the image. You can specify the output image quality, set the compression value, and resize the output image.

  • Go to the “IMAGE Converters” panel and select “PNG” as the conversion format.
  • Drop your WebP file into the workspace, or click “Choose Files” to upload the file.
  • Clicking the “pinion” button will bring up the “Advanced Options” panel.
  • Set the configuration according to your needs and click “Apply Settings”.
  • Click the “Convert To PNG” button to start the conversion.
  • Download the PNG file to your computer.You can also save PNG files to your Dropbox orGoogle Drive.

6. Vertexshare WebP Converter Online

Vertexshare WebP Converter Online

Vertexshare WebP Converter Online is quite a new online file conversion tool, which can perform WebP and PNG, JPG,SVGBMP, iCO conversion.

Believe it or not, you don’t need to upload your images to a server to convert them. That is, you can import files into the program without an internet connection. Isn’t it amazing, right?

Another thing worth mentioning is that the program allows you to fine-tune the size and quality of the output image. Drag and upload your WebP image, then choose PNG or JPG as the output format. Click “Start” to start converting WebP images. After the conversion is complete, the PNG or JPG files will be downloaded to your hard drive immediately.

7. iLoveIMG


iLoveIMG is a website dedicated to dealing with pictures, you can find almost all the functions you want.For example, you can reduce cropping, compress images, add stickers, effects, and borders to images, inAdd watermark to pictureand convert PNG, GIF, TIF, SVG, WEBP or RAW to JPG.

  • Select “Convert to JPG”.
  • Click “Select images” to upload your WebP images.
  • Click “Convert to JPG” and the conversion will be completed within minutes.
  • Click “Download converted images” to get your JPG file.

8. Convertio


Convertio is a very popular file converter that provides free video, audio, picture, document, file, e-book and presentation file conversion services.It supports more than 25,600 conversions between more than 300 different file formats.

For the safety of your files, the converted files will be deleted after 24 hours. Click “Choose Files”, select your WebP file and open it.

Choose PNG or JPG as the output image format. Next, click the “Convert” button. Your file will be uploaded to the server and converted to the format you want. Click the blue “Download” button to download the file.


There are several online tools available that can convert WebP images to JPG format. Here are some options:

  1. This is a popular online conversion tool that allows you to convert WebP images to JPG format. Simply upload your WebP image, select JPG as the output format, and click the “Convert” button.
  2. Convertio is another online tool that can convert WebP images to JPG format. Simply drag and drop your WebP image onto the webpage, select JPG as the output format, and click the “Convert” button.
  3. Zamzar is a versatile online conversion tool that can convert a wide variety of file formats, including WebP to JPG. Simply upload your WebP image, select JPG as the output format, enter your email address, and click the “Convert” button. The converted file will be sent to your email address once the conversion process is complete.
  4. CloudConvert is another online conversion tool that can convert WebP images to JPG format. Simply upload your WebP image, select JPG as the output format, and click the “Start Conversion” button.

All of these online tools are free to use and can be accessed from any web browser. However, keep in mind that these tools may have limitations on file size or the number of conversions per day, so be sure to read the terms of service before using them.

in conclusion

The above is the introduction of the best WebP to JPG online tools, all of them are free to use, and the operation interface is simple and the conversion is fast. At the same time, it supports the batch conversion function, I believe it can effectively solve your problem.