5 tips to turn you into an IG sensation!

Source of the first image:getchute

Worried about your lack of Instagram exposure? In fact, the most fundamental solution is to increase the number of followers.

Let’s take a look at what IG users are doing? According to the “Instagram Taiwan User Behavior Survey” commissioned by Nielsen last year, 18-34 years old are active users of IG, and most of them are women. Most of the female users pursue fashion and trends, and some people like to share wonderful things; while men like to try new things.

IG’s main visual social mode, image stimulation makes personal or brand images easy to remember, coupled with its tagging and commenting functions, can cause huge community connections. The founder of Headbands of Hope, a brand specializing in designing hairbands, shared that among all the social platforms set up by the brand, IG has the highest return on investment. Because in addition to likes, followers will also leave comments to tag friends, and some people will even upload their own clothes with the words “Headbands” and tag them with Headbands. In other words, when you add a follower to your IG, it can bring a “1+N” exposure effect.

(image source:smartM)

Exposure is the key to marketing and is closely related to the number of followers. If you want to increase the number of followers of your brand on IG, you can effectively use the following five tips to increase the number of followers.

One, focus on photo appearance and promotion

Young people are the main users of IG, and they are sensitive to images. There are tens of millions of new photos on IG every day. If you want others to follow you, you must first make the photos more impressive and catch the attention of the masses. Paul Webster, head of brand development at IG Asia Pacific, once said that there are three keys to high-profile images: presenting a moving brand logo, consistent product imagery, and pictures in the form of storytelling.

Also, because the chances of users automatically searching for you are very low. Therefore, it is necessary to take the initiative, such as placing advertisements to increase exposure, and allowing photos to actively appear on the user’s dynamic wall.

2. Cooperate with big coffee users

First of all, who are the target customers? Then find an influential user with a large number of followers to cooperate with. Partner with opinion leaders. Another method is to provide the serial number used for product promotion, and pay the big coffee users according to the activation quantity of the serial number.

Third, leave a message under the photos of other users

Comments are better than likes when interacting with other people on other accounts! Because the number of likes is always greater than the number of comments, and users will pay more attention to comments with textual content, and then notice your account. Don’t forget to target your target customer base to make sure they are interested in you.

Fourth, find a way to let users tag friends

Sending an article allows users to actively leave a message, tag (tag) friends’ photos and text content, such as tagging two friends to draw a lottery or send a gift. Or use the sharing mentality. When your photos are novel and interesting enough, users will want to invite friends to watch. Another method is emotional echoes. For example, Snoopy’s official IG often uploads illustrations of some friendship stories. Users may associate some friends and mark them when they see the pictures.

Fifth, tell users about yourbrand or businessvalue

Each user joins or cancels account tracking is just a matter of click, so you should share with users the reason for tracking you, what is the value of this brand or business? Take Headbands of Hope, a charity that focuses on helping girls with cancer. For every hairband consumers buy, they send an identical to the sick child and post a photo on social media. Use practical actions to cooperate with the power of social media to specifically display the brand’s concept and image to attract users’ recognition and attention.

(image source:smartM)

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